
Dr. Biswa Prakash Jena
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr.Biswa Prakash Jena has done his PhD from Birla School of Management of Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar. He completed his B.Tech from BPUT Odisha(2012) and MBA(HRM) at SOA University(2015).He has also completed FDP (Advanced Certificate Programme in Academic Research and Data Analysis) from Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode(2021). Before joining Alliance University, he worked in various academic and research positions at IIM Bangalore, GIM Goa and IIM Kozhikode. He also has industrial experience (worked at Accenture, Chennai). Prof. Jena has seven years of experience, and his research area is career management.
- Jena, B.P., Choudhary, A., Pal, M.K. and Misra, S. (2024), "Job content plateau and career commitment: the mediating role of developmental i-deals and the moderating role of proactive personality", Evidence-based HRM, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/EBHRM-07-2022-0163 (B in ABDC listed and Scopus Indexed)
- Jena, B.P., Choudhary, A., Pal, M.K. and Misra, S. (2024), "The effect of Job Content Plateau on career commitment: exploring moderated and mediated role of proactive personality and job crafting", Management Research Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/MRR-06-2022-0411 (C in ABDC listed and Scopus Indexed)
- Choudhary, A., Jena, B. P., & Patre, S. (2024). Unveiling the veil of workplace Loneliness: A Theory-Concept-Methodology (TCM) framework. Psychology Hub, 41(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.13133/2724-2943/1782 (Scopus Indexed)
- P Jena, et al., 2023. “Empirical test of the moderating role of proactive behaviour and mediating role of D I deals on managing job content plateau from JDR perspective”. Journal research paper in ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 2023, Vol. 13, No. 3. PP-54-73 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.17323/2312-5942-2022-13-3-54-7
- P Jena, A. Choudhury, and M. K. Pal, 2022. “Managing job content plateau through proactive personality: a conceptual framework”. Journal research paper in Int. J. Business Innovation and Research, Inderscience (Forthcoming for publication, Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049048
- P Jena, A. Choudhury, and M. K. Pal, 2022. “Job Content Plateau and Career Commitment: Double Mediation of intervening factors at Indian public sector”. Journal research paper in International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, Inderscience (Forthcoming for publication, Scopus Indexed)
Book Chapters:
- S Khatri and B P Jena, “Employer Branding- An Insight from Bibliographic Review: Capturing the Future Research Scope” Book chapter in International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought, Conference Proceedings,pp.164-173. Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Publication. ISBN: 978-93-5408-083-8
- S Das, B P Jena and et al., “The Role of Green Behavior Between Workplace Well-Being and Personal Green Value” Book chapter in Recent Advancements in Computational Finance and Business Analytics ,Chapter 10.1007, Springer Nature Publication. ISBN: 978-3-031-38073-0 DOI-https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-38074-7_33. (Scopus Indexed)
- S Das and B P Jena, “Green HRM and Employee Retention: Mediation effect of Employee Engagement” Book chapter in International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought, Conference Proceedings, pp.713-721. Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Publication. ISBN: 978-93-5493-297-7
- P Jena, A. Choudhury, and M. K. Pal, 2021. “Developmental Idiosyncratic Deals and Career Commitment: Mediation Effect of Organization Commitment”. Book Chapter in Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Business Management: Post-covid 19, pp. 273-282. Routledge (Taylor & Francis) Publication, ISBN 9781032214443.
- Best Paper Award (first runner up) for paper titled. “Job Crafting as a Mediator between Job Content Plateau and Career Commitment: A Study of Indian Executives” at 9th PAN IIM World Management Conference, held from 21 & 24 January 2024 at IIM Sambalpur, India.
- Best Paper Award for paper entitled “Job content plateau from career growth perspective: mediation effect of career sustainability” at “International Conference on Innovation & Management: The Way Ahead” Conclave organized by Kirloskar Institute of Management, Bangalore from September 29 & 30, 2022.
- Presented a paper titled “An examination of Career Resilience Using Bibliometric Analysis: Present state, progress , and Potential areas of research ” at MERC-2024, held from 31st May- 2nd June, 2024 at IIM Kashipur, India.
- Presented a paper titled “Protean Career Attitudes: A bibliometric analysis of the boundaryless orientation” at ICCBP-24, held from Jan 5-7, 2024 at MDI Murshidabad, India.
- Presented a paper titled “Can Developmental Ideals help employees overcome the negative impact of Job Content Plateau on Career Commitment?” at IMRDC-24, held from 2 & 3 February 2024 at IIM Bangalore, India.
- Presented a paper titled “Job Crafting as a Mediator between Job Content Plateau and Career Commitment: A Study of Indian Executives” at 9th PAN IIM World Management Conference, held from 21 & 24 January 2024 at IIM Sambalpur, India.
- Presented a case titled “ The Mother Who Gave Birth to An Idea: Prantae”, at the FORE International Case Conference (FICC) 2023, held online during June 02 - 03, 2023, at FORE School of Management, New Delhi.
- Presented a paper titled “The role of green behavior between workplace well-being and personal green value” at ICCFBA-23, held from 29th & 30th April 2023 at Interscience Research Network (IRNet), Bhubaneswar, India.
- Presented a paper entitled “Individual Green Value and Workplace Wellbeing: mediation effect of Green Behaviour” at “2nd PRISM International Conference” organized by Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur from November 17 & 19, 2022(Abstract published by Indian Institute of Management Nagpur,2023 ISBN: 9788195954605)
- Presented a paper entitled “Job content plateau from career growth perspective: mediation effect of career sustainability” at “International Conference on Innovation & Management: The Way Ahead” Conclave organized by Kirloskar Institute of Management, Bangalore from September 29 & 30, 2022.
- Presented a paper entitled “Green HRM and Employee Retention: Mediation effect of Employee Engagement” In Three Day Inter-National Conference on “Globalizing Indian Thought 2021” held in Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode on 16th – 18th December, 2021
- Presented a paper entitled “Developmental Idiosyncratic Deals And Career Commitment: Mediation Effect of Organization Commitment” In Three Day Inter-National Conference on “ICCBP 2021” held in Management Development Institute Murshidabad on 19th - 21st March, 2021
- Presented a paper entitled “Developmental I Deals and Job crafting: a conceptual framework for improving employees career commitment ” In Three Day Inter-National Conference on “INDAM-2020 ” held in IIM Tiruchirappalli on 2-4th January 2020.
- Presented a paper entitled “I Deals and High performer’s organization commitment: a study of Indian logistics sector ” In Two Day International Conference on “Global Trends In Business Practices and Management Education ” held in Birla Global University on 24- 25th January 2020.