
Dr. Rajesh Sharma R
Associate Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Rajesh Sharma R is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department. He teaches various computer-related courses, including Compiler Design, Computer Architecture, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining, and other subjects related to the field of Computer Science.
He holds an Undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Madras University, a Postgraduate degree in Software Engineering from Annamalai University, and a second Postgraduate degree in Information Technology from Anna University. Additionally, he has a Doctorate in Information Technology from Anna University.
With over 50 articles published in various peer-reviewed, WoS, and Scopus indexed journals, he has demonstrated his expertise in research. Moreover, Dr. Rajesh Sharma R is a Certified Master Trainer by NASSCOM and the Directorate of Technical Education.
He boasts an impressive 14 years of experience in the Computer Science and Engineering field. Dr. Rajesh Sharma R is an Associate Member of prestigious organizations such as IEI, IAENG, IACSIT, and AACE.
Some of the significant publications are as follows:
- Dr Rajesh Sharma R, K. Vengatagurunathan Naidu, Anchu Krishnan Pillai “Analyzing the function of smart security in the context of the internet of things” July 2023, IEEE Explore. (Scopus)
- Mukerem Ali Nur, Mesfin Abebe, Rajesh Sharma Rajendran “Handwritten Geez Digit Recognition Using Deep Learning” Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, November 2022. (Scopus)
- Cuddapah Anitha, Virendra Swaroop Sangtani, Ajay Kumar Bansal, Rajesh Sharma Rajendran, Saravanan M. S.” Hybrid RSA-ROA Scheduling Algorithm for Minimization of Power Loss and Improving the Renewable with Sustainable Energy Harvesting in Power System” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2022(12):1-13, August 2022. (Scopus)
- Stephen Leon Joseph Leon, Manikandan Natarajan, R. Santhanakrishnan, Rajesh Sharma Rajendran “Heat Index Based Optimization of Primary Process Parameters in Friction Stir Welding on Light Weight Materials” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering - September 2022. (Scopus)
- Ashanafi workie, Rajesh Sharma, Ake Sungheetha, Yun Koo Chung "Generative Adversarial Network-Based Visual-Aware Interactive Fashion Design Framework" Accepted for the book entitled "Implementing and Leveraging Blockchain Programming" Work under the imprint Springer. book series Blockchain Technologies. January 2022 (Scopus)
- Olana M.D., Rajesh Sharma R., Sungheetha A., Chung Y.K. (2021)” Applying Deep Learning Approach for Wheat Rust Disease Detection Using MosNet Classification Technique”. Inventive Computation and Information Technologies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 173. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4305-4_41. Springer - January 2021. (Scopus)
- Rajesh Sharma R., Akey Sungheetha, Jemal Nuradis “Brain Tumor Classification by EGSO Based RBFNN Classifier”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), vol.8, no.5, pp.3005-3012. Jan 2020. (Scopus)
- Rajesh Sharma R, P Marikkannu, Akey Sungheetha “Three-Dimensional MRI Brain Tumor Classification using Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization and Gray Wolf Optimizer” International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), vol-29, issue-1, Jan 2019. – (Scopus)
- Rajesh SharmaR, Akey Sungheetha, D Kavitha, P Anitha, G Sreeja “Effective Disaster Management by Efficient Usage of Resources” International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) Vol-2, Issue-12, Dec- 2016.Thomson Reuters.
- Rajesh SharmaR, P S Renisha, Akey Sungheetha “Comparative Study on Medical Image Classification Techniques” International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) Vol-2, Issue-11, Nov- 2016.Thomson Reuters.
- Akey Sungheetha, R. Rajesh Sharma, K. Narmatha, C. Vijesh Joe, S. Iniya Shree and 1P.D. Mahendran “Hierarchical Clustering to Determine Missing Values of Yeast Gene” (WJMS)-Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research24 (7): 2327-2332, 2016- (Scopus)
- Sharma, R. Rajesh, and P. Marikkannu. "Hybrid RGSA and Support Vector Machine Framework for Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Brain Tumor Classification." The Scientific World Journal 2015 (2015). (Scopus)
- Sharma, R. Rajesh, and P. Marikkannu “An efficient Liver Segmentation Using Kernel Sparse Coding automated (KSCA) approach”-ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 10, NO. 6, APRIL 2015.
Books and Book chapters:
- Machine Learning Concepts and Algorithms for Beginners, Dr. Rajesh Sharma R, Scientific International Publishing House, ISBN: 978-93-5625-214-1 , July 2022.
