
Dr. Ravikumar T
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Ravikumar T is an academic professional with over 25 years of experience. He holds a Ph.D. in Management from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. His research focuses on innovations in Finance, offering practical industry solutions. Dr. Ravikumar specializes in Finance, Digital Finance, and Human Resources Development. He has published numerous articles in national and international referred journals. Many of his research works are featured in Scopus, Web of Science, and ABDC-indexed journals. He has led multiple funded projects, including those by AICTE and ICSSR. His work also includes patents and copyrights in Technology Management and Learnability Quotient. Dr. Ravikumar’s contributions bridge the gap between academic theory and real-world applications. His expertise provides valuable insights and actionable strategies for the field of management.
- Ravikumar, T., Girish, S., Halaswamy, D., & Abhinandan N. (2024). Psychological Safety and Career Success among Employees of Indian Start-ups: Mediating Role of Passion. International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope, 5(2), 484–492. Scopus Indexed. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47857/irjms.2024.v05i02.0546
- Joseph. J. P., & Ravikumar T (2024). Relationship between Digital Leadership and Organizational Culture: Role of Digital Literacy. International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope, 5(2), 493–500. Scopus Indexed. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47857/irjms.2024.v05i02.0551
- Ravikumar, T., Kannan, N., Rajesh, R., & Sriram, M. (2023). Mediating Role of Financial Literacy in Relationship between Financial Stress & Financial Resilience among MSME in Bangalore. Finance India, 37(2), 595–612. Scopus and ABDC Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T. (2023). Occupational stress and psychological wellbeing during COVID-19: Mediating role of positive psychological capital. Current Psychology, 42(23), 20157–20164. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-02861-1. Scopus – Q2 and Web of Science Indexed.
- Nair, S., Mathew, J., & Ravikumar, T. (2023). Levelling Up Organisational Learning Through Gamification: Based on Evidence from Public Sector Organisations in India. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 10(1), 64–84. https://doi.org/10.1177/23220937221082772. Scopus and ABDC Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Anuradha, R., Rajesh, R., & Prakash, N. (2022). Smartphone Usage, Social Media Engagement, and Academic Performance: Mediating Effect of Digital Learning. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 116, 351–364. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9605-3_24. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Mathew, J., & Rekha, A. H. (2022). Fortitude and Sense of Coherence in Achieving Financial Resilience and Financial Health of Micro and Small Entrepreneurs. ECS Transactions, 107(1), 405–420. https://doi.org/10.1149/10701.0405ecst. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Murugan, N., Suhashini, J., & Sriram, M. (2022). Technologies Driving Digital Payments in India: Present and Future. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Sustainable Expert Systems, 71–78. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., & Prakash, N. (2022). Determinants of adoption of digital payment services among small fixed retail stores in Bangalore, India. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 28(3), 319–346. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBIR.2022.124123. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Rajesh, R., Krishna, T. A., Haresh, R., & Arjun, B. S. (2022). Changing customer mindset in adopting digital financial services during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from India. Banks and Bank Systems, 17(3), 58–71. https://doi.org/10.21511/bbs.17(3).2022.06. Scopus – Q1 and ABDC Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Sriram, M., Girish, S., Anuradha, R., & Gnanendra, M. (2022). Financial stress, financial literacy, and financial insecurity in India’s informal sector during COVID-19. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 19(2), 285–294. https://doi.org/10.21511/imfi.19(2).2022.25. Scopus – Q1 and B in ABDC Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Sriram, M., Kannan, N., Elias, I., & Seshadri, V. (2022). Relationship between financial stress and financial well-being of micro and small business owners: Evidence from India. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 20(4), 306–319. https://doi.org/10.21511/ppm.20(4).2022.23. Scopus – Q1.
- Ravikumar, T., Sriram, M., Prakash, N., Divakar, G. M., & Halaswamy, D. (2022). Behavioral drivers of access-based consumption among millennials and Generation Z in India. International Journal of Business Excellence, 27(2), 261–276. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBEX.2022.123570. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Suresha, B., Prakash, N., Vazirani, K., & Krishna, T. A. (2022). Digital financial literacy among adults in India: measurement and validation. Cogent Economics and Finance, 10(1), 0–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2022.2132631. Scopus – Q2 and B in ABDC Indexed.
