
Mr. Anubhav Singh
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Business
Anubhav Singh is a Faculty of International Business and General Management and visiting faculty of International Business at different B-Schools in northern India. He founded "ArthGanit Consultant Private Limited, The Mastery, and Koshika Academy Private Limited," all of which deal with educational technology. He has been awarded UGC NET/JRF several times in Management and Commerce. He has done a Master's in business administration in International Business and Marketing and has also done a Master's in Economics (Gold Medalist) and a Master's in Commerce in International Business. Well versed with Business and Research Modelling software such as SPSS, EViews, Strata, AMOS, Advance MS excel etc. His professional career, spanning over 14 years in the fields of the airline industry and educational sector, included the following assignments.
- Singh, A (2023) “Understanding strategic Entrepreneurship: a resource- capability based view of firm's competitiveness” in Asian and Pacific Economic Review, Vol 16(1), pp 465-475 (ABDC Category)
- Singh, A (2023) Determinants of Employee Engagement in the Banking Industry: A case of Private and Public Sector Banks in Lucknow in Empirical Economics Letters, 22 (Special Issue 1) ,July 2023, pp 109-123 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8341829 (ABDC Category)
- Singh, A al (2023) “Generation Z Inclination Toward Electric Two-Wheelers - A Study on Developing Nations in Asian and Pacific Economic Review, Vol 16(1), pp 430-460 (ABDC Category)
- Singh, A and Ahluwalia, I (2023) Role of Media in the Empowerment of Tribal Women in Rajasthan in Empirical Economics Letters, 22 (Special Issue 4) ,Aug 2023, pp 113-136 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8346476 (ABDC Category)
- Singh, A (2023) “Data Mining Techniques for Road Accident Analysis: A Comprehensive Review and Comparative Study” in Asian and Pacific Economic Review, Vol 16(1), pp 456-464 (ABDC Category)
- Singh, A and Ahluwalia, I (2023) Factors Affecting Electric Vehicle Purchase Intentions: An Approach of the Developing Markets in Empirical Economics Letters, 22 (Special Issue 2) ,July 2023, pp 237- 253 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8349814 (ABDC Category)
- Singh, (2023), “Contributions of MNCs to poverty alleviation through CSR programs: Odisha Perspective”, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Vol-29(2), pp. 267-276 ( ABDC Category, WoS)
- Singh, A and et (2022), “An analysis of determinants of passenger satisfaction : with reference to Indian Aviation industry”, IJRAR, Vol-9(2), pp. 698-716 (UGC LISTED)
- Kumar, A, Singh, A and Sharma, D (2020), “ The Performance of Economic Sectors and Their Growing Non-Performing Assets in India,” in ‘International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering’ at Volume-9 Issue-4, ( Scopus)
- Singh, A and et al. (2019), “The effect of airline service quality on passenger satisfaction: Evidence in an emerging economy”, IJRAR, Vol-6(2), pp. 98-114 (UGC LISTED)
- Singh, A and et (2019), “Role of Information Technology on Supply Chain efficiency with respect to availability and service of products available in Retail Stores”, IJRAR, Vol-6(2), pp. 256-266 (UGC LISTED)
- Singh, A and Bansal, (2016) “ The ‘shadow’ of right to education for social Justice in India: elucidating barriers and creating opportunities” in “Man in India” Vol.96, No.4 (2016), SJR.19, pp.1258-1259 (A ‘peer reviewed’ journal indexed Scopus, Cabell’s Directory, and also distributed by EBSCO and Proquest Database etc ) ( Scopus)
- Singh, A and D.Bansal,(2016) “ A Comparative Study of Consumer Perception of Product Quality: Chinese Products versus Non-Chinese Product” in “International Journal of Economic Research” Vol.13, No.1 (2016), SJR.11 (A ‘peer reviewed’ journal indexed Scopus, Cabell’s Directory, and also distributed by EBSCO and Proquest Database etc (Scopus)
- Singh A and Pandey (2016) “E-Commerce in India –Consumer Buying Behaviour and Growth Trends an Exploratory Study in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies ISSN: 2321-8819 (Online) Impact Factor : 1.498
- Singh A and Pandey A., (2016) “Effectiveness Of Distribution Channels (Internet In Service Delivery With References To India in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT (ISSN 0976 – 2183), volume 7(6), 34-36 IC Value of 5.09
- Double peer Review Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, ProQuest, U.S.A.,EBSCO Publishing, U.S.A., Google Scholar, Cabell's Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. Open J-Gate,
