
Dr. Shilpa S. Chadichal
Associate Professor & Program Director - UG
Alliance Ascent College
Dr. Shilpa S. Chadichal holds a Ph.D. from Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU). Her main fields of interests converge on services marketing, retail management, consumer behavior, product and brand management, and integrated marketing communication. She has authored many research articles that have been published in various National and International journals like Elseiver-Procedia, International Journal of Management, Indian Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Exclusive Management Science. She has also presented papers at various National and International conferences conducted by institutes and bodies such as IIMA, IIMB, Great Lakes, Symbiosis, and CASSR- Malaysia.
- ‘Analyzing the Relationship between services Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Indian Banking Sector using SERQUAL and Gap model’, published in the PES Business Review, Volume 7, Issue 1, January, 2012
- ‘Gone In 60 Seconds-Online Flash Sales: The Next Innovation In Indian E-Commerce Or Just a Flash in a Pan?-A Critical And Empirical Analysis With Consumer Perspective –Research’, published in the Indian Journal Of Management Science (IJMS) ISSN 2231-279X,Volume –II ,Issue 1, May 2012
- ‘Exploring service Innovation process and strategy in developing customer relationship-with reference 21st century bank “YES bank”, published in the International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management Indexed & Volume No.3, and Issue No.7, July 2012, Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, ProQuest, U.S.A., EBSCO Publishing house ISSN 0976-2183. Poland with IC Value of 5.09.
- ‘Female Adolescents and Young Adult Consumers’ Affinity for Online Flash Sales Concept in India: A Triangulation Approach’, published in the Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. 42, No. 11, November 5, 2012.
- ‘Exploring web based SERQUAL dimensions in Green banking services-Impact on developing e-CRM’, published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship Research, APJMER, November 2012, ISSN 2277-8098, Special on Green Entrepreneurship ISSN 2277-8098, Volume 1, Issue 3
- ‘Exploring the Online service quality dimensions in Service sectors Impact on developing e-CRM in Indian banking sector’, published in the International index journal-Global Research Analysis (Impact factor-0.2714) Vol.02, Issue:01, January, 2013, International index journal-Global Research Analysis(Impact factor-0.2714), ISSN No2277-8160
- ‘Everything Is Just At The End Of A Click, Don’t Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability in Indian Banking Sector’, published in the International center for Business Research, Volume: 02, January 2013.
- ‘Customer Perception on Marketing Strategies of Samsung-The New Market Leader in Indian Handset Market’, published in the International Journal of Applied management and Business Utility, Volume 2, Issue 2, April-June, 2014. ISSNO.2347/8608
- ‘Embracement of technology in Services-Impact on developing e-CRM in Indian Banking sector’, published in the IRC’S International journal of multidisciplinary Research in Social & Management Sciences July-Sept, 2014, SSN: 2320-8236, volume: 2 Issue: 3
- ‘Influence of Celebrity Moms on Today’s Mother’s Buying Behavior’, published in the IRC Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Social and Management Sciences, July –September 2015, ISSN : 2395-4833 Volume 3, Issue 3
Research Papers Presented/Published in the Conference Proceedings
- An empirical research on importance of management education during global recession – An employer and B School perspective’, presented at the 7th AIMS International Conference on Management, December 20-23, 2009, IIM – Bangalore
- ‘Enhanced investment by the Indian Govt. in Physical and Technological infrastructure to aid microfinance to contribute for the GDP growth’, presented at the National seminar on strategies to achieve double digit growth in Indian Economy-Need for a big push and holistic approach to Indian Growth process, INC-Mysore
- ‘Financial Inclusion through Micro Finance’, presented at the National Level seminar at ITM Business School, March 7,2009, Warangal
- ‘Cross cultural HRM strategies and practices in service industry’, presented at the AICTE sponsored National Conference on “Services Management –An Insight into Sustenance During Challenges, October 29-30, 2009, Dayanand Sagar College of Management and IT – Bangalore
- ‘Role of innovation in entrepreneurship in emerging markets’, presented at the National Conference, July 30, 2009, Mount Carmel Institute of Management, Bangalore
- ‘Cross cultural HRM strategies – a balm to sustain global recession in service industry’, presented at the International Conference on Sustaining Business in a changing Global Environment, November 12, 2009, New Horizon College of engineering & Management – Bangalore
- ‘An Empirical Research on how children can play a vital role in influencing purchase decision or behavior under stimulation from advertisements’, presented at the SIMS Annual Research Conference-Symbiosis Institute of Management, December 18, 2010, Pune
- ‘Analysis of service quality problems and capturing the customer’s perspective of service quality in Indian Banking Sector using SERVQUAL approach and GAP MODEL’, presented at the 4th IIM–Ahmedabad International Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economics, January 5-6, 2011, IIM–Ahmedabad
- ‘Management Education in Emerging Economics’, presented at the IACBE 2011 Asia Regional Conference, July 16-17, 2011, Alliance University, Bangalore
- ‘Innovative Entrepreneurship: A sustainable Strategy in Emerging Economies, With Special Reference to Yes Bank’, presented at the First BRIC International Conference on Entrepreneurship and new venture creation, December 8-10, 2011, organized by International Consortium for Entrepreneurship Research(ICER) at IIMB
- ‘An Empirical study of Impact of Organized Retail Boom on Unorganized Retail Sector- “A Paradigm shift from Pyramid to New Multifaceted Consumer class in India”, presented at the Fifth Great Lakes-NASMEI Marketing Conference, December 29-30, 2011, Chennai
- ‘An empirical study on innovative business strategies - Key to progress in the emerging economies with special reference to “Yes Bank”, presented at the International conference on sustainable strategies for Emerging Economies, January 12, 2012, Symbiosis Institute of International Business, Pune, published in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 37 ( 2012 ) 504 – 513. IJASSR ISSN: 2319-8516.
