
Dr. Vivekanand
Professor & Program Director - Ph.D.
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Vivekanand teaches in the area of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource. His research interest is mainly in the applied area of human behavior. He is a graduate and post-graduate from Delhi University, following which he completed his M.Phil. and Ph.D. from IIT Bombay from the Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Awards won
- Awarded Junior Research Fellowship (1992) by the UGC, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India.
- ‘Competency based orientation for HR functions’, in Gyandhara, Nov-Dec 2003, internal publication of Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore
- ‘Motivation in ITES Industry: Dimensionality with reference to Herzberg’s Theory’, published in the IJOB, Vol. VII (2), 18-27
- ‘Understanding the Aspirations of Prospective Employees’, published in the IJMR, December, 2008
- ‘Examining the Relationship between Aspirations and Organizational Citizenship Behavior’, published in the IJOB, January, 2009
- ‘Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Review’, published in the IJOB, October, 2009
- ‘A study of Multiple Intelligence among Post-graduate Management Students’, published in the IJOB, October, 2011
- ‘Leadership Development through Action Learning’, published in the Perfect Professional, Vol. 1(1), p. 20-26., 2013
- ‘Motivating and Hygiene factors with respect to retention and attrition in Indian IT companies’, published in the AIMT Journal of Management, Vol. 3 (1&2), 2014
Research Papers Presented/Published in the Conference Proceedings
- Turbulent times and the scope for holistic solutions’, presented and published in the proceedings of the National Seminar on Leveraging Turbulent Times for Competitive Advantage, July, 10-11, 2003, organized by Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore.
- ‘Developing a Framework to Aid Decisions with Reference to the Use of Different Storage Devices for Information Management’, presented and published in the proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology READIT – 2005, July 14-15, 2005, organized by Madras Library Association - Kalpakkam Chapter & Scientific Information Resource Division, IGCAR. Co-author with Rathnakar Acharya. Paper posted at the following URL: http://library.igcar.gov.in/readit2005conf/index.htm
- ‘Multiple Intelligence and Educational Preferences among Management Graduates’, presented at the Fourth AIMS International Conference on Management, December 28 – 31, 2006, IIM Indore
- ‘Understanding Aspirational Differences among Prospective Employees’, presented at the Fourth AIMS International Conference on Management, December 28 – 31, 2006, IIM Indore
- ‘Examining the Relationship between Aspirations and Organizational Citizenship Behavior’, presented at the International Conference on Enterprises & Environment towards Global Citizenship, January 4-5, 2008, IBS Kolkata
Articles Published
- ‘The Importance of Measurement in HR’, HRM Review, December, 2008, pg.58-61.
- ‘Understanding Corporate Culture from Individual’s Perspective’, MBA Review, December, 2008
- ‘Entrepreneurial Creativity and Career’, MBA Review, February, 2009.
- ‘Social Entrepreneurship and B-Schools’, MBA Review, April, 2009
- ‘MBA in Times of Recession’, MBA Review, May, 2009
- ‘An Intuitive Approach to Measuring HR Functions’, HRM Review, June, 2009.
- ‘Incivility in the Workplace’, MBA Review, June, 2009.
Book Publications
- ‘Organization Culture, Change and Development’, 2006, published by Kalyani Publishers.
- ‘Entrepreneurial Development’, 2006, co-authored, published by Kalyani Publishers.
Book Chapter Publications
- ‘HRM: Today and Tomorrow’, 2006, published in Dhar et. al. (Eds.) Strategies of Winning Organizations, New Delhi: Excel Books, p. 201-206.
- ‘Outsourcing the Outsourceable: Is that enough?’, 2006, published in Akhilesh et. al. (Eds.). Enabling Execution Excellence: Global Agenda. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing.
- ‘Developing a Framework to Manage Knowledge in Academic Institutions’, 2006, The Human Resource, Vol. 15 (7), 16-21.
- ‘Mapping Multiple Intelligences for Effective Team Work’, 2008, published in a derivative book on Multiple Intelligences for Inspired Workplaces, published by IUP, pg.118-126.
- ‘Team Relationships: Meeting the Challenges of Social Loafing’, 2008, published in a derivative book on Changing Dynamics of Human Relationships in Workplaces, published by IUP, pg. 149-158.