
Dr. Sridhar D
Associate Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Sridhar D is a distinguished academic with over 15 years of experience in teaching and research. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2019, following an M.Phil. Computer Science in 2013, MCA in 2009 and B.Sc Computer Science in 2004 from Bharathiar University. Additionally, Dr. Sridhar passed the UGC-NET in Computer Science and Applications in 2019. His research focuses on Web Mining and Data Mining, where he has made significant contributions through numerous publications. He has authored 25 research papers, including seven in Scopus-indexed journals and two in UGC Care-listed journals. Dr. Sridhar has also published three books and holds a patent for a sensor-based smoke and heat detector. He has completed several NPTEL and online certification courses in various fields such as IoT, privacy, and data mining.
Dr. Sridhar is an active speaker on Digital Transformation, Cyber Security, and Search Engine Optimization. He participates in technical program committees and reviews for international conferences. A member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG) and the Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers, he is involved in numerous professional development activities.
Scopus Publications
- Amit Kumar Bhore, B. Vasumathi, Abhijit Sharma, D.Sangeetha, Mugunthan.S.R, Sridhar, C.Hema Bharathi, 2024 ”An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Vehicular Data Forwarding Scheme for Timely and Reliable Data Transmission”, J.Electrical Systems, ISSN: 1112-5209, Volume 20 Issue : 3, PP:1896-1916. (Scopus)
- Vasumathi, Amit Kumar Bhore, Pradeepa D, D. Sridhar, Mugunthan S. R.,D. Sangeetha, 2024, ”Cellular-Aided Greedy Routing with Junction Oriented Recovery as an Offloading approach in VANETs”, International Journal of Intelligent System and Applications in Engineering, ISSN: 2147-6799, Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 243-252,PP: 3638–3649 (Scopus)
- Shankar; D. Sridhar, 2024, “An Improved Deep Learning Based Test Case Prioritization Using Deep Reinforcement Learning”, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN: 2185-3118, Volume 17, Issue 1, Feb(2024), DOI: https://inass.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2024022964-1.pdf (Scopus)
- S Lakshmi Devi, Sridhar, 2023, “A Comprehensive Review on The Detection of Driver Dreaminess using Physiological, Vehicular and Behavioral Approaches”, Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, ISSN:1004-9037, Volume: 38 April(2023), Issue No. 2, pp.2859-2871 (Scopus)
- D, “Systematic Analysis Of Blue-Chip Companies Of Nifty 50 Index For Predicting The Stock Market Movements Using ANFIS Machine Learning Approach”, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science (JMCS), Volume: 11 (2021), ISSN:1927-5307, Issue No. 1, pp.265-277 (Scopus)
- D, “Performance Analysis of a Vertical Handover Framework of DiNAT for Mobility Management”, Solid State Technology, ISSN: 0038-111X, Volume: 63 Issue: 6 , Nov 2020 (Scopus)
- D, “Predicting Mental Behaviour of Social Media Users Using AOMM (Auto Observation Mining Method)”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, ISSN 1943-023X, Vol. 10, pp. 513-520,01-Special Issue, Jan 2018. (Scopus)
UGC Carelist Publications
- D, “Click-Through Rate Prediction on Digital Advertisement using Online Advertisement Analyze Model(OAAM)”, Wesleyan Journal of Research, ISSN : 0975- 1386, Vol.13 No 4(V) 2020 (UGC Carelist)
- D, “Machine learning based Internet Traffic Classification using Internet Video Traffic Analysis”, Our Heritage Journal, ISSN: 0474-9030, Vol-68-Issue-30, February 2020 (UGC Care list)
UGC approved & Indexed Journals
- Shankar; D. Sridhar, “A Comprehensive Review on Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration Platforms”, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, ISSN: 2456-2165, Volume 8, Issue 4, April(2023), DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7949614
- Sridhar, D, Saranraj, “A New Machine Learning Approach for Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection”, Journal of Information and Computational Science, ISSN: 1548- 7741, Vol.9, Issue11, pp. 789-795, November 2019. (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar, D, Kathiresan, V. “Psychosocial Problem and Depression Prediction using Social Media”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, E-ISSN: 2321-9637, Vol.6, Issue10, pp. 2879-2885, October 2018. (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar D, Vijayalakshmi D K. “Efficient Personalized Search and Retrieval Using Novel Framework and DCG Approach”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies, ISSN 2319 – 1953, Volume 7, Issue 5, September 2018 (UGC Approved)
