
Dr. V. Keerthika
Associate Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. V. Keerthika has was awarded Doctorate of Philosophy in Computer Science Engineering from Veltech Technical University, Chennai on “Security in MANET using Bio Inspired Computing”. She has completed her M.E. in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University. She has academic and research experience of over a decade and half. She is an active member of professional bodies of Computer Society of India (CSI), Lifetime member of ISTE. H.
Dr. Keerthika has research interests in MANET security, Bio-Inspired Computing, machine learning, deep learning. She has presented and published papers in national and international conferences and reputed journals in her Research area of Interest.
- Keerthika,V ,“Detection of Artificially Molded Fingerprints using Machine Learning” ,www.ijcrt.org © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 4 April 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
- Keerthika V, Facemask Detector Using Machine Learning Techniques” IJARIIE, volume-7 (Issue- 3), 2644-2649, June 2021
- Keerthika V. “An Enhanced Encryption Security System For Data Privacy In Medical System Using Blockchain Technology”, Journal of critical Review(JCR). Aug-2020; 7(10): 2398-2407
- Keerthika V., Paper titled, “ Medical Assistance using Text Based Healthcare Chatbot” ,” International Journal Of Research Review In Engineering Science and Technology”,(IJRREM),” Volume- 4.Issue -8(1-9), Aug-2020.
- Keerthika V., Paper titled “Mitigate Black Hole Attack Using Hybrid Bee Optimized Weighted Trust With 2-Opt AODV in MANET”, “Wireless Personal Communication” Springer, March ,2019.
- Keerthika V., “Enhanced AODV protocol to secure routing in MANET with Optimization Techniques” ,“International Journal of Engineering and Technology” , 7(2.19) pp. 75-79,April, 2018.
- Keerthika V., "Mitigate Black Hole Attack Using Bee Optimized Weighted Trust With AODV in MANET" , “ International Journal of Information and Computer Security ”, Inderscience Publishers Ltd, , DOI: 10.1504/IJICS.2019.10016179. March 2018
- Keerthika V. “A Survey on Bio Inspired Algorithms for Trusted AODV Routing Optimization in MANET” ,“Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 24 (Techniques and Algorithms in Emerging Technologies): 596-601, ISSN 1990-9233, 2016
- Keerthika V. , “Impact of black hole attack under different scenarios on ad hoc on- demand distance vector ;Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB) - ISSN: 0976-3104".,special issue of Emerging Technologies in Networking and Security (ETNS), Vol. 7 (9): 472-478 ,28- Aug- 2016
- Keerthika V. , “Mitigate black hole attack using trust with AODV in MANET” ,INDIACom-2016; IEEE Conference ID:374652016 , IEEE-Explore Electronic ISBN: 3978-9- 3805-4421-2 DVD ISBN: 978-9-3805-4420-5 ,Oct-2016
- Received Advanced level in Innovation Ambassador Training from IIC, AICTE.
- Mentor student Business application Model and incubated in Atal Incubation Centre, Received DPIIT Recognition ,Under the Startup India initiative.
- Received Scrum Foundation professional Certification.
- Invited as Guest Speaker under AICTE-NISP for Ministry of Education's Innovation Cell and AICTE , IIC Regional Meet-2022 organized by Reva University, Bangalore
- Mentored student project for National Innovation Contest-2020, AICT -Chhatra vishwakarma Awards 2020 ,National level Toycathon2021, Smart India Hackathon-2022 ,conducted by Ministry of Education's Innovation Cell –AICTE.
- Organized Training cum Internship on “Programmable Logic Controller “ related to Industry 4.0–Centre of Competence for Industrial automation collaborated with BOSCH
- National Award for “Longest continues SBC Award” from Computer Society of India in 2017 during the CSI annual convention at New Delhi
- Received fund of 5000/- Tamilnadu State Council For Science And Technology project-2017
- Received fund of 25000/ under Tamilnadu E-Governance project scheme -2016
- Recognized with Bronze partner faculty under inspire-the campus connect Faculty partnership Model of Infosys in the year 2015