
Mr. S. Muthulingam
Assistant Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Prof. S. Muthulingam is a B. Tech graduate in Information Technology from Jayam College of Engineering and Technology in Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu. He subsequently pursued a Master of Technology in Information Technology from PSG College of Technology in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
With a rich teaching background, he has contributed his expertise in various renowned engineering colleges. His notable achievements include a proven track record of guiding and motivating students, along with an exceptional ability to teach within multi-ethnic and multicultural learning environments.
Professor S. Muthulingam's research interests center around the fusion of database management with machine learning, with the aim of achieving more efficient search results. His enthusiasm for staying at the forefront of technology is evident, as he eagerly seeks to acquire knowledge related to the latest advancements in the field.
Publication of Patent
- A Patent has been published in Intellectual Property India on the title of “Diagnosis and Management of COVID-19 using Artificial Intelligence.”
Publication of Journal
- Published a journal on the title of “Privacy Based Discrimination Prevention Using Virtual Passwords and Anonymization Methods” ISSN: 0011-9342| Year 2021-Design Engineering.
- Submitted a journal on the tittle “Fused Medical Image Classification Based on Neighboring Pixel Centered Sparsity Classification Method with Artificial Bee Colony Optimization”, NeuroQuantology: Vol. 20, Issue 10 (2022), pp. 9051-9062, Scopus, Impact Factor: 0.453, ISSN: 1303-5150.
- Published a paper in Scopus journal on the title of “IOT Based Gas Leakage Detection System” at Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College ICSCDS 2023 held on 23-25- March-2023.
- Published a paper in Scopus journal on the title of “Early Detection of Breast Cancer using Machine Learning” at Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology-ICSCSS 2023, Coimbatore held on 14-16- June-2023
Guest Lecture Organized
- A Guest Lecture has been organized in an online mode on the title of “OSI Layer Implementation with hands on session using Packet Tracer”. The expert from Vel Tech Deemed University on 06-10-2021.
- A Guest Lecture has been organized in an online mode on the title of “Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptographic algorithms with hands on session”. The expert from Vel Tech Deemed University on 07-10-2021.
Conference/Seminar/Workshop Attended
- Presented a Technical paper in my M.Tech –II semester with the title of “IMS application server’s roles, requirements and implementation technology”.
- Participated a fourth national conference on innovations in information and Communication Technology2008.
- Participated in one day workshop on national program on technology enhancing Learning-NPTEL -2009.
- Participated a fifth national conference on innovation in information and Communication Technology2009.
- Presented a paper titled “Handoff in Heterogeneous wireless Networks using Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithm” in National Symposium for Post Graduate Students at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Presented a paper titled “Handoff in Heterogeneous wireless networks Using Vertical handoff decision algorithm” in Tamilnadu college engineering-ETCCI2011 technically co-sponsored by CIIT international journal held on 10th and 11th March-2011.
- Presented a paper on the title of “Trust Aware Payment Scheme for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks Using SHA-3 Algorithm” in KARPAGAM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ICIIECS’14 held on 13th and 14thMarch-2014.
- Presented a paper on the title of “Multiparty Access Control for Online Social Network Anonymization by Clustering” in KARPAGAM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ICIIECS’14 held on 13th and 14th- March-2014.
- Presented a paper on the title of “IOT Based Gas Leakage Detection System” at Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College ICSCDS 2023 held on 23-25- March-2023.
- Presented a paper under the title of “Early Detection of Breast Cancer using Machine Learning” at Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology-ICSCSS 2023, Coimbatore held on 14-16- June-2023.
- Attended Five days “Wipro Mission 10X program” at Tamilnadu College of Engineering During April-30 to May-04-2011
- Attended a Short-term training program on Internet of Things (IoT) from a perspective with Andriod,Arduino and Thingworx at SNS College of Technology During from 4th to 6th April- 2016 .
- Attended a workshop on Big Data & Hadoop Organized by IFC3 India & AICRAD Study in association with Infero, SciTech council IIT-Hyderabad at Tamilnadu College of Engineering during 31st March to 1st April-2016.
- Attended a Two Weeks AICT Sponsored workshop on Cyber Forensic Security Organized by Francis Xavier Engineering College at Tirunelveli during 10 June to 22 June -2019.
- Attended a Six days webinar, Faculty Development Programme on “Research and Application Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence” Organized by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology and Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College during 16 June to 21 June -2021
- Attended a Six days webinar, Faculty Development Programme on “Social Networks Analysis” Organized by Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore during 20 Dec to 25 Dec -2021
- Attended a Two days webinar, Faculty Development Programme on “Data Security and Data Science with R Programming Tools” Organized by RVS College of Engg and Tech, Coimbatore during 01 Oct to 02-Oct -2021.
- Attended a Two-Week Professional Development Program on “Web Application Development” from 11th July 2022 to 22nd July 2022, at Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Autonomous)
- Attended an One Week Faculty Development Program on “Designing and Modelling of IoT, AI & Ml Systems” from 1st Aug 2022 to 5th Aug 2022, Organized by- AICET, ATAL Academy, Arm Education and STMicroelectronics
- Attended an One Week FDP on “Foundations of Data Science” from 2nd Aug 2022 to 7th Aug 2022 Conducted by VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
- Attended a Two weeks International FDP on Computing Vision an Natural Language Processing Organized by Easwari Engineering College from 08-08-2022 to 18-08-2022.