
Mr. Devadas Rajaram
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Liberal Arts and Humanities
Devadas Rajaram is a highly skilled educator specializing in Digital Journalism, with expertise in various areas including multimedia storytelling, Mobile Journalism, Social Media, Data Journalism, Podcasting, AR/VR/360 immersive storytelling, Drone Journalism, AI, and Prompt Engineering. He has an impressive background, having served as the former senior editor-in-chief of Info2Cell.com, which stands as the world's first mobile storytelling platform. Devadas Rajaram is recognized as one of the pioneers in mobile journalism and interactive multimedia storytelling.
He holds a Master's degree in International Multimedia Journalism from Newcastle University in the United Kingdom, which provides him with a solid academic foundation in the field. Devadas Rajaram has also held teaching positions at esteemed institutions such as the American University in Bulgaria and Stuttgart Media University in Germany. Furthermore, he has had the privilege of being a visiting professor at Hyderabad Central University.
- Co-authored "Social Media Storytelling" with Dr.Marie Elisabeth Mueller and top industry experts and influencers, London: Routledge | Francis & Taylor.
- Wrote the chapter "It’s not about the room, it’s about the mindset - How to create an integrated newsroom with digital workflows and cross-border collaboration, in: Creating Innovation Spaces: Impulses for Start-ups and Established Companies in Global Competition, ed. by: Volker Nestle, Patrick Glauner, Philipp Plugmann, Geneva: Springer.
- Co-editor and contributor to the book series “Now Media”, with Prof. HaraldEichsteller and Prof. Dr. Marie Elisabeth Mueller, from 2017 - to-date, NOMOS publishing house, Baden-Baden, Germany. Platform for excellent graduates to publish their thesis on innovative topics.
- Co-authored a chapter on the Global Pop-Up Newsroom for UNESCO’s 2014 Media and Information Literacy Yearbook with Prof. Dr. Melisa Wall (California State University– Northridge) and Dr. David Baines (Newcastle University, UK).
Named one of the top 20 innovative journalism educators in the world by MediaShift.