
Dr. S. Nagalakshmi
Associate Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr. S. Nagalakshmi holds a Ph.D. in Finance from Mother Teresa Women University, MBA in Finance from Bangalore University, M.Com from Osmania University and qualified UGC NET in 2016. She has been in academia for more than two decades teaching at graduate and postgraduate levels. Her areas of teaching are Financial Management, Direct Taxation, and International Finance, Accounting for Managers, Financial Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting.
She is a continuous learner and has presented more than 20 papers at national and international conferences and published research papers in various journals. She has served several positions and has been at the forefront of heading various committees & end-to-end processes of the institutions she has worked. She was instrumental in initiating ACCA and CMA professional courses in the previous institution. She was also heading Social Immersion Program and contributed immensely to the society by handling various social projects in association with NGO’s and Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education.
- Co-Editor of SIP Book Titled “Content Creates Community and Community Brings Sustainability”
- Co-Authored Book on Indian Financial System – Book chapter - Stock Markets – Kalyani publications 2023.
- Book Chapter Publication titled “Analysis of Small Cap Mutual Funds Analysis using Correlation Matrix,” with book title “New Paradigms in Management and Social Sciences.”
- An article published in RB Scopus Indexed Journal Titled “Behavioral Finance and Wealth Management: How to build optimal portfolios that account for investor bias” September 2019
- An article on “Emerging Trends in Management” Titled “An Empirical Investigation to understand the overall Behaviour Characteristics of Retail Investors towards investment decision making – A Factor Analysis Approach.”
In UGC Listed Journal No 63571 – International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research; ISSN No: 2394 – 7780; volume 6, Issue 1 January – March 2019, with Impact Factor – 7.36. - An article on “An Empirical Investigation to understand the Factors Influencing the Behaviour of Individual Investors” published in “ROYAL – UGC LISTED JOURNAL NO: 47037, Volume – VI, Issue – II, ISSN NO: 2278-8158, IMPACT FACTOR: 4.42, June-November 2017.
- An article on “An Empirical Investigation in Understanding the Key Factors Influencing Behaviour of Individual Investor in Indian Equity Market” published in “IDEAL – UGC LISTED JOURNAL NO: 47026, Volume – VI, Issue – 1, ISSN NO: 2319-359X, IMPACT FACTOR: 4.08, September-February 2018.
- An article on “Crowd Funding – An Emerging trend in India” has been published in “International Journal of Scientific Research” with ISSN NO: 2277 – 8179, IMPACT FACTOR:1.53, Volume 3, Issue 04, April 2014.
- An article on “Growth of E-Commerce Firms in India through Venture Capital Financing” has been published in “International Journal of Research & Business innovation” with ISSN NO:2321 – 5615, IMPACT FACTOR: 1.53, Volume 2, Issue – September 2014.
- An article on “Growth of E-Commerce Firms in India through Venture Capital Financing” has been published in “International Journal of Research & Business innovation” with ISSN NO:2321 – 5615, IMPACT FACTOR: 1.53, Volume 2, Issue – September 2014.
Paper Presentations:
- Paper presented in the 14th international Conference KRISYM 2021”, paper titled “COVID 19 – Testing of Efficient Market Hypothesis: A study on Indian Stock Market using Run Test” held by School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College, dated January 07, 2021.
- Paper presented in the Virtual Conference on “Global Deceleration: Emergence of New Economy” titled COVID 19 – Impact on the performance of pharmaceutical stocks in India” held at Ramaiah Institute of Management on 27th August 2020.
- Paper presentation in International Multi-Disciplinary Academic Web Conference 2020 titled “Behavioral Finance: The Role of Demographic Factors Affecting Return Decision of Employees working in Private Banking Sector” organized by Surana College, Bengaluru dated 29th & 30th May 2020.
- Paper presented in the International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Management” Titled “An Empirical Investigation to understand the overall Behaviour Characteristics of Retail Investors towards investment decision making – A Factor Analysis Approach” @ Ramaiah Institute of Management dated 27.6.2018.
- Paper presented in International Multidisciplinary Conference on Emerging issues in Agriculture, Economics, Banking, Law, Humanities, Environment and Social Sciences, titled “An Empirical Investigation in understanding the key factors influencing behaviour of individual investor in Indian equity market at Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Commerce, Pune dated 4.2.2018.
- Paper presented in International Multidisciplinary Conference on Commerce, Management Technology and Environmental Sciences, titled “An Empirical Investigation to understand the factors influencing the behaviour of individual investors at St. Joseph’s College of Arts & Commerce, Pune dated 29.9.2017.