- Suresha, B., Ravikumar, T., & Rajesh, R. (2022). Nexus Between Tax Buoyancy and Economic Growth Evidence from India1. Finance India, 36(3), 1147–1166. Scopus and ABDC Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Murugan, N., & Suhashini, J. (2021). Geographical and Gender Disparities in Financial Inclusion Diffusion in India. Finance India, 34(4), 1453–1477. https://financeindia.org/data/2021/FI354/FI-354-CP02.pdf. Scopus and ABDC Indexed.
- Shruti, S., & Ravikumar, T. (2021). Essential employable skill sets in management graduates for finance job roles in India. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. https://doi.org/10.1108/heswbl-05-2020-0093. Scopus – Q3, Web of Science, and C in ABDC.
- Ravikumar, T. (2020). Financial access indicators of financial inclusion: A comparative analysis of SAARC countries. International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, 7(1–3), 28–36. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJIE.2020.104643. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., & Sriram, M. (2020). Differences in perceptions of employees towards knowledge management strategies in selected information technology companies in Bangalore. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2207. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0000057. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Murugan, N., & Suhashini, J. (2019). Digital lending: Is it an alternative lending revolution? International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(10), 599–601. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T. (2019). Digital financial inclusion: A payoff of financial technology and digital finance uprising in India. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(11), 3434–3438. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Suresha, B., Sriram, M., & Rajesh, R. (2019). Impact of digital payments on economic growth: Evidence from India. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 553–557. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.L3432.1081219. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T. (2018). Measurement of financial inclusion status of India. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(7), 354–364. Scopus Indexed.
- Suresha, B., & Ravikumar, T. (2018). Nexus between ownership structure and firm performance - Evidence from the Indian service sector. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(7), 209–214. Scopus Indexed.
Book Chapters
- Ravikumar, T., Prakash, N., & Rajesh, R. (2022). Measurement of Digital Payments Penetration across India : An Examination of Digital Payments Index. 10th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Corporate Finance and Financial Markets October, 1–7. Scopus Indexed.
- Ravikumar, T., Sriram, M., & Murugan, N. (2022). Applications and Risks of Big Data in Financial Services. 10th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Corporate Finance and Financial Markets October, 1–7. Scopus Indexed.
- Determinants of Book Built IPO Underpricing – Differential Issue Size and Market Momentum Approach Revisited, Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Business Management – Post COVID 19, ISBN-978-1-032-21444-3, Routledge Publications, Taylor and Francis Group, India, pp.131-146. Scopus Indexed.
- "Global marketing during the post-recession period: Opportunities and Challenges", Global Marketing strategies and practices, ISBN–978–93–80530–17–8, Agasthiar Publications, Trichy, pp. 26-29.
- “Achieving 100% financial inclusion in India: A challenging task ahead”, Inclusive growth in India, ISBN - 978-93-80697-21-5, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, pp.41-45.
- “Consumer protection and the Banking services: A legal perspective” Consumer protection perceptions for intervention, ISBN-978-81-8209-028-6, Vijay Nicole imprints, Chennai, pp.159-165.
External Funded Projects
- Completed 10 days Research Methodology Workshop for Social Science Research Scholars funded by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi for Rs 5,50,000.
- Completed a Faculty Development Programme (FDP) by ATAL-AICTE for Rs 3,50,000.
- Completed a Short-term Project on “Impact of Smartphone and Social Media Usage on the Academic Performance of Higher Education Students in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana” funded by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi for Rs 7,00,000.
- Completed a Minor Research Project on “Economic and Operational Challenges of Roadside Vendors in Bengaluru” funded by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi for Rs 2,00,000.
Patent Publications
- Title of Invention: Machine Learning-based Price Negotiator E-Commerce Chatbot System.
- Title of Invention: Machine Learning-based Bitcoin - Cryptocurrency Price Predictor
- Title of Invention: The effects on the financial and economic status of the country in the Covid pandemic & and its damages to human health.
