
Dr. Rathnakar Achary
Associate Professor & Director - Centre of Excellence (Cyber Security)
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Rathnakar Achary holds a doctoral degree in Computer Science and Engineering from SASTRA University Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. He is an alumnus of Mysore University and holds a Master’s degree in Software Engineering and Masters in Business Administration from Periyar University, Salem. He is also certified in mobile computing from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, NABL (ISO/IEC – 17025), certified from FICCI and is a certified Microsoft professional.
In a carrier spanning twenty four years, he has worked as a faculty member at Alliance for teaching post-graduate level students, Vice-Principal of RNS Rural Polytechnic and as a Project Coordinator of a community development project sponsored by MHRD-Govt. of India.
His area of teaching and research includes; Wireless Networks, Quality of Service in Wireless Networks, Embedded Computing, Information Security, Computer Networks and Data Communication.
Research Papers Publications
- Dynamic Job Scheduling Using Ant Colony Optimization for Mobile Cloud Computing “Intelligent Distributed Computing Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, Springer Publication, Volume 321, 2015, pp 71-82, ISSN-978-3-319-11227-5
- ‘Performance Enhancement if IEEE 802.11e WLAN by Dynamic Adaptive Contention Window’, in IEEE -Xplore, p.no. 447-452, ISSN - 978-89-968650-2-5, February 2014
- ‘Adaptive Modulation for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Communication’, in the International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, ISSN: 2278-0181 Volume/Issue: Vol. 3 - Issue 5, May 2014
- ‘Admission Control Scheme for QoS Support in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN Scialert Research’, in Research Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 10, Issue 3923, ISSN - 1815-7432, August 2013
- ‘Data integrity and intrusion detection in Wireless Sensor Networks’, in IEEE-Xplore, vol. 10, Issue 1109, p. no. 1-5, ISSN - 978-1-4244-3805-1, December 2008
- ‘Measurement Based Admission Control for QoS Enhancement of IEEE802.11 WLAN’, in European Journal of Scientific Research, 2012
- ‘Antenna selection for performance enhancement of MIMO Technology in Wireless LAN’, in the International Journal of Computer Science Issues. Vol. 8, Issue 1, ISSN - 1694-0814, January 2011
- ‘Enhanced QoS by Service Differentiation in MAC-Layer for WLAN’, in the International Journal of Computer Applications 55(8):28-31, published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, Vol. 55, Issue 8, p.no. 28-31, ISSN - 0975-8887, October 2012
- ‘Antenna Selection in MIMO Cognitive Radio’, in the International Journal of Computer Applications (ISSN - 0975 – 8887) Volume 41– No.19, March 2012
- ‘WLAN QoS Issues and IEEE 802.11e QoS Enhancement’, in the International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, ISSN - 1793-8201, February, 2010
- ‘Secured Information Access based on Bell La-Padula Model A Case of Novel Publishing Company’, in the International Journal of Computer Applications (ISSN - 0975 – 8887) Volume 11– No.8, December 2010
- ‘Wireless LAN Security – Challenges and Solutions’, in the International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 3, p.no. 258-265, ISSN - 793-8163, August 2009
- ‘Establishing a smart Hospital Environment using RFID Technology’, in GYAN – International Journal of Management and Technology, Jan-June Vol. II, 2008
- ‘Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and user acceptance of m-Commerce in banking services’, in GITAM National level refereed Journal, October 2009
- ‘Information Technology A Watchful Eye on Supply Chain Management’, in JIMS 8M Indian national level Refereed journal, Jul-Sept 2004
Research Papers Presented/Published in the Conference Proceedings
- ‘A New QoS Architecture for Performance Enhancement of IEEE 802.11e EDCA by Contention Window Adaption’, in CICN '12 proceedings of the 2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks. IEEE Computer Society Washington, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4850-0, Pages 74-78 indexed by Scopus -2012
- ‘Admission Control Based QoS’, presented at the National Seminar on Digtal Media Processing, August 2012, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore
- ‘Performance enhancement of WiMAX system using MIMO Technology’, presented at the ICMS international conference, Loyala college, Chennai
- ‘Information Security: A case of Novel Publishing Company’, presented at theInternational Conference, August 2005, organised by Institute of Business Administration, ICICT and IEEE, Karachi, Pakistan
- ‘Digital Library A store House of Knowledge’, presented at the International Conference on Digital Library February 2004, Teri and Department of Tourism and Culture Govt. of India – New Delhi
- ‘Knowledge Management -Role of e-Governance in K- Society’, presented at ICIM- Mumbai, 2004
- ‘Knowledge Management Practices and its Economic Perspectives’, presented at the National Conference on Emerging Sectors New Paradigms and Perspectives, October 2005, BIT Davanegere
- ‘Role of Information Technology in Decision making on the Pursuit of Business Success- an Analysis’, presented at theNational Conference on Emerging Sectors New Paradigms and Perspectives, October 2005, BIT Davanegere
- ‘Knowledge based E-Governance: A framework for Government Organizations’, presented at the National Conference on The new Growth Cycle in the context of Globalization: Lessons for India Inc, October 2005, JNNCE, Shimoga, Karnataka
- ‘Collaborative Commerce: A competitive Edge for Successful Business’, presented at the National Seminar on Achieving Competitive Advantage Through E- Business, September 2005, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore
- ‘Role of IPR in Digital Commerce’, presented at the Ministry of HRD sponsored National Seminar on Management Perspective on IPR, January 2004, MTM in Belgaum, Karnataka
- ‘Information Technology in Rural Development’, presented at the National Level Conference, February 2004, Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore
- ‘IT industries and Intellectual Property Rights’, presented at the Ministry of HRD sponsored National Seminar on Management Perspective on IPR, January 2004,Madras University
- ‘Information Technology in Rural Development’, presented at the National Conference on Emerging Face of Rural Indian Markets, February 2004, Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore
- ‘New Education Policy Plan of Action’, presented at the Academic Staff Colleges Goals, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, December 2003
- ‘Performance Enhancement of WLAN using 802.11n and MIMO Technology’, presented and published in the proceedings of the Conference on Mobile and Pervasive Computing, August 2008, Vellmal College of Engineering
- ‘Industrial growth and Environmental Issues’, presented and published in the Conference proceedings, Feb 2006, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
- ‘Wireless Mobile GIS – a tool for simplifying the Business Process’, presented and published in the proceedings of the National conference on Emerging Trends in Management Policies and practives, April 2007, Saranathan Engineering College, Trichy
- ‘Developing a framework to aid decision with reference to use of different storage devices for information management’, presented at the Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, July 2005, Scientific and Information Division, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam
Article Publications
- ‘MIMO Technology for the Next-Generation Wireless Services Developer’, April 2007 Issue, IQ leading IT magazine, http://developeriq.in/articles/2007/aug/29/mimo-technology-next-generation-wireless-services.
Book Chapter Publications
- ‘Business - to - Business E-Commerce’, a book chapter for the Fourth Edition of the book Business Marketing, by Prof. K. Krishna Hvaldar, June 2014, published by McGraw-Hill India
Book Reviews
- ‘Hoffer: Modern System Analysis and Design – 5/e’, 2009, Pearson Education
- ‘Hoffer: Modern Database Management System – 9/e’, 2009, Pearson Education