Alliance Center for Intellectual Property Rights
Alliance Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (ACIPR) is established with an aim to evolve as a center of excellence in IPR Research and Innovation. It intends to engage academicians, jurists, research scholars and practitioners in research and training for the promotion and protection of IP rights. The Center is an initiative of Alliance School of Law, Alliance University Bengaluru for making active contribution in the development & promotion of all forms of IP rights. It aims to give special emphasis in fostering research & development in the unexplored areas of IP domain.
Our Mission
Alliance Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (ACIPR), strives to evolve into a global platform for innovators & creators in the promotion & protection of intellectual property rights, thereby making a positive change in the development of these rights at national & regional levels.
Aims and Objective of the Centre
- To create awareness among students, academicians and professionals.
- To encourage innovative research and development.
- To conduct workshops, moot-court, symposium, and seminars.
- To facilitate innovators to file patents.
- To facilitate Trade-Marks filing.
- To facilitate creative authors to file copyright for their original works.
- To encourage students, academicians and innovators towards innovation and help in protection of their rights.
- To offer certificate courses, diploma courses and one-year PG diploma courses in different fields of IPR.
- To bridge the gap between academic research and professionals through academic and industry collaboration.
- To establish an incubation center in collaboration with industry professionals.
- To publish research-based books, newsletters and regular journals on IPR.
- To promote IPR and sustainable development research.
Short Term Goals of ACIPR
- To create an IP ecosystem in the University.
- To publish books, journals and newsletters at regular intervals, where students, academicians, researchers can share their views regarding anything relevant to IPR.
- To bring academicians and IP practitioners or professionals to one platform.
- To conduct both inter-college and intra-college Quiz/Debate Competitions.
- To conduct National and International seminars, workshop, guest-lectures and competitions on IP developments.
- To conduct National and International Moot-court competition on IP.
- To collaborate with different governmental, non-governmental IP related organisations for research.
- To provide research internships to Law Students.
- To provide IP aid to the Alliance University students, helping them to apply for Patents, Trademark, Copyright and Designs.
Long Term Goals of ACIPR
- To evolve as one of the best IP research centres in the country.
- To provide Certificate and Diploma Courses on evolving areas of Intellectual Property Rights such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Privacy, Block Chain Technology, Traditional Knowledge, etc.
- To establish itself as a nodal centre in Karnataka to provide IP aid to all the Universities and Colleges.
- To take up governmental research projects in the areas of IP.
- To receive funding from government and non-governmental organisation to conduct IP related socio legal research.
- Chief patron
- Mr. Abhay G. Chebbi
Alliance University
- Advisor
- Dr. V. Shyam Kishore
Professor & Associate Dean – Academic Affairs
Dean – Alliance School of Law

- Mahek Panjwani (President)
- Solasa.V.G.K.Vaishnavi (Vice President)
- Malavika Rajeevan (Vice President)
- Jeevana H Reddy (Convener)
- Kandukuri Lakshmi Priya (Co-Convener)
- Bhavishya Gangwani (Secretary)
- Arpan Soni (Co-Secretary)
- Pranay Dhakad (Creative Head)
- Dimple Ganiga P (Co-Creative Head)
- Kavitha Christo Nelson (Research Scholar)
- Nupur Adawadkar (Research Scholar)
- Bhuvaneswari S (Research Scholar)
- Bhavana Tewari
- Majjari Pavani
- Immidisetty Navya Raga Sravan
- Kadimi Lakshmi Harshitha
- Snigdha Tadakanti
- Swetha M
- Hemalatha R
- Kurella Venkat
- Kruthikaa Shree
- S Chetna
- Shree Kailash
- Subha B
- Suma Bijimalla
- Sahiba Verma
- Meghana Hrishitaa
- Saraswati kumari
- Lakshmi kumari
- Aditi Pandey
- Mahi Ajay Shrivastava
- Rania Rifaya
- Janus Jabir
- Maushmmi M
- Ayush Bharadwaj
- Sanjana Palisetti
- Shaik Ishrath Sadique
- Apoorva Kumari
- Ananya Konur
- Dimple Ganiga P
- Godavari Sharma
- Jishnu Venkataraman
- Ipsita Sarkar (ACIPR, Alumni Coordinator) – Associate, SNG and Partners
- Ajinkya Malgaonkar- Advocate
- Sonam Pradhan- Advocate
- Madhav Goyal- Director, RG’s Cashmera
- Aditya Sharma- Associate, Origin IP
- Pari Agrawal- Advocate
- Sanskriti Oraon- Advocate
- Paarth Samdani - Associate, Khaitan & Co., Mumbai
- Arkadeep Pal - Associate, Keystone Partners and Solicitors
- Ashmita Mitra - Associate, Clove Legal
- Kislay Tarun - Advocate
- Pramod Kumar Reddy - Associate, Factum Legal
- Chanvi G - Associate, Markanda Advocates
- Mutaman Amir - Associate, ITW Consulting
- Vishnupriya Prabhakar - Associate, Ayana Legal
- Charuprita G - Advocate
- Bharatee Preeya - Advocate
- Varun Nair - Associate, Jerome Merchant and Partners
- Sneha Tom - Advocate
- Sri Bhavanisha S - Advocate
- Chandana HP - Advocate
- Khyathi S - Advocate
- Rishikesh Arun - Advocate
- Sanjana S - Advocate
- Pramod Reddy - Advocate
- Indra Priyadarshini - Advocate