
Dr T Jayashree
Associate Professor
Alliance School of Law
Dr Jayashree is passionate in teaching Accounting and Finance as core courses through a hands-on application-based approach. She holds Master degrees in Commerce and Business Administration. She has completed her Doctorate in Management on the topic "A Study on Behavioural Factors Influencing Equity and Commodity Investors in Decision Making". She cleared NET in June 2011. She has participated in several National and International conferences and presented papers. She has her publications in National and International Journals.
She received the “Faculty Excellence Award” in 2019 during her previous Academic tenure.
- Initha Rina & T.Jayashree (2024), “A case study on integrating social and environmental sustainability development in the curriculum through experiential learning”, International Journal of Economic Perspectives, ISSN: 1307-1637, Vol 18 No 9, Pg 28-44 Sept 2024. (UGC CARE Group II)
- Jayashree (2023), “Factors determining Continuance Intention to use Fintech Services” in South India Journal of Social Sciences; ISSN: 0972 – 8945, Vol. XXI, No.3, July – December: 2023, (UGC CARE Approved Group I, Bi-Annual Journal).
- T.Jayashree & K.Chitra (2020) “Antecedents of Individual Investor Behaviour: Awareness, Risk Perception and Decision making – A SEM Approach”, TEST Engineering and Management, Vol 83, Page no 2843-2833, May –June 2020 (ISBN:0193-4120) (Scopus Indexed)
- T. Jayashree, S.Vinoth & D.Dilip (2019) “Factors determining Investor Behaviour and Decision making with reference to Equity and Commodity Markets”, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, Volume XI, Issue XII, Volume XI, Issue XII, Pg 34-49. (ISSN 0022-1945)
- T. Jayashree, S. Vinoth & D. Dilip (2018) “A Study On Factors Influencing Awareness And Risk Perception Towards Equity And Commodity Investors”, International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Impact Factor – 6.014; IC Value:5.16; ISI Value:2.286 Volume 8, Issue 8(1), (ISSN: 2277-7881)
- D. Dilip, S. Vinoth & T. Jayashree (2018) “An Exploration of Factors Influencing Pre-owned Car Purchasing Decision”, International Journal of Advance and Innovative, Volume 5, Issue 4(XII), 127-133 (ISSN 2394 -7780)
- Dilip, S. Vinoth & T. Jayashree (2018) “GST -Consumer Awareness and Adoption: A Study”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Application and Management Studies, Volume 7, Issue 5 (ISSN 2319-1953)
- S. Vinoth & T. Jayashree (2018) “Demonetization Boon or Bane of Financial Inclusion in India”, Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary, Sept 2018, Pg 109-114 ( ISSN 2455-3085)
- K.Chitra & T.Jayashree (2015) “Behavioural factors influencing investors - An underpinning on Equity markets”, Asian Journal of Management Sciences (Impact factor 4.47), Vol 3 (13), Pg 12-18.
- K.Chitra & T.Jayashree (2015) “Does the Influence of Cognitive Bias on Investor Behaviour Differ with Demographic Profile? An Empirical Study”, published in The International Journal of Research Publication’s – Research Journal of Social Science and Management (RJSSM), Vol 5, No 4, Pg 161-168 (ISSN: 2251 1571)
- K.Chitra & T.Jayashree (2015) “Influence of Investor Behaviour in Decision Making: A study on Commodity Market”, published in International Journal in Management and Social Science (Impact factor 3.259), Vol 3, Issue 4, Pg 576-590 (ISSN: 2321-1784)
- K. Chitra & T. Jayashree (2014) “Does Demographic profile create a difference in Investor Behaviour?”, The International Journal of Business and Management (The IJBM), Vol II, Issue VII, Pg 24-30 (ISSN: 2321-8916)
- K. Chitra & T. Jayashree (2014) “Relationship between Behavioural Bias and Investment Performance: A study with reference to Equity Market”, DBJC Journal of Business Research: A quarterly Issue April to June 2014, Vol 1, No.1, Pg 7-14 (ISSN: 2248-9711)
- Jayashree has completed a certification on "Applied Financial Statement Analysis" and attended a workshop on “Financial Modeling and Valuation” certified by EY. She completed her 6 months online course on “Financial Analysis Prodegree '' certified by KPMG.
- Jayashree (2024), “Exploring the factors influencing the Adoption and Continuance intention to use FinTech Services: Role of Satisfaction as a mediating effect”, and received Best Paper Award, in The Silver Jubilee International Conference on “Proliferation of Business and Commerce in the Light of Fintech: Growth, Opportunities and Challenges”, organized by Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, in collaboration with EuroMid Academy of Business and Technology, Turkey, on 27th and 28th February 2024.
- Vinoth & T. Jayashree (2018) Presented Paper on “Impact of Demonetization on Banking Services – An Empirical Study based on Customer Perspective” in 4th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends November 23-24, 2018, in SDMIMD, Mysuru, India.
- Chitra & T. Jayashree (2014) “Impact of Risk Perception on Investor Behaviour”, Two Day International symposium on Research Innovation for Quality Improvement in Higher Education in Bhararthiar University, Pg 77-84 (ISBN 788-19-233-069-3-5)
- Vinoth & T. Jayashree (2012) “Adoption of Internet Banking Services – A Study on Perception of Users and Non users” in Bannari Amman Institution of Engineering and Technology 4, pg 44-50 (ISBN 978-81-920-460-5-5)
- Jayashree (2011), “Global Consumer Protection and its Impact in Banking Sector” in Kalasalingam University on Jan 28, 2011.
- Vinoth & T. Jayashree (2012), “A Study on Performance Appraisal of Internet Banking –Comparative Study between Public Sector and Private Sector banks in Coimbatore City” in Adaikalamatha Institute of Management, Pg 37 (ISBN 978-81-909038-1-3)
- Jayashree & K.Chitra (2020), “Antecedents of Individual Investor Behaviour: Awareness, Risk Perception and Decision making – A SEM Approach” – National Conference on Metamorphosis of modern management and research (3MR) organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam held on March 6, 2020.
- T Jayashree (2014), “Trading Strategies and Innovative Stock Market Techniques” in National Seminar held in Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on March 14, 2014.
- Vinoth & T. Jayashree (2012), “An Impact on Individual Perception towards Investment Pattern and its Diversification” in Sankara Institute of Management Studies held on Feb 17, 2012. Published in Proceedings – ISBN 978-81-923903-0-7, Pg 60.
- Jayashree (2012), “Impact of BPO in Banking Sector” in Nehru Institute of Management Studies held on Feb 10, 2012.Published in Proceedings – ISBN 938065747-1, Pg 34.
- Jayashree (2012) “Impact of Innovative Financial Instruments in Banking, Insurance and Mutual Funds” in Adithya Institute of Technology on Sep 23, 2010.
- K. Chitra & T. Jayashree (2014) “Impact of Risk Perception on Investor Behaviour”, Two Day International symposium on Research Innovation for Quality Improvement in Higher Education in Bhararthiar University, Pg 77-84 (ISBN 788-19-233-069-3-5)
- S.Vinoth & T. Jayashree (2012) “Adoption of Internet Banking Services – A Study on Perception of Users and Non users” in Bannari Amman Institution of Engineering and Technology 4, pg 44-50 (ISBN 978-81-920-460-5-5)