- Singh A. and A. Pandey, (2016) “ Women Empowerment, Corporate Social Responsibility & Human resources development in International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering (IJMIE) (ISSN: 2249-0558) IF- 5.299 (PEER REVIEW JOURNAL LISTED IN THOMSON REUTERS, EBESCO, PROQUEST ETC)
- Singh A (2016), “Innovation-Driven Retail Industry: Challenges & Opportunities for Rural Management Research" International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce (ISSN: 2250-057X) Impact Factor – 662
- Singh A (2016) “ Future of Indian Air Travel Industry: Relation of Growth and Consumer Satisfaction (A Study Limited with Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India) in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol.4, Issue 6, May 2016 ISSN: 2321-8819 (Online) Impact Factor: 1.498
- Singh A (2016), A study of Current Scenario of Aviation Sector in India in International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 2, Issue 4, Apr 2016 ISSN: 2454- 2415 (Online)
- KP Singh, OM Jee Gupta Singh, A, (2015), “A Study on Quality of Work Life and Motivation among Employees in Special Reference of Indian Organizations” in Peer review International Journal of Advance Research of.Comm&Mgmt.June2015;1(2): ISSN NO: 2395-0749
- Singh A (2015), “Challenges in Indian education sector” in Peer review International Journal of Advance Research of.Comm&Mgmt. Sep 2015;1(3): ISBN NO ISSN NO: 2395-0749
Teaching and Industry Experience
- Account Sales In charge at Saudi Arabian Airlines at various national and International Locations.
- Assistant Professor and Head of Corporate Cell at Rama University,
- Assistant Professors and Research Administrators at Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar
- Senior Research Associate at IIM Lucknow
- Assistant Professor at Amity University
- Assistant Professor of International Business at Doon Business School, Dehradun affiliated to HNB Garhwal (Central University)
- Visiting Professor, KeiMyung University, KAC, South Korea
- Director Academics and Admission at Koshika Academy
- Subject Matter Expert at Unacademy, UpGrad
Mentorship Exposure
- Mentoring and guiding to Eureka-2023 at IIT Bombay Students for their Edtech and Fintech Startup
- Mentoring and guiding to Eureka Junior-2023 at IIT Bombay Students for their Edtech and Fintech Startup
- Mentoring and guiding to Eureka-2022 at IIT Bombay and IIT Kharagpur Students for their Edtech and Fintech Startup
- Mentoring and guiding to TTML at IIT Bombay students for their Edtech and Fintech Startup
- Mentoring and guiding to Neunetics Startup platform Students for their Startup
- Mentoring and guiding to Reverrapp Startup platform Students for their Startup
- Mentoring and guiding to Lady Shri Ram College of Commerce (University of Delhi, Delhi) Students for their Edtech and Fintech Startup
Academic Achievements
- Reviewer in Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Willey, Scopus Indexed
- Attended five days National Research Methodology Work at Amity University, Patna
- Conducted One Week Faculty development Program for Teachers as a Convener in Amity Patna
- Organized 2 days National Seminar on Contemporary issues in Business, Management andInformation Technology in Amity University at a Co-convener
- Conceptualize and Manage the 5th PAN IIM World Management Conference at IIM Lucknow asa conference Manager in Dec 2017
- Attended one week short term courses from 05h Aug 2019 to 09 Aug 2019 on Research Oriented Project work organized by NITTTR Chandigarh
- Editorial Board Member In International academy of Science, Engineering ad Technology
- Editorial Board Member In Research Culture Society Journals
- Reviewer in International Conference on Business, Human Resources and Education (ICBHRE-16) scheduled on Oct.11-12, 2016 at Dubai (UAE), SCI Indexed
- Reviewer in IASET: Journal of Business and General Management
- Reviewer in BEST: International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering
- Paper presented in 09th PAN IIM World Management Conference 2023 held from 21st Jan to 24th Jan “ Karmayoga in Bhagavad Gita: To understand the work responsibility in Organization” in IIM Sambalpur
- Paper Presented and Published In International Conference on “Prospectus and Competitive challenges in Global Hospitality and Tourism Industry “Paper Titled “Role of Foreign direct Investment in India’s tourism Sector (With reference to 2000-2014)
- Paper presented in International Conferences on “India Decade and Development “in University of Lucknow, Lucknow in 22-24 Sep’11
- Attended and Presented Paper in International Conferences in “Re-engineering of Banking Sector “In India” in Bareilly College Bareilly in 2007