
Dr. Sanjeev S. Padashetty
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Sanjeev Padashetty brings a diverse experience encompassing various roles in professional journey as an author, academician, administrator, and consultant. Prof. Sanjeev’s contributions to the education industry have been multifaceted, ranging from being a Professor, Vice-Principal, Deputy Registrar to serving as Dean of Research and Chief Editor of a journal.
Dr Sanjeev holds Ph.D. in Management, MBA and B. Pharm degrees and his career spans more than two decades, during which he is involved in areas such as pharma marketing, academia, research, and administration. Dr. Sanjeev has expanded his expertise by earning certifications in 'Consumer Neuroscience' from renowned European institutions and his notable accomplishments include - academic publications, that comprises research papers, scholarly articles, reviews, and accolades, along with active role on the editorial boards of a few journals. As a Research Supervisor, Dr. Sanjeev had the privilege of guiding and supporting Ph.D. candidates on their academic journeys. Additionally, runs a blog, www.sanjeevpadashetty.com, where he shares insights and thoughts related to the areas of B2B Marketing and Neuromarketing.
Research Paper Publications
- S. Kumar and Sanjeev Padashetty (2021), Co-creation of knowledge between Business Schools, Business Firms and Learners, December 2021, International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices9 (1 & 2):26-31
- Nandish Manangi and Sanjeev Padashetty (2019), Consumer attitude towards organic food products: Analysis on organic food consumer, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, Vol 4, Issue 5 May 2019, ISSN: 2455-6378
- Jalaja V and Sanjeev Padashetty (2019), Impact of Employee Engagement on Employee`s Performance and Job Satisfaction- A Survey among the IT Employees, Bangalore, International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI), Vol 8 Issue 07 Series. III July 2019
- Madhu GC and Sanjeev Padashetty (2018), Consumer Information Search: A Conceptual Framework and Review of the Empirical Literature, SS International Journal of Economics and Management (SSIJEM), Vol 8, Issue 6 November 2018, ISSN: 2231-4962
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2018), Factors influencing Soft Drink Beverage Distributor’s Satisfaction in North Karnataka, International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives, Vol 7, Number 1, January – March 2018, ISSN: Print: 2319-9032, Online: 2319-9040.
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2017), An observation of factors affecting Stem Cell Banking Adoption, International Journal of Marketing and Management Research, Vol. 8, Issue 7, July 2017, ISSN: 2229-6883
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2017), Pathway for SMEs towards adopting Information Systems in their Business, Primax International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, Malaysia, Vol.V, Issue No.1 April - June 2017,ISSN: 2321-3604
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Nandeshwar R L (2015), Effective performance of Teachers at Higher Learning in Business Education, published in Gyanodaya-Journal of Progressive Education, July-Dec 2015
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Netra Vasudev (2013), ‘Organic Food Products – A Study on global and Indian consumer perspective’, published in the Research Journal of Social science and Management, RJSSM, Vol. 2, No. 11, March 2013
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2013), ‘Empirical Study on Consumer Adoption of Mobile Payments in Bangalore City – A Case Study’, published in the International journal Researchers World, vol 4, issue 1(1), January 2013
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Netra Vasudev (2013), ‘Global Trends and Buying Behaviour of Organic Food Products’, published in the International Journal of Retailing & Rural Business Perspectives- Pezzottaite Journals, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2013
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Netra Vasudev (2013), ‘Conceptual Overview of Organic food products’ published in the International Journal of Retailing & Rural Business Perspectives- Pezzottaite Journals, Vol. 2, June 2013
- Sanjeev Padashetty (2012), ‘Empirical Investigation of Consumer Perception towards Private Label Brands in food retailing’, published in Elk Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and retailing, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 2012
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV(2011), Adoption of Green Home designs – bridging the gap of CSRR, published in RVS journal of Management Research, July-Dec 2011,Vol. 3, Iss 2
- Sanjeev Padashetty (20029), ‘Demystifying Private Label Brands’, published in Southern Economist, December 15, 2009
- Sanjeev Padashetty (2011), ‘Cloud computing-An Economic Development Perspective’, published in Southern Economist, April 15, 2011
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2011), ‘Branding of B-School: Growth & Sustainability in the Era of Hambridge’, published in the International Journal of Management & IT- ‘OORJA’, December 2011, vol-9/no 3
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2011), ‘Driving the Balanced Regional Development through a meaningful infusion of Technology in Rural Areas – An Innovation and Entrepreneurial Perspective, published in the International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Business Environment Perspectives- Pezzotite Journals, Vol. 2, No.1
Research Papers Presented / Published in the Conference Proceedings
- Kumar, S. and Padashetty, S. (2021). Educonomics of Human Capital Investment, IPPN, 3rd Annual India Public Policy conference 2021, organised by ISB, Mohali, March 2021
- Padashetty, S. and Kumar, S(2020) Co-Creation of Knowledge between Business Schools, Business Firms and Learners, International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Business Management, organized by Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai.