- Medical Image Classification on Hybridized Techniques (A Practical Approach), Rajesh Sharma Akey Sungheetha, Book-LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 1 (1), 232 , ISBN-13: 978-620-0-47544-2, ISBN-10: 620047544X, EAN: 9786200475442, Dec 2019.
- Data Analysis of Clustering and Classification Schemes in Networking Node stability analysis, NRGA and ELMKNN, Akey Sungheetha, Rajesh Sharma R Book-LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 1, 268, ISBN-13: 978-620-0-46708-9, ISBN-10: 6200467080, EAN: 9786200467089, Dec 2019.
Other National and International Journals
- Rajesh Sharma Rajendran, Akey Sungheetha “Fuzzy Chaos Whale Optimization and BAT Integrated Algorithm for Parameter Estimation in Sewage Treatment” Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm (JSCP) (2021) Vol.03/ No.01, Pages: 10-18, DOI: 10.36548/jscp.2021.1.002 April 2021.
- Rajesh Sharma, Akey Sungheetha “Design of Effective Smart Communication System for Impaired People” Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation 2(4):181-194, DOI: 10.36548/jeea.2020.4.006, March 2021.
- Akey Sungheetha, Rajesh Sharma “A Comparative Machine Learning Study on IT Sector Edge Nearer to Working from Home (WFH) Contract Category for Improving Productivity” Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks 2(4):217-225 DOI: 10.36548/jaicn.2020.4.004, February 2021.
- Rajesh Sharma, Sungheetha A, “Comparative Study: Statistical Approach and Deep Learning Method for Automatic Segmentation Methods for Lung CT Image Segmentation”, Journal of Innovative Image Processing 2(4):187-193, DOI: 10.36548/jiip.2020.4.003, December 2020.
- R AS Rajesh Sharma “Trans Capsule Model for Sentiment Classification” Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks 2 (3), 163-169, July 2020.
- Akey S Dr Rajesh Sharma “A Novel Caps Net based Image Reconstruction and Regression Analysis- “Journal of Innovative Image Processing 2 (3), 156-164, July 2020.
- Akey S Dr Rajesh Sharma “Real Time Monitoring and Fire Detection using Internet of Things and Cloud based Drones” Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm 2 (03), 01-11, July 2020.
- Sungheetha Akey, Rajesh Sharma R “GTIKF- Gabor-Transform Incorporated K-Means and Fuzzy C Means Clustering for Edge Detection in CT and MRI” Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm 2 (2), May 2020.
- AS Rajesh Sharma Rajendran “Novel Shared Key Transfer Protocol for Secure Data Transmission in Distributed Wireless Networks” Journal of Trends in Computer Science and Smart Technology 2 (2), May 2020.
- YKC Anteneh Tilaye, Rajesh Sharma” Object Detection Techniques for Mobile Robot Navigation in Dynamic Indoor Environment: A Review” International Advance Journal of Engineering Research (IAJER) 3 (05), 01-11,2020
- AS Rajesh Sharma” Cost Effective Energy-Saving System in Parking Spots” Journal of Electronics and Informatics 2 (01), 18-29,2020
- Sungheetha, Rajesh. S. R. and J. Nuradis "Implication Centered Learning Mechanism for Exploring Analysis of Variance by Means of Linear Regression in Artificial Neural Networks," 2019 Third International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2019, pp. 748-752, DOI: 10.1109/I-SMAC47947.2019.9032475. IEEE Xplore: March 2020.
- AS Rajesh Sharma R” Service Quality Assurance in Cloud Data Centers Using Migration Scaling” Journal of Information Technology and Digital World 2 (01),2020
- Aden Darge, Dr Rajesh Sharma R, Desta Zerihum, Prof Y K Chung, “Multi Color Image Segmentation using L*A*B* Color Space”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 346-352.may 2019.
- Kirubel Abebe, Dr Rajesh Sharma R, Prof Y K Chung, “Vehicle Plate Recognition for Ethiopian license Plate: based sift feature”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, vol 8, issue 6, pp.568-570, June 2019.
- Rajesh Sharma R, Akey Sungheetha, figuring out Extinct Values of Yeast Gene Microarray Expression (YGME) and Influencing Successive Time for Hierarchical Clustering Technique – An Improvement, International Journal of advanced Engineering Research and Science, Vol-5, Issue-12, Dec 2018.