- Sridhar D, Anitha C V. "Cyber Addiction: Highly Internet Usage and Its Effects on Individual Physical Health”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 5, Issue 3, September (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar D, Nandhini D. “Development of Secured & Effective Ecommerce System with User Behavioral Mining”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN-2349-5162, Volume 5, Issue 9, September 2018 (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar D, Dhanasekaran E. “Facebook Marketplace and Its Impacts for Businesses and Organizations”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN-2349- 5162, Volume 5, Issue 9, September 2018 (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar D, Vijayalakshmi D K. "A survey on web mining techniques for capturing user intention for personalized websites", International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, ISSN 2455-6378, Vol 3 Issue 9, September 2018. (UGC Approved)
- Sridhar, D, Kathiresan, V. “The Psychology behind Users Mental Health in Social Media”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, E-ISSN: 2347-2693, 6, Issue5, pp. 309-316, May 2018. (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar, D, Kathiresan, “Social Networks User Behavior and Classification Techniques”, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470, Volume 5, Issue 04, pp. 966-970 April 2018 (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar D, Gokulan, S “Recognize Privacy and Ethical Sensitivity Knowledge by Hiding Inference”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN(Online): 2320-9801, Vol. 5, Issue 9, September 2017 (Indexed Journal)
- Kathiresan, V. and Sridhar, D. “A Study on Web Usage Mining”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, ISSN (online): 2321-0613, 5, Issue 02, pp. 1093-1095, May 2017. (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar D and Srivanitha M. “A Survey of Big Data in Social Networking and Media Interaction” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278 – 0181 3 Issue 2, February 2014. (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar D and Ganapriya. “E-Commerce Applications Security Aspects in Cloud Computing” in International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT), ISSN: 2277-9655 Vol. 3 Issue 2 – February 2014 (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar D and Sathish M.“Prediction of Heart Diseases in Data Mining Techniques” International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), ISSN: 2231-2803 Volume 24 Number 1, June 2015 (Indexed Journal)
- Sridhar D and Thenmozhi K. “Online based Content Recommender System based on Consumer Behavior Modeling” in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064, Volume 2 Issue 3, March 2013 (UGC Approved)
Book Publications
- "Web-Based Value Enhancement", Shanlax Publications, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, ISBN: 978-93-80686-91-2, 2013
- "Web Design with HTML, CSS”, CiiT, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, ISBN: 978-1-941505-07-6, 2014
- "Yoga for Human Excellence", Marudhupandyar Achagam, Madurai-625 004, ISBN: 978-93-5235-645-4, 2020
NPTEL Course Completed
- Introduction to the Internet of Things (Jan-Apr 2019)
- Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (Jan-Apr 2019)
- Software Project Management (Jul-Oct 2019)
- Data Mining (Jan-Apr 2018)
Invited Talks
- Topic “Cyber Security”, organized by Department of Computer Science, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science & Higher Education for Women held on 11.03.2022
- Topic “Digital Transformation and Cyber Security”, organized by Department of Commerce with Computer Applications, Pioneer College of Arts and Science held on 13.08.2021
- Topic “Best Practices of Responsive Web Design”, organized by Department of Computer Science, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education held on 16.06.2021
- Topic “Importance of SEO”, organized by ICON Club, Department of Computer Science, Lecture Series June 2021, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College held on 08.06.2021
Online Certification Course
- Completed online certification course on title “Pandas Python Library for Beginners in Data Science” an online non-credit course authorized by Coursera Project Network and offered through Coursera on 10.08.2020
- Completed online certification course on title “COVID19 Data Analysis Using Python”, an online non-credit course authorized by Coursera Project Network and offered through Coursera on 10.08.2020
- Completed online certification course on title “Optimizing a Website for Search” an online non-credit course authorized by University of California, Davis and offered through Coursera on 29.06.2020
- Completed online certification course on title “Big Data 101” authorized by Big Data University Certificate on 12.12.2016
Faculty Development Programme
- Participated 5 day Faculty Development Programe conducted by geekforgeeks on the topic “Data Structures and Algorithms” held from 8.12.2023 to 12.12.2023 organized by School of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune.