- Sandesh Pillai and Sanjeev Padashetty(2020), A framework analysis on Key Account Management literature review: Key Account Practices in business marketing , International Conference on Marketing, Technology & Society, IIM Kozhikode, Dec 2020
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2016), "Benefits and Challenges in the adoption of Big Data Analytics: a study on Indian corporate sector", a two-day Conference on International conference on Marketing Technology and society (Sept 29 - Oct 1, 2016) organized by IIM- Kozhikode
- Nandish Manangi and Sanjeev Padashetty (2019), Prediction Model for Organic Food Consumption: An Empirical validation of factors influencing Organic Food Buying Behaviour, International Conference on Value-Driven Marketing at SDM-IMD Mysore, October 2019
- Nandish Manangi and Sanjeev Padashetty (2019), Computing the Value Factors influencing the Buying Behaviour in Organic Food Retailing. Alliance Management Studies International Conference 2019. Volume 1 Issue 2, April 2019
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV, Pathway for SMEs towards Adopting Information Systems in their Business". for International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and sustainable value chain in challenging environment at Kuala Lampur, Malaysia
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2016), “Role of Packaging in Product Innovation” a two day International conference on 3i “Intelligence, innovation and inclusion”-Best practices for global excellence, Dept of Management Studies,11-12th March 2016, Pondicherry University
- Sanjeev Padashetty (2016), ‘Redefining Brand Mantra: Leveraging the power of senses to enhance brand experiences’, presented at the International Conference on Brand Management, April 2016, IIT Delhi & Curtin University
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2014), ‘Marketing Strategies adopted in Service Industry with reference to Hotel Service in Bangalore’, published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Competency building strategies in Business and Technology for sustainable development, February 25, 2014, Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Salem
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Netra Vasudev (2016), ‘A study on Marketing Strategies and Certification Standards for Organic Food Products, published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Strategic Management: Emerging Economies, October 25, 2013, The Oxford College of Business Management, Bangalore
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2013), ‘Brand Mysticism, presented at the National Conference on Contemporary Issues in business and management-challenges & opportunities, 2013, Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2012), ‘Small and compact cars in Automobile Industry – A growth opportunity in emerging Asia’, published in the proceedings of International Conference on Business Opportunities in Emerging Asia, August 22-23, 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka, organized by Acharya Bangalore B-School
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2012), ‘Private label brands in retailing’, presented at the National Conference on Renewing Business Trends in Post Recessionary Economy, March 18-19, 2012, Kuvempu University, Shimoga
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2012), ‘Role of Government & Indian Corporates in securing their interests in a crisis riddled Global Economy’, published in the proceedings of the National Conference on Global Economic Crisis and its Impact on Indian Corporate and Government, March 15-16, 2012, Raja Rajeswari college of Engineering, Department of management studies
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2012), ‘Empowering Rural People with Entrepreneurship– An Effective Implementation Strategy’, presented at the National Economic Growth through Innovative Entrepreneurship, May 5, 2012,Tumkur University
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2011), ‘Optimum use of technology in management education with correct implementation strategies’, published in the proceedings of the National Conference on Re-Engineering of Management Education, April 8, 2011, KSOU, Mysore
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2011), ‘In search of opportunities and prospects in Indian Service Sector’, published in the proceedings of the National Conference on Challenges and opportunities in service sector, April 20, 2011, MSRIT
- Sanjeev Padashetty and Krishna Kishore SV (2011), ‘Product portfolio and target marketing in four wheeler automobile marketing-opportunities and challenges’, presented at the International Conference on Managerial challenges in contemporary business, September 29-30, 2011, The Oxford College of Business Management, Bangalore
- Sanjeev Padashetty, Ramanna Shetty, Akanksha Choubey, Mihir Dash, Yashee Sahai, (2023) A study on Consumer Perception of Mobile Payment Wallets: Paytm & PhonePe, SDM Mysore
- Padashetty, S. and Kumar S (2023) , The Rise of Gig and Implications on Indian Economy: A Regional Perspective, BIT Mesra
- Kumar, S. and Padashetty, S. (2021). Examining the Relationship among M-Service Quality, Customer Perceived Value (CPV) Planned Buying Behaviour in M-Commerce Application based Services, IIM Jammu, 2023
Edited Book
- “Private label brands in retailing” published on edited book, ‘Renewing Business Trends in Post Recessionary Economy’ by Excel publishers, ISBN No 938136119-3. As conference proceedings of National Level Conference at Kuvempu University, March 2011.
