
Mr. Sayantan Mukherjee
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Business
Sayantan is currently working in the field of Influencer Marketing and its behavioural adoption among the Gen Zs, therefore studying its impact on the consumer susceptibility and the evolving digital and social media marketing strategies among the brands. He has submitted his doctoral thesis with Vellore Institute of Technology, pursuing PhD in Marketing. He is engaged in teaching Marketing Management, Sales & Distribution, Consumer Behaviour, Brand Management, Digital Marketing, Retail Management, Mall Management, New Store Planning, Store Designing and Visual Merchandising to the budding managers. Beside academics, he has a 3 years of industry experience working in the arena of B2B and B2C Sales & Marketing.
- Neogi, S., Mukherjee, S., Verma, A., (02/2024). An Empirical Study on the Dependence of Social Media Platforms on the Digital Influencers to Gain Reliability as a Promotional Tool; Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/ Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology; Vol: 57(02), Pg: 482-493, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10700287 (Scopus Q2)
- Mukherjee, S., Neogi, S., Verma, A., (02/2024). Influencer Marketing: Way to a Sustainable Marketing Approach; Driving Decentralization and Disruption with Digital Technologies, IGI Global; DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3253-5.ch013 (Scopus)
- Mukherjee, S., Neogi, S., Verma, A., (12/2023). Employee Dynamics Analyzing Smartpod. (Indian Patent No. 400580-001). The Patent Office, Government of India. Journal No. 51/2023, Journal Date: 22/12/2023, https://search.ipindia.gov.in/designsearch
- Mukherjee, S., Gangwar, H., (05/2023). Role of Norms in the Adoption of Influencer Marketing among Consumers; World Journal of Management & Economics, Rosetta Publications, Vol: 16 (sp. 01), Pg: 41-67, https://wesro.org/volume-16-sp-01/ (ABDC)
- Mukherjee, S., Gangwar, H., (04/2023). Empirical Study on The Impact of Influencer Marketing over the Customer Susceptibility in the Indian Retail Sector: A Study on Emerging Gig Economy of a Developing Country; The Empirical Economic Letters, Vol: 22 (04), http://www.eel.my100megs.com/volume-22-number-4.htm (ABDC, Publons, ISI, Cabell’s Directory, ERA, JEL, EconLit)
- Mukherjee, S., Jason, A.P., Selvakumar, A., (04/2022). Empirical Study on Understanding Online Buying Behaviour through Machine Learning Algorithms; Model Assisted Statistical Applications, IOS Press, Vol: 17, Pg: 59-68, DOI: 10.3233/MAS-220008 (ABDC, Scopus, Cabell’s Guide, CIS, Mathematical Reviews, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory)
- Mukherjee, S., Jason, A.P., Selvakumar, A., (12/2020). Empirical Study on Online Buying Behaviour in Teenagers of Kolkata post Covid19; Sambodhi (UGC Care, a quarterly peer reviewed, Referred Research Journal) Pg. no. 132, Vol: 43, No. 04 (VII).
- Cleared 23rd WBSET (Management) by WBCSC (2022)
- 2nd Top scorer in Academics, PGDM (2016-2018), Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow
- Paper titled “An Empirical Study on the Dependence of Social Media Platforms on the Digital Influencers to Gain Reliability as a Promotional Tool” presented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Management” STEM Conference, Vellore Institute of Technology, 30th – 31st March 2023.
- Paper titled “Transformation of Online Buying Behavior post-pandemic. Is it Permanent?” presented in 3rd International Conference on Innovative Research Practices in Social Sciences (IRPSS-2022) – 10th to 12th December 2022.
- Paper titled “Influencer Marketing: Way to a sustainable marketing approach” presented in International Management Conference on Contemporary Technology Challenges in Business, 2022 (IMCCTCB-22) – 10th & 11th November 2022.
- Paper titled “Study for Understanding Online engagement and associated Buying Behaviour in Teenagers post pandemic” presented in International Conference on Data Analytics and Computational Techniques (ICDACT-2021) – December 2021.
- Presented paper in 4th National Business Research Conference (NBRC-2020) – December 2020.