- Title of Invention: IoT and Deep Learning based emotion and hate speech recognition to examine the person mind state in home/health care.
- Measurement Scale of Learnability Quotient of Adults in India.
Publications in other Leading Indexing Agencies
- Srinivasan, S., & Ravikumar, T. (2022). Corporate Storytelling: Formal Application of Stories in Indian Organizations. International Journal of Natural Sciences, 13(71), 40552–40564.
- Ravikumar, T., Murugan, N., Suhashini, J., & Rajesh, R. (2021). Banking on Artificial Intelligence to Bank the Unbanked. Annals of R.S.C.B., 25(5), 129–132.
- Ravikumar, T., Girish, S., Rajesh, R., & Halaswamy, D. (2020). Nexus Among Financial Literacy, Awareness About Financial Products and Financial Inclusion : Evidence From Rural Nexus Among Financial Literacy, Awareness About Financial Products and Financial Inclusion : Evidence From Rural Tamilnadu, India. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7 (August), 4901–4906.
- Ravikumar, T., Murugan, N., & Suhashini, J. (2020). Blockchain Technology, Is it an Accelerator for the Incomplete Agenda of Financial Inclusion? International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 10(3), 11787–11796. https://doi.org/10.24247/ijmperdjun20201126
- Ravikumar, T., Murugan, N., Suhashini, J., & Rajesh, R. (2020). Digital Payments Diffusion in Emerging and Developed Economies. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(4), 273–279. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.d1357.029420
- Murugan, N., Ravikumar, T., & Suresha, B. (2017). Financial Products and Services Needs of People in Tamilnadu. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 07 (Specia(July), 314–320.
- Ravikumar, T. (2017). An Introduction to CUCFIIX: A Result of Critical Assessment on Indicators of Financial Inclusion Measurement. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 7(July), 153–159.
Indian Citation Indexed Journal articles
- “Career Commitment of Women Information Technology Professionals in Bangalore City Bangalore City”, Asian Journal of Management, ISSN - 2321-5763 (online), Volume – 8, Issue – 1, January 2017, pp. 1-5.
- “Functional effectiveness of social enterprises in Tamil Nadu: Beneficiaries' perspective”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, ISSN – 2395 - 4396, Volume – 2, Issue – 6, December 2016, pp.743-748.
- “Marketing of Films through Social Media: A Conceptual Framework”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, ISSN – 2395 - 4396, Volume – 2, Issue – 6, December 2016, pp.1498-1501.
- “A Comprehensive Literature Review on Financial Inclusion”, Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance, ISSN – 2249 – 7323, Volume – 7, Issue – 8, August 2017, pp.119-133, DOI - 10.5958/2249-7323.2017.00097.9.
- “Perceptions of beneficiaries towards functions of social enterprises in Tamil Nadu”, Researchers World - Journal of Arts Science and Commerce, ISSN – 2231-4172, Volume – VIII, Issue – 4 (1), October 2017, pp. 90-95.
- “Small Finance Banks and Financial Inclusion in India”, RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multi-disciplinary, ISSN – 2455-3085, Volume – 04, Issue – 03, March 2019, pp. 1586-1588.
- “Basic Bank Accounts in Selected Developed and Developing Countries: A Comparative Study”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, ISSN – 2348-1269, Volume – 06, Issue – 01, March 2019, pp. 497-501.
- “Role of Knowledge Management Strategies on Employee Performance in Selected Information Technology Companies in Bangalore”, International Journal of Management & Social Sciences, ISSN – 2249-0191, Volume – 08, Issue – 2.1, January 2019, pp. 59-62.
- “Demographic Constructs and Savings Behaviour of Adult People”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN – 2349-5162, Volume – 6, Issue – 3, March 2019, pp. 409-412.
- “Impact of Demographic Constructs on Employees Perceptions on Knowledge Management Strategies of Selected Information Technology Companies in Bangalore”, Studies in Indian Place Names, ISSN 2394-3114, Volume – 40, Issue – 60, March 2020.
- “Penetration and Challenges of Small Finance Banks in India”, Sambodhi, ISSN 2241-6661, Volume – 43, Issue – 03, September 2020.