
Dr. S. Prabagar
Associate Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. S. Prabagar holds a Doctorate degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. He also earned Master's degrees in Computer and Information Technology from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India, and Computer Applications from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India. He completed his Bachelor of Science degree at VHNSN College, Virudhunagar.
His primary areas of interest include Computer Networks, Internet of Things, Cryptography & Steganography, and Machine Learning. His Ph.D. dissertation focused on developing security management protocols and algorithms to secure medical images on the internet. He has published his research in reputed journals like Scopus, Elsevier, and IJEECE. Additionally, he has presented several articles at prestigious IEEE conferences.
Dr. Prabagar is an experienced reviewer for the Advances in Science, Technology, and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ) and has served as an advisory committee member for the 3rd International Conference on Data Science & Big Data Analytics (IDBA-ACMWIR 2023) held at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, Indore, India on 16th - 17th June 2023.
In his teaching role, Dr. Prabagar covers various subjects, including Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Programming Languages, IoT, Operating Systems, Computer Graphics, and Distributed Systems.
Publication of Patent
- Published the patent in the title of “EASY BANK'S FORM FILLING AND PRINTING DEVICE USING SPEECH RECOGNITION”, Application Number 202041039068 and Published on 25/09/2020.
- Published the patent in the title of “AN IOT BASED WEARABLE DIGITAL BANGLE TO MONITOR HEART BEAT OF FETUS”, Application Number 202141003230 and Published on 29/01/2021.
- Published the patent in the title of “SMART SAFTY HELMET FOR UNDERGROUND WORKERS IN COAL POWER PLANT”, Application Number 202241000545 and Published on 14/01/2022
Publication of papers in National / International Conferences
- Automatic ASCII Art Conversion and Steganalysis for Color Image, Conference on Communication Technologies held at Bharath Nikethan Engineering College, Andipatty on 22nd March 2012.
- A Probabilistic RSSI Based Energy Efficient GSM Positioning System, National Conference on Recent Trends in Information and Communication Technology held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 12 & 13th April 2013.
- Implementation of Steganography and Cryptography using Elliptic Curve Cryptography, International Conference on Innovations in Electronics, Communication and Computing at Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai, on 10 & 11th April 2014.
- Different level multimedia content delivery system based on two dimensional quality watermark algorithm, National Conference on Recent Trends & safety in Automobiles at The Kavery College of Engineering, Salem on 28th March 2015.
- Smart Attendance System Using Android Wi-Fi Connectivity, National Conference on Electrical Civil Mechanical Communication System, Associated with IEEE and ICTACT on 24th February 2017.
- Effective Intrusion Detection System Using Support Vector Machine Learning, International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering Research at Al-Ameen Engineering College, Erode on 5th April 2018.
- Data Mining Technology Information Integration for Maximum Entropy Classification Models, Conference on Advances in Computational Science and Engineering at Coimbatore, India on 25 and 26th December 2020 ISBN 978-0-7354-4204-7, Vol.2519, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0109764 Published on 03.10.2022.(WoS and Scopus Indexed).
- Cloud based Location Tracking and Controlling Parameters System Implementation for Armed Forces in the War field, Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS 2023) at Coimbatore, India on 2nd and 3rd February 2023. ISBN: 978-1-6654-6216-7, Page No. 471-475, DOI: 10.1109/ICAIS56108.2023.10073894 Published on 27.03.2023.(IEEE).
- Hybrid Deep Learning based Attack Detection and Classification Model on IoT Environment, Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT) at Erode, India on 22nd,23rd and 24th February 2023. ISBN: 978-1-6654-9361-1, Page No. 471-475, DOI: 10.1109/ICECCT56650.2023.10179678 Published on 21.07.2023.(IEEE).
Publication of paper in National / International Journals
- S. Prabagar & Dr. S. Vasuki, Automatic ASCII art conversion of color images using NMF and Steganography / International Journal for Electrical and Electronics Engineers and Telecommunications, October 2012, Vol. 1 No. 1 Page NO. 67 – 75. ISSN.2319-2518 (Scopus Indexed 21100838789, 0.454 )
- S. Prabagar & Dr. S. Vasuki, Color Image Steganography Using Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Technique / Asian Journal of Information Technology, October 2016, Vol. 15 Issue: 17, Page No. 3320-3326.ISSN 1682-3915( Scopus Indexed 19700171018, Impact Factor 0.121 )
- S. Prabagar & Dr. S. Vasuki, HSCT-An Efficient Framework for Security in Medical Imaging using Hybrid Stego-Crypt Technique / Asian Journal of Research Social Science and Humanities, December 2016, Vol. 6, No. 12, Page No. 743-753. ISSN 2249-7315 ( Impact Factor 0.676)
- S. Prabagar, ,Siva.M,Yuvaraj.D, Satheesh Kumar.M Social Network Analyzer / International Journal for Research and Development in Technology, March 2018, Vol 9, Issue :3 Page No. 711– 718. ISSN (O) :- 2349-3585 ( Impact Factor 4.396)
- C.B.Syamsudha and S. Prabagar, Enhanced Video Steganography with Text Perturbation in Encoded AVI Video Streams / Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology, April-June 2018, Vol 2, Issue 2, Page No. 901 – 908. ISSN: 2456-883X (4.643)
S. Prabagar, Performance Analysis of Image Steganography Using Lossy Compression Technique / PENSEE International Journal, April 2021, Vol 51, Issue 04-2021, Page No. 1704 – 1709. ISSN: 0031-4773 (6.0, Scopus indexed, UGC-CARE)
Book Publication :
- Title is Cyber Security, Alpha International Publication (AIP), ISBN 978-93-95978-77-4, January 2023.
Journal Reviewer :
- Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ), Reviewer Code: AJR09375, (ISSN: 2415-6698).
Advisory Committee Member( Conferences ) :
- 3rd International Conference on Data Science & Big Data Analytics (IDBA-ACMWIR 2023) as Advisory Committee Member held on 16th - 17th June 2023 at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, Indore, India