
Mr. L. Vetrivendan
Assistant Professor & Central ERP Coordinator
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Prof. L. Vetrivendan is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Alliance School of Engineering and Design. With over 13 years of teaching experience in Computer Science subjects, he has established himself as an expert in his field. He holds an M.E. degree in Software Engineering from Rajalakshmi Engineering College and a B.Tech degree in Information Technology from DMI College of Engineering, both affiliated with Anna University. Currently, he is pursuing his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at Galgotias University.
Mr. Vetrivendan is a firm believer in productivity and efficiency in his work. He demonstrates an honest work ethic and excels in fast-paced, time-sensitive environments. As a passionate teacher, he believes that his role goes beyond merely helping students understand course concepts; he also aims to develop their critical thinking skills and encourage them to explore alternate problem-solving approaches. His dedication extends to the overall development of his students.
Notably, Mr. Vetrivendan has an impressive track record in research, having published more than 10 Scopus papers and filled two patents in the current year. His commitment to academia and innovative contributions showcase his expertise and dedication to advancing the field of Computer Science.
- Paper accepted in Scopus Journal on CCNN: An Artificial Intelligent based Classifier to Credit Card Fraud Detection System with Optimized Cognitive Learning Model in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 11 Issue: 5s, DOI: https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i5s.6640, 21 April 2023.
- Paper accepted in Scopus Journal on “Semantic Marginal Autoencoder Model for the Word Embedding Technique for the Marginal Denoising in the Different Languages” in International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Feb 2023, ISSN:2147-6799
- Published a paper in Springer, Singapore on “Image Classification in Python Using Keras. In Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management, Jan 2022 (pp. 541-556).(2022).
- Published a paper in IEEE International Conference on the topic “Model Analysis of Real Time Fraud Detection Using Various Advanced Prediction Classification Algorithms”, International Conference on 4th Innovative Product Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, 25-26 November 2022.
- Published a paper in Scopus Journal on Intelligent Home Automation Program in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 Issue: May 2020
- Published a paper in Scopus Journal on “Analysis of Efficient Predictive Algorithms for Fraud Detection in Credit Cards” in the International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 03, March 2020 (ISSN 2277-8616).
- Published a paper in Scopus Journal on “Flight Plan Route Optimization and Increase the Profit in Airline Industry by Using Hybrid Bcf Algorithm” in ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, Volume: 10, Issue: 03 | Sep 2019(ISSN: 2229-6948
- Paper accepted on “Using Machine Learning for Bank Loan Approval Prediction” in International Conference on Artificial-Business Analytics, Quantum and Machine Learning: Trends, Perspectives, and Prospects, May 2023.
- Paper accepted on “Using Machine Learning for Bank Loan Approval Prediction” in International Conference on Artificial-Business Analytics, Quantum and Machine Learning: Trends, Perspectives, and Prospects, May 2023.
- Paper accepted in 18th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology energy “Facial Expression recognition using Machine learning Algorithm” May 2023.
- Paper titled: Advanced Lane Detection for Autonomous Driving “got accepted in 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking- ICAC3N, April 2023.
Responsibilities handle in Previous Institution
- Academic Coordinator for School of Computing Science and Engineering of Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh from 2020 to 2021.
- Time-Table Coordinator for School of Computing Science and Engineering of Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh from 2018 to 2022.
- ERP Coordinator for School of Computing Science and Engineering at Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh from 2017 to 2022.
Area of Interest
- Data warehousing & Data Mining using weka tools.
- Predictive Analytics using python
- Artificial Intelligence
- Software Engineering and its Lab
- Computer Architecture
- Java Programming and its lab
- Object Oriented Programming Languages and its lab
- Computer Programming and Problem Solving.
- Web Technologies