- Rajesh Sharma R, AkeySungheetha “Data analysis of multi objective density based spatial clustering schemes in gene selection process for cancer diagnosis” IEEE Conference Publications, DOI: 10.1109/ECS.2017.8067854.IEEE Xplore: 16 October 2017.
- Rajesh Sharma R, AkeySungheetha “Segmentation and classification techniques of medical images using innovated hybridized techniques — a study” IEEE Conference Publications Pages: 1 - 8, DOI: 10.1109/ISCO.2017.7855979.IEEE Xplore: 16 Feb 2017.
- Rajesh Sharma R, Akey Sungheetha “Offline Remote Path Board Structure based on GPS/Wi-Fi Location Access” International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol.10, Issue.1, Feb 2017.
- Rajesh Sharma R, P Marikkannu, AkeySungheetha “Improved Brain Tumor Classification using Enhanced GSO Based Radial Basis Function Neural Network Classifier” International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences (IJPPAS), vol.4, issue-5, Dec 2016.
- Rajesh Sharma R Beaula P. Marikkannu; AkeySungheetha; C. Sahana “Comparative study of distinctive image classification techniques” IEEE Conference Publications Pages: 1 - 8, DOI: 10.1109/ISCO.2016.7727002.IEEE Xplore: 03 November 2016. (Scopus)
- Sharma, R. Rajesh, and P. Marikkannu “Personalized Virtual Learning in Mobile System” International Journal on Engineering Technology and Sciences (IJETS), Special Issues NCICT 15No: 22 March 2015.
- Sharma, R. Rajesh, and P. Marikkannu “Spatial Locality-Aware Sparse Coding for Automated Liver Segmentation (WJMS)-Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23 (4): pp-670-680, 2015.
- Akey Sungheetha, R. Rajesh Sharma, R. Indu Poornima, “Informative Review on Data Partition and Node Stability in Mining” Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23 (10): pp-2384-2387, 2015.
Awards won
- Best Paper Award for paper titled “A Survey on AD-HOC Routing Protocols (NCACS’10)- Hindusthan college of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore. Feb 2010.
- Chief steward award for the World Record and India Records events- “Maximum Number of People Thumbprint Painting National Flag Simultaneously” on 13th August, 2016.
Industry Interface:
- EMC2-Certification for Cloud Infrastructure and Services.
- Certified as master trainers by NASSCOM and directorate of technical education
- IEI -seminar on “Robotics in Agriculture" organized by West Bengal State Centre of The Institution of Engineers (India) on 22 April 2023.
- Intellactual Property India - Training on IP Awareness/Training program under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission on April 06,2023
- IEEE Webinar on “Learning Based Traffic Reconstruction to Autonomous Driving” on 20th June 2020.
- IEEE and PS Society organized International Workshop “Robotics and Photonics” on 20th ,21st Aug 2020.
- IEEE International Webinar “Finding needles in haystack: Liquid Biopsy for nucleic Acid and Protein Molecular Biomarkers for disease Diagnosis” on 19th June 2020.
- IETE-Mumbai and PANTECH Solution Ind Ltd organized “Future of AI” on 20th May 2020.
- NIT Korakpur, India. Organized “Brain Computer Interface” and “Brain Controlled Robot Design” on 5th and 6th June 2020.
- ASTU, SoEEC Organized Webinar Series-1 on Emerging Trends in Higher Education 2020 all the four sessions Including” Social Media Analytics: Challenges and Views” on 19th September 2020.
- ASTU, SoEEC Organized Webinar Series-2 on Emerging Trends in Higher Education 2020 all the four sessions Including” the Potential for Artificial Intelligence in Health Care” on 5th December 2020.
- IEEE Compute Society Organized FDP” Principles of Management “on 18 may 2020 to 22 may 2020.
- The 3D printing Training workshop on 17.-18. Jan. 2019, B108- Room 001 & Conference Room, Organized by- STI / ASTU. 2019,
- FDP on “Train the Trainer” Program-at TECH MAHINDRA Chennai-13,14&15-02-17.
- presented one day training program on “Neural Network Tools in MATLAB” on 18th February 2019, Organized by- Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India
- Participated training program on “Machine Learning Algorithms” on 26 & 27 July 2018, Organized by Anna University, India.
- FDP on Emotional Intelligent (ICTACT) – JCT College of Technology Coimbatore- 29&30 Sep 2016.
- FDP on Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development by NASSCOM and Director of Technical Education Anna University Chennai – PSG College of Technology Coimbatore. Sep 2015.