- Paper presented in One day international conference on Global Talent Management in the Digital Era. Titled “Behavioural Finance – A Perception of Investors Psychology” at Fatima College, Madurai, on 13.9.2017.
- Paper presented in Two-day International Conference on “Creativity and Innovation for Business Sustainability” organized by Periyar Maniammai University on “IFRS – Implementation and Challenges in India” held on 6th and 7th November 2014.
- Paper presented in National Conference on “Contemporary Issues in Management” organized by Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering on “E-Commerce in India” held on 27th September 2014.
- Paper presented in International Conference on “Innovative Research in Commerce” organized by AVS College of Arts & Science on “Growth of E-Commerce Firms in India through Venture Capital Financing” held on 19th September 2014.
- Paper presented in ICSSR Sponsored National Conference on “Creativity and Innovation for Contemporary Managerial Issues” organized by Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu on 26th March 2014, paper titled “Crowd Funding – An Emerging Trend in India.”
- Paper presented in 66th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association & National Seminar on “Inclusive Growth and Sustainability – Role of Commerce Education in India” organized by Bengaluru University from 5th – 7th December 2013, paper titled “Women Empowerment through Commerce Education for Sustainable Growth”.
- Paper presented in one day National Conference on “Foreign Direct Investment – Perspectives and Challenges” organized by Teresian Post Graduate Centre, Mysore on 17th April 2013, Paper titled “Role of BPO and its impact on Indian Economy”.
- Paper presented in one day UGC – Recognized National Seminar on “Business Values in Changing Market Environment” organized by St. Joseph’s Evening College, Bengaluru on 9th March 2013 Paper titled “Corporate Social Responsibility: Issues and Challenges”.
- Paper presented in the two days National Conference on “Reforms in Indian Financial System” organized by Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru on 11th & 12th Sept 2012, Paper titled “Currency appreciation and Depreciation with respect to Indian Economy.”
- Paper presented in International Conference on “India Inc. Innovative Management Strategies” – Paper titled – “Micro finance and Inclusive Growth” 5th to 7th Jan 2012 in Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Paper presented in one day National Conference on “Empowering Rural India –Issues, Challenges and Perspectives” on 02/12/2011 in AMC, Bengaluru.
- Participated in 7 days National Level Online Workshop on “Research Methodology from 4.10.2020, organized by Punjab Commerce and Management Association.
- Participated in 7 days National Level Online Workshop on “Research Methodology from 4.10.2020, organized by Punjab Commerce and Management Association.
- Participated in FDP at Malleshwaram Academy of Higher Learning Topic “E-Resources for Academic Research in Commerce & Management”, dated 9.2.2019.
- Participated in Two-days’ workshop on Research Methodology at Mother Teresa Women University, Kodaikanal on 26th and 27th August 2014.
- Participated in two-days FDP at RVIM, Department of Finance on “Risk Management and Derivatives” held on May 30th and 31st
- Participated in IFRS Workshop conducted by ISDC in association with Bengaluru University at St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, Bengaluru on 12th April 2014.
- Participated in One day National level FDP Workshop on “Effective Costing Techniques” at Acharya Bengaluru B-School on 22nd February 2014.
- Participated in one day workshop on “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management” on 27.09.2012 organized by MSRIT, Bengaluru.
- Participated in the National Workshop on “Issues & Challenges in Multi-Level Marketing” organized by Advanced Management College, Bengaluru on 1.06.2012.
- Participated in Seminar on “Demystifying Indirect Taxes” on1.10.2011 in Garden City College, Bengaluru.
- Participated in FDP on “Pedagogy in Management Curriculum” by Dr. Rajeev Gowda, IIM-B, organized by Administrative Management College, Bengaluru on 29.09.2011.
- Participated in the FDP on “Writing Research Paper for Referred Journals” organized by AMC Engineering College, Bengaluru on 16.09.2011.
Awards won
- Honored with Faculty Recognition Award for the significant contribution for the year 2023 by IFIM College in February 2024.
- Received Community Development Awards for the year 2022, 2023 as SIP Convener from Youth for Seva.
- Best Paper Award for the paper presentation in International Multi-Disciplinary Academic Web Conference 2020 titled “Behavioral Finance: The Role of Demographic Factors Affecting Return Decision of Employees working in Private Banking Sector” organized by Surana College, Bengaluru dated 29th & 30th May 2020.
- Best Paper Award for the paper presentation in ICSSR Sponsored National Conference on “Creativity and Innovation for Contemporary Managerial Issues” organized by Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu on 26th March 2014, paper titled “Crowd Funding – An Emerging Trend in India.”
- Best Faculty Award by IFIM Institute in the year 2014.