- Participated 5 day Faculty Development Programme on “Data Science Specialization using Python” held from 19.06.2023 to 23.06.2023 organized by Department of Computer Science, Dr.SNS Rajalkshmi College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
- Participated 5 day FDP- International Webinar Series on “Research Tools and Methodologies” on 07.06.2023 to 13.06.2023 organized by Department Of Computer Science and R & D Cell, Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore
- Participated 7 day virtual Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Technologies in Computer Research” held from 12.2022 to 27.12.2022 organized by PPG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
- Participated 5 day Faculty Development Programme on “Impact of Artificial Intelligence” held from 07.11.2022 to 11.11.2022 organized by Dr.SNS Rajalkshmi College of Arts and Science Department of Computer Science in association with NovieTech R & D Pvt , Coimbatore.
- One-Week International Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Computer Science” organized by the Departments of Computer Science and Computer Applications, Thiruvalluvar University Model Constituent College of Arts and Science, Tittagudi, Cuddalore from 07.2020 to 28.07.2020.
- Online Faculty Development Programme on Computational Intelligence from 12.05.2020 to 16.05.2020 organized by Department of CS and IT, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore
- Two-Day FDP on Virtual Teaching conducted by CIT - TLC held on 29.04.2020 and 04.2020 organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Teaching Learning Centre through online mode, Coimbatore
- One-week FDP and online training program on “Python 4.3” jointly organized by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay & P.R. Pote Patil College of Engineering and Management from 22.04.2020 to 27.04.2020
- Participated Faculty Development Programme on “Man Making Education“ organized by Swami Vivekananda Study Circle, Kongunadu arts and Science College, Coimbatore on on 07.2015
- Participated Faculty Development Programme on “Web 3.0 Technologies”, Dr. N. G. P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, 04.2012.
- Participated Faculty Development Programme on “Enterprise Resource Planning using SAP B1”, N. G. P. Institute of Technology, 31.07.2010
- Participated in the International Webinar on “Cyber Security in Middle East” organized by Department of Computer Science, Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, Pollachi on 09.2021
- Participated in 7 day workshop on “Python and Machine Learning Bootcamp” organized by Bootcamp, ShapeAI from 05.2021 to 31.05.2021
- Participated in a one day workshop on “Call for code using IOT” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineeering, CIET in Collaborartion with IBM India Private Limitted held on 27.05.2021
- Participated in the National Webinar on “IoT Based Health Monitoring & Control System” Organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Manda Institute of Technology, Bikaner on 22.04.2021.
- Participated in the Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” organized by PG and Research Department of Computer Applications, Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore and MHRDs, IIC, New Delhi on 26.03.2021
- Participated in “International Virtual Conference on Emerging Research Trends in Computer Science and Technology (IVCERTCST’21)” organised by the Department of Computer Science, SNMV College of Arts and Science on 29.01.2021.
- Participated in Nation Seminar on “Data Mining and knowledge Discovery in Medical Data” held at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangaluru on 28 and 07.2011
- Participated in NAAC Sponsored Two day State Level Conference on “Achieving Excellence through Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)” on 9 & 12.2011
- Participated in National Conference on “Issues in Higher Education” organized by Association of Principals of Colleges Bharathiar University and UGC- Academic Staff college Bharathiar University held on 29.10.2010
Membership in Professional Bodies
- Membership in Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ID No: APJMR- Referee-01-195
- Membership of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Membership ID: 255781
- Reviewer Board in International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research- Transstellar Journals
- Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers, Membership ID: SM101000601989
- Editorial Board Member of ‘Lattice Science Publication’ and it’s journal(s) for year 2021-22.
- Editorial Board Member of ‘Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication’ and it’s journal(s) for year 2021-22.
- Member of Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) from 08.2021 31.12.2021.