
Dr. Tejaswini M L
Associate Professor & HOD
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Tejaswini M L is an academician with 14 years of teaching experience in the broad area of Civil Engineering. She teaches Strength of Materials, Structural Analysis, Design of RCC Structures and Design of Prestressed Structures. She obtained her Ph.D. from Visveswaraya Technological University Belgaum (2023); M-Tech from M V Jayaraman College of engineering Bangalore (2013) and BE from Government Sri Krishna Rajendra Silver Jubilee Institute of Technology Bangalore (2011). Dr Tejaswini has research interest in Alternate Construction Materials and Technology, Sustainable Materials and Green Energy Systems.
- “Laboratory investigations on durability assessment of concrete incorporating copper slag as fine aggregates. " Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.13 / Issue 76 /February/ 2023 ISSN: 0976 – 0997
- “Studies on hardened properties of concrete incorporated with copper slag" Materials Today Proceedings: Volume 60, Part 1, 2022 Pages 646-657.
- “An Investigation on the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Structures Incorporated with Steel Slag Industrial Waste”, Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing, 10.1007/978-981-97-3654-6.
- “Assessing the performance of chloride ion ingress in concrete infused with copper slag" Materials Today Proceedings, Volume 62, Part 1, 2025 Pages 657-667
- “Dynamic Analysis of completely braced steel frame in comparison with partially braced frame with outriggers”, International research journal of engineering and technology, volume :05 Issue :04, Apr-2018.
- “Seismic Behaviour and pushover analysis of irregular flat slab building with different lateral resisting systems” International research journal of engineering and technology, volume :05 Issue :06, June-2018.
- “Finite Element Analysis of Different Types of FRP on Beam – Column Joint” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN:2278-0181, Vol 7, Issue 05, May 2018.
- “Design. Analysis and soil –structure Interaction of an Intze Tank Using E-Tabs, Ansys and SAFE” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN:2278-0181, Vol 7, Issue 05, May 2018.
- Presented a paper titled “An investigation on the Mechanical and Durability properties of concrete structures incorporated with Low carbon steel-Industrial waste”, at 21st ISME International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, from 13th-15th July 2023.
- Presented a paper titled “Studies on hardened properties of concrete incorporated with copper slag” organized by Department of civil engineering, Manipal University Jaipur, held on November 25-26, 2021.
- Presented a paper on “Study on properties of concrete containing copper slag as a partial replacement of fine aggregate”., in ICERTMCE., held on 6th and 7th of July 2017 at Reva University, Bengaluru.
- Presented a paper on “Behavior of Low Volume fly ash concrete bridge subjected to IRC class A Loading” in Colloquium on transportation systems engineering and management, CTR, CED, NIT Calicut, India. May 12-13,2014.