
Dr. V. Thiruvengadam
Assistant Professor
Department of Sciences
Dr. V. Thiruvengadam earned his doctoral degree in magnetic nanocomposites from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB). He has completed M.Phil. in Physics and M.Sc. in Materials Science from Anna University Chennai. Previously he has worked as a project associate at Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Project Research Assistant at Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. He joined School of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) as a Research Associate under a DST-Nano mission sponsored research project.
Dr. Thiruvengadam gained experience in electrospinning of polymer nanofiberes, biological synthesis of bacterial cellulose, chemical synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles and nanocomposites, fabrication of ferromagnetic thin films and its heterostructures using sputtering technique, various magnetic and structural characterization techniques during his research tenure.
Dr. Thiruvengadam has research interests in magnetic nanocomposites, ferromagnetic thin films and heterostructures for spintronic applications. He has authored and co-authored several research articles in international journals and also published a book chapter.
- Anisotropy and Domain Structure in Nanoscale-Thick MoS2/CoFeB Heterostructures: Implications for Transition Metal Dichalcogenide-Based Thin Films V.Thiruvengadam, Abhisek Mishra, Shaktiranjan Mohanty, Subhankar Bedanta ACS Applied Nano Materials [Just accepted] 2022
- Influence of Gd Doping on Morphological, Toxicity and Magnetic Properties of ZnO Nanorods S.K.Satpathy, U.K.Panigrahi, S.K.Panda, V.Thiruvengadam, R.Biswal, W.Luyten, P.Mallick Materials Today Communications, 28, 102725, 2021
- Effect of sulfurization temperature on RF sputtered MoS2 thin film V. Thiruvengadam, Braj Bhusan Singh, Palash Kumar Manna and Subhankar Bedanta Advanced Materials Letters, 12, 21021603, 2021
- Exchange bias in Fe/Ir20Mn80 bilayers: Role of spin-glass like interface and ‘bulk’ antiferromagnet spins Sagarika Nayaka, P. K. Mannaa, V. Thiruvengadam, B. B. Singh, J. Arout Chelvane and S. Bedanta Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 499, 166267, 2020
- Magnetization reversal, damping properties and magnetic anisotropy of L10-ordered FeNi thin films V. Thiruvengadam, B. B. Singh, T. Kojima, K. Takanashi, M. Mizuguchi and S. Bedanta Applied Physics Letters, 115, 202402, 2019
- Thickness Dependent Surface Topography, Magnetic Properties and Magnetic Domain Structure of Amorphous FeTaC Thin Films C. Das, J. Das, V. Thiruvengadam, S. Bedanta, A. Talapatra, J. R. Mohanty and P. Alagarsami Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering, 7, 1000455, 2018
- Bacterial Cellulose based flexible multifunctional nanocomposite sheet V. Thiruvengadam and Satish Vitta Cellulose, 24, 3341, 2017
- Flexible Bacterial Cellulose / Permalloy nanocomposite xerogel sheets – size scalable magnetic actuator-cum-electrical conductor V. Thiruvengadam and Satish Vitta AIP Advances, 7, 035107, 2017
- Interparticle interactions mediated superspinglass to superferromagnetic transition in Ni-bacterial cellulose aerogel nanocomposites V. Thiruvengadam and Satish Vitta Journal of Applied Physics, 119, 244312, 2016
- Ni-Bacterial cellulose nanocomposite; a magnetically active inorganic-organic hybrid gel V. Thiruvengadam and Satish Vitta RSC Advances, 3, 12765, 2013
- Multifunctional bacterial cellulose and nanoparticles-embedded composites Satish Vitta and V. Thiruvengadam Current science, 102, 1398, 2012
Book Chapter
- Bacterial Cellulose and Its Multifunctional Composites - Synthesis and Properties Thiruvengadam and Satish Vitta Nanocellulose Polymer Nanocomposites: Fundamentals and Applications edited by Vijay Kumar Thakur Wiley and Scrivener, 479, November 2014 Conferences
- Effect of MoS2 on magnetization reversal, magnetic domain structures and anisotropy of MoS2/CoFeB heterostructures V. Thiruvengadam Oral presentation:“Symposium on Magnetism and Spintronics (SMS 2021)” organized (online mode) by NISER Bhubaneswar, India from 25th to 27th December, 2021
- Domain Structure and Magnetization Dynamics of L10 - FeNi Thin Filmsagnetization reversal, damping properties and magnetic anisotropy of L10-ordered FeNi thin films V. Thiruvengadam, B. B. Singh, T. Kojima, K. Takanashi, M. Mizuguchi, S. Bedanta Poster presentation: “Bringing The Nanoworld Together (BTNT - 2019)” held at NISER Bhubaneswar, India from 5th to 6th December, 2019
- Domain Structure and Magnetization Dynamics of L10 - FeNi Thin Films V. Thiruvengadam, B. B. Singh, T. Kojima, K. Takanashi, M. Mizuguichi, S.Bedanta Poster presentation: “International Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications (ICMAGMA - 2018)” held at NISER Bhubaneswar, India from 9th to 13th December, 2018
- Flexible magnetic actuator-cum-electrically conducting sheet based on FeNi3-bacterial cellulose Nanocomposites V. Thiruvengadam, Satish Vitta Oral presentation: “20th International Conference on Magnetism” held at Barcelona, Spain from 5th to 10th July, 2015
- Co-existenceof multiple magnetic states in Ni/Bacterial cellulose composite– A flexible magnetic-gel V. Thiruvengadam, Satish Vitta Poster presentation: “6th IEEE Magnetics society summer school” held at Assisi, Italy from 9th to 14th June, 2013 6. Ni/Bacterial cellulose magnetic nanocomposite films V. Thiruvengadam, Satish Vitta Oral presentation: “Euro BioMAT” conference held at Weimar, Germany from 23rd to 24th April, 2013
- Co-existence of multiple magnetic states in Ni/Bacterial cellulose composite V. Thiruvengadam, Satish Vitta Poster presentation: 24th Annual General Meeting of Materials Research Society of India held at IGCAR Kalpakkam, Chennai from 11th to 13th February, 2013
- Results of DC Conductivity measurements on electrospun f-CNT/Polystyrene Nanocomposite fibers V. Thiruvengadam, Bharathi, Rajesh, T.S. Natarajan, N. Victor Jaya Poster presentation: “National Symposium for Materials Research Scholars (MR08)” conducted by IIT Bombay, Mumbai from 17th to 18th May, 2008
- Best poster award in Bringing The Nanoworld Together (BTNT - 2019) held at NISER Bhubaneswar, India from 5th to 6th December, 2019
- One of my papers titled “Flexible bacterial cellulose / permalloy nanocomposite xerogel sheets – Size scalable magnetic actuator-cum-electrical conductor" published in AIP Advances, has been highlighted as an Editor's Pick in the journal
- Selected for attending “6th IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School” (Fully funded by IEEE) held in Assisi, Italy from 9th to 14th June 2013
- Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) in XE-Engineering Sciences (Materials Science, Polymer and Engineering Mathematics) held on 8th February, 2009 with an all India Rank of 164