- “Empowering Rural People with Entrepreneurship– An Effective Implementation Strategy” in edited book at Tumkur University at National Conference on Economic Growth through Innovative Entrepreneurship, Himalaya Publication, ISBN: 978-93-5051-575-4, 5th May 2012.
- “Role of Government & Indian Corporates in securing their interests in a crisis riddled Global Economy” in Edited Book of Global Economic Crisis and its Impact on Indian Corporate and Government”, held at Raja Rajeswari college of Engineering in dept of management studies, 15th & 16th March, 2012, Himalaya Publication, ISBN 978-93-5051-634-8.
Book Published
- Nandesh Manangi and Sanjeev Padashetty, “Consumer Behaviour towards Organic Food Retailing” Book Rivers Publication (2023), ISBN:9788196284268
Patent Granted
- Patent granted by Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Intellectual Property Office, UK. Certificate of Registration for a UK Design, Design number: 6357335, Design: Health Automated Teller Machine, Grant date: 15 April 2024.
Workshops, FDPs & Seminars:
- Resource person: for a workshop on “Marketing of Library Resources and Services in the Digital Era” at City Central Library, West Zone, Bangalore, 20th Nov’2018, on the occasion of National Library Week. Target participants were from across Karnataka - District/City Central Library professionals, Chief Librarians, Deputy Directors and knowledge managers. No. of attendees: 43
- Resource Person: Resource person for the workshop on 16-11-2018 at Alliance University. the workshop topic “Marketing of Library Resources and Services in the Digital Era” The main theme of the workshop is the Marketing of Library resources and services in the digital/internet age, how social media platforms help in promoting library products and services using Social media tools like E-mail, Facebook, LinkedIn...etc Target participants are knowledge managers and library professionals. No. of attendees: 47
- Attended FDP on “Data Analysis Using Statistical tools and Econometric tools” on Dec,26-30, 2021 organized by IIM Sirmaur
- Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on ‘Blended MOOCs in Management Education’ on 23rd Feb 2019 at IIM Bengaluru
- Panelist on a Technical Session titled, “The Education Quandry: Global Challenges and Local Prospects” held at AMSICON, an International Conference, 11-13, April, 2019, Alliance University, Bengaluru.
- Conducted workshop on Elements of Teachers Performance at Business for UG Teaching staff of The Oxford College of Business Management
- Conducted a FDP on ‘Effective implementation of Problem Based Learning in academic curriculum’ for the faculties of MBA and BBM dept. at The Oxford College of Business Management on 5th April 2011
As Panelist on Live TV Shows:
- CNN News18: Live on prime-time news discussion on the issue of civic order of Bengaluru city. Voiced my opinion on bad governance of lakes and lake encroachments by the Realtors and GoK.
On the plight of Bengaluru lakes. In the 1960's, Bengaluru had nearly 262 lakes, officials claim 64 water bodies, which is reduced to 17 lakes that are alive. Interestingly 42 lakes have been either leased out by BDA or developed into BDA sites. Charity should begin from home, Government should denotify leased lands, bring back life to those lakes.
- CNN News18: On prime-time news discussion on the issue of corruption of Karnataka state. Voiced my opinion on governance, political corruption and lopsided growth of Karnataka State, ignoring the districts of North Karnataka, Mumbai Karnataka and coastal Karnataka
- TV9 Kannada: Live on prime-time news discussion and opined on Howdy Modi event held at Houston, US and effect on Indian Economy. 22nd September 2019
Awards & Certifications:
- 'Best Educationist' Award at the Global Start-up Summit is confirmed by Global Startup Summit & MSME, India, 30th Jan 2021
- Consumer Neuroscience and Neuro-marketing, from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, July 2020
- International B2B Marketing, Yonsei University, South Korea, August 2020
- Neuroeconomics and How the Brain makes Decisions, National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 2020