- ‘Exploring the website based service quality dimensions in banking sectors –Impact on developing e-CRM-Presented’, printed in the 12th Consortium of students in Management Research, November 16-17,2012, Department of Management studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
- ‘Determinants of -The Paradigm Shift Of Consumers From The Bottom Of Pyramid and Its Impact On The Indian Economy’, presented at the International Conference on Emerging Landscape Of Retail & Impact On Economy, September 6-7, 2012, organized by Department of Commerce, University Of Madras in association with FICCI TNSC, at Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- ‘Exploring the website based service quality dimensions in Service sectors-Impact on developing e-CRM in Indian Banking sector’, presented at the International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Science 2012 (ICIBSoS 2012), December 1-2, 2012, Jakarta, Indonesia
- ‘Marketing Persuasion and Deception: The Neuromarketing perspective’, presented at the First international conference on Advances in Management and Economics (ICAME 2012), December 8-9, 2012, Centre for Applied Social Science Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- ‘Exploring web based SERQUAL dimensions in Green banking services-Impact on developing e-CRM’, presented at the National Conference on Green Entrepreneurship, October 19, 2012, Department of Management Studies, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore
- ‘Are We Ready to Reveal Our Secrets?-Exploring the Sinful Aspects of Neuromarketing’, presented at the 5th IIMA conference on Marketing in Economies, January 9-11, 2013.
- ‘Tablets not creating The Magic in India’, presented at the International ISB-Ivey Case Competition, May 4-6, 2013
- ‘A Common sense approach to raise online usability in Indian Banking Sector’, presented at the International Conference on Celebrating South Asia: Explorations of the Contributions to Global Economy, December 27-29, 2013 organized by 3rd South Asian Management Research and Case Conference 2013 at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Intellectual Sponsor: Asian Journal of Management Cases
- ‘Customer Perception on Marketing Strategies of Samsung-The New Market Leader in Indian Handset Market’, presented at the International Conference on Business Excellence, Strategies and Transcendence, January 23, 2014, Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chennai
- ‘Are Celebrity Moms Influencing today’s Mommy’s Buying Behavior? - A Descriptive Research’, presented at the 8th NASMEI Marketing Conference, December 26, 2014, Great Lakes, Chennai
Book Chapter Publications
- ‘Innovative Service and Delivery Process- Sustainable Strategies by Yes Bank and Dell for Indian Market’, published in the book Sustainable Marketing Practices: An Indian Perspective, December 14, 2014, Bharti Publications, New Delhi ISBN Number: 978-93-81212-83-7
Book Reviews
- ‘Retailing Management’, book-Chapter 4: Understanding the Retail Consumer, Tata McGraw Hill Education.
- ‘Reviewed Services Marketing book for the publisher’, Chapter 3: Consumer Behaviour in Services, published by Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd.
Awards won
- Received Best Case study award at International Conference for Customer Perception on Marketing Strategies of Samsung-The New Market Leader in Indian Handset Market"" at Sree Sastha Institute, Chennai on 23rd Jan,2014.
- Letter of Appreciation for the paper- Exploring Services Innovation process and Strategy in developing customer Relationship-With reference 21st century bank “Yes Bank by International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management.
- Appreciation of Research work for Marketing Persuasion and Deception: The neuromarketing perspective for the paper - First international conference on Advances in Management and Economics (ICAME 2012) at Centre for Applied Social Science Research Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.