


Dr. Ravi Chakraborty

Director of Communication for Liberal Arts

Department of Language & Literature

Dr. Ravi Chakraborty holds a Doctoral degree in Humanities & Social Sciences from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. His research is motivated as a reaction to the Sokal affair that deeply scarred the humanities and social sciences as a discipline and held them back from freely interacting with the "harder" sciences. However, with the rise of the creature that is digital humanities, the humanities must reassert the right to have a philosophical conversation with the sciences and not just remain mute and grateful adopters of technological tools as the 'gifts' of science.

The meta-theoretical nature of his research interests makes him develop a stake in the philosophy of mathematics, of science and technology. With a background defined by a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at IIT Kanpur and a Masters in English Literature at the University of Delhi, he seeks to orient his pedagogical training to rethink established connotations of interdisciplinarity.

  • Ravi Sekhar Chakraborty and Clement Lion (University of Lille).(2020).Two Convergences to Dynamic Formalism. Bakhtin and Brouwer. Springer Dialog. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030614379
  • Ravi Sekhar Chakraborty. (2020).The Spectre of Self Organization: Will Algorithms Guide us Towards Truth. Volume on Algorithmic Culture Edited by Stefka Hristova and Jennifer Slacks. Lexington Books https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781793635730/Algorithmic-Culture-How-Big-Data-and-Artificial-Intelligence-Are-Transforming-Everyday-Life
Selected Presentations
  • “Statistics as Technology: On the Influence of Cybernetics on Planning in India”. Annual Conference of the Society of Philosophy of Technology. June 29. 2021 (Online)
  • “Only Mathematics is Mathematical”. Mathematical and Numerical Inspirations in Philosophy Conference at Department of Philosophy. Stanford University. April 1, 2020. (Online)
  • “What does a Mathematical Philosophy look like: Notes from Catastrophe Theory”. Invited Talk at the Mathematics Seminar Series. Department of Mathematics. IIIT Delhi. February 24.2020
  • "The Reversal as a Catastrophe: On the Substrate-Neutrality of Narrative Morphology”. International Conference on Narrative. New Orleans. March 5.2020
  • “Is Mathematics as a Model Discipline?”. International Conference on Disciplinarity in a Digital Age, IIT Delhi. January 11.2019