
Dr. Sumita Datta
Associate Professor
Alliance School of Applied Mathematics
Dr. Sumita Datta holds a Ph.D. in Physics from The University of Texas at Arlington, USA and an M.Sc. In Physics from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. With 25 years of experience in teaching and research in reputed institutions in India and abroad, Dr. Datta has more than 23 publications in international journals of repute. She started her research career in ISRO, Bangalore wherein she was involved in a project in Space Physics. She has done numerous governments funded research projects in her career as a Principal Investigator in institutes like Indian Association of Cultivation of Sciences, Kolkata, S N Bose National Centre for basic Sciences, Kolkata to name a few.
Over the last 25 years she has taught several courses in Physics, Mathematics and Engineering Sciences in different esteemed institutes. The key theme of her research is related to quantum many body physics and nonlinear dynamics. Her endeavour has throughout been supported by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi through several major research grants. Currently Dr. Sumita is involved in research projects intimately connected to soliton physics and strongly correlated systems. She has a passion for delivering invited and contributed talks, seminars at various international and national conferences and symposiums.
- Nodal structures of few electron atoms (arXiv:quant-ph 1707.09160) S Datta, J. M Rejcek European Physical Journal Plus, 135, 254,1-10, published on Feb 18, 2020; Impact factor 3.228.
- Importance Sampling Studies of Helium using Feynman-Kac Path integral Method (arXiv:quant-ph 1703.08977) S Datta and J M Rejcek, European Physical Journal Plus, 133, 202, published on May 29 2018; Impact factor 3.228.
- Metastability versus collapse following a quench in attractive Bose-Einstein condensates, Jake Golde, Joanna Ruhl, Maxim Olshanii, Vanja Dunjko, Sumita Datta, Boris A Melomed Physical Review A , 97, 053604 published 9 May 2018; Impact factor 2.777.
- Lowest Order Relativistic Corrections of Helium Computed Using Monte Carlo Methods S. A. Alexander, S Datta and R.L. Coldwell, Phys Rev A. 81,032519, 2010 Impact factor 2.777.
- Feynman-Kac path integral calculations with high quality trial wave functions, S Datta, J. L. Fry, N. G. Fazleev, S.A. Alexander & R. L. Coldwell, Phys. Rev A 61 (2000) 030502 (Rapid communications). Impact factor 2.777.
Research Grants
- Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi SERB Extra Mural Scheme (Principal Investigator) (Oct 2017-Sept 2020) Project Title: ‘Quantum diffusion of the inter soliton distance in a Gross-Pitaevskii breather’ Grant amount: Rs. 10 lakhs).
- Department of Science and Technology, India, Women Scientist Scheme (April 2011-March 2014) (Principal investigator) Project Title: Quantum Simulation of Ultracold gases(Bose,Fermi and dipolar), Grant amount: Rs. 19.85 lakhs.
- Department of Science and Technology, India, Women Scientist Scheme (Feb 2007-Jan 2010) (Principal investigator) Project Title: Energies and relativistic corrections for the ground and excited. states of atoms and molecules using high quality trial functions. Grant amount: Rs. 16.8 lakhs.
- Department of Science and Technology, India, Young Scientist Scheme (August 2002- January 2006) (Principal investigator) Project Title: Properties of Thermodynamic systems by path integral Monte Carlo method, Grant amount: Rs. 10.74 lakhs.
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Research Associateship (Principal investigator) (Oct 1997–July 2002) Project Title: Many body Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics Grant amount: Rs. 6.5 lakhs.
- Robert Weltch Foundation and Texas Advanced Research Projects USA (Co-Principal investigator) (March 1992-Sept 1996) Project Title: Importance Sampling in the Feynman-Kac path integration, Grant amount: $100000.
Book Chapters
- High-Energy Electron Scattering from selected diatomic Using Monte Carlo Methods, S. A. Alexander, S. Datta and R. L. Coldwell, Advances in Quantum Monte Carlo, Chapter 11, pp 131-144, ACS Symposium Series, Vol 1094, 2012.
- A Feynman-Kac path integral study of Rb gas, S Datta, Current topics in atomic and molecular and optical physics, edited by C Sinha and S. Bhattacharya IACS- World Scientific, Singapore, 2007