- FDP on Cloud Infrastructure and services (ICTACT) – KGISL Coimbatore-06.17-21 Nov 2014.
- CSI Sponsored National Workshop on Latex-An Effective Documentation Tool-Vivekananda College for Women, Tiruchengode- 10 March 2014.
- National workshop on Hands on Cloud Computing-Hindusthan college of engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-32.22&23 Oct 2013.
- National workshop on Medical Computer Vision-Sri Krishna College of Technology Coimbatore, 27 Dec 2013.
- National Workshop for Hands on Training in VLSI Design Using XILINX & MICROWIND Kit- Hindusthan college of engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-32.25 Jan 2011.
- National Workshop on Software Quality- Anna University Coimbatore, 8&9 May 2008.
- National Workshop on Neural Networks for Image Processing-Anna University Coimbatore, 30&31 Jan 2009.
- National Workshop on Open-Source Software- Hindusthan college of engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-32, 22&23 Oct 2010.
- National Workshop on Theory of Computation- Hindusthan college of engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-32, 2&4 Feb 2011.
- National Workshop on Image Processing Algorithm- Hindusthan college of engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-32, 12 March 2011.
- National Seminar on Research Challenges & Security Issue in Cloud Computing- Hindusthan college of engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-32, 23&24 Sep 2011.
- FDP on Open-Source Software- Hindusthan college of engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-32,12-14 Dec 2012.
- National Seminar on Network Administration- Anna University Coimbatore, 21&22 Sep 2012.
- National Workshop on Training workshop for Academic Auditors- Anna University Coimbatore, 28 Jan 2009.
- National Workshop on Cyber security Trends and Its Challenges in 2013- Hindusthan college of engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-32, 8&9 Feb 2013.
- National Seminar on Research Focus in Medical Image Processing- Hindusthan college of engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-32, 26&27 July 2013.
- National Workshop on Microsoft .NET- Hindusthan college of engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-32, 20&21 Aug 2013.
- National Workshop on Cloud Computing- Adithya Institute of Technology Coimbatore-07.11&12 march 14.
Conference Papers:
- Rajesh Sharma R, Akey Sungheetha, Biruk Yirga” Plan of Viable Savvy Communication Framework for Disabled Individuals International Conference on Engineering Research & Technology Transfer 13 & 14th May 2021 Bluora University, Ethiopia.
- Segmentation and classification techniques of medical images using innovated hybridized techniques — a study” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), 2017 5&6 Jan. 2017.
- Comparative Study of Distinctive Image Classification Techniques –IEEE International conference on intelligent Techniques (ISCO)- Karpagam College of Engineering Coimbatore, 07&08 Jan-2016.
- A Survey on Image Compression Techniques (ICETET’14)- Yathava College Madurai, 07&08 March-14
- Spatial Locality-Aware Sparse Coding for Automated Liver Segmentation (ICETET’15)-Yathava College Madurai, 14&15 March-15.
- Novel hybrid Multicast Routing Protocol (ICNICT’11)-Karpagam university Coimbatore.15&16 Dec-11.
- Efective Image Retrieval Using Morphological Reconstructions (ICIICT’13)-The Rajaas Engineering College, Vadakkukulam.7&8 March 2013.
National Conferences:
- Improving Brain Tumor Image on MRI using LM approach and fuzzy segmentation (NCICT’15)-Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.26&27 March 2015.
- Personalized Virtual Learning in Mobile System (NCICT’15)-Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.26&27 March 2015.
- Image Retrieval Using Object Segmentation by morphological Reconstructions (NCIICC’13) -Kalaivani College of Technology 17 April 2013.
- A Survey on Congestion Control in WSN (NCACC’09)-Vellalar College of Engineering & Technology, Erode-2012.
- Digital Image Enhancement Using Rapid Histogram Specification (NCACS’12) -Hindusthan college of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore-32.24&25 Feb 2012.
- Shift Flow: Dense across Correspondence and its Applications (NCACS’12)-Hindusthan college of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore-32.24&25 Feb 2012.
- *A Survey on AD-HOC Routing Protocols (NCACS’10)-Hindusthan college of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore-32. 10 & 11 Feb 2010. (Won Best Paper Award)
- Domain-Driven Classification Based on Multiple criteria and Multiple Constraint Level Programming for Intelligent Credit Scoring (NCACS’11)-Hindusthan college of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore-32. 25&26 March 2011.