
Dr. Rajat Banerjee
Associate Professor
Alliance School of Law
Dr. Rajat Banerjee teaches Constitutional Law, Public International Law, International Criminal Law, Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Information Technology Law, etc. He has more than 17 years of regular work experience, including that in teaching and research. He qualified BA (Hons.) in Political Science from Calcutta University, MA in Political Science from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), MPHIL in Political Science (with specialization in International Relations) from JNU, LLB from Osmania University, and LLM (with specialization in International and Comparative Law) and PHD from the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences. From September 2023 to March 2024, he was a part of Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (Part-time) on Going Global Partnerships (GGP) – Industry-Academia Grant, 2023.
His areas of research interest include environmental law, comparative constitutional law, public law and policy, IPR, human rights, law and technology, etc.
- The Role of International Law in Controlling Disease Outbreaks Published in Volume 7 Issue 1, print edition of International Journal of Public Law and Policy (UGC- CARE Indexed, Scopus Indexed), pp. 74-96, ISSN: 2044-7663).
- Revisiting the Relevance of the Neighboring Rights in the Context of the 2019 EU Directive (Published in Volume 26 Issue 1, print/online edition of Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (UGC- CARE Indexed, Scopus Indexed), pp. 39-47, ISSN: 0975-1076 (Online), ISSN: 0971-7544 (Print)).
- Is India Ready for the Bargain? (Published in Volume 7 Issue 2, Indraprastha Technology Law Journal, pp. 1-21 ISSN: 2394-1839).
- A Review of the Global Elderly Rights Framework and the Prospective Roles of Constitutional Courts in Augmenting Elderly Rights in the Indian Juridical Context (Published in Volume 5 Issue 3, e-edition of NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies, pp. 14-30, ISSN: 2456-4605 (O).
- A Critical Analysis of the MWPSC Act in Light of the 2019 Bill and other Decided Cases Published in Volume 6 Issue 1, e-edition of NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies, pp. 1-16, ISSN: 2456-4605 (O).
- Revisiting the Legal Basis of Charge Bargaining in the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (Published in Volume 5 Issue 2, e-edition of ILI Law Review (UGC- CARE Indexed), pp. 205-223, ISSN: 0976-1489).
- Revisiting the Impugned Practice of Plea Bargaining in the ICTR with Special Reference to the Kambanda Case (Published in Volume 5 Issue 1, e-edition of Bennet Journal of Legal Studies, pp. 115-132, ISSN: 2583–4673).
- New War and Future of Disarmament (Published in Volume 40 Issue 15, print edition of Mainstream, pp. 27-29, ISSN 0542-1462).
- Rising Cases of Elder Abuse in India, 02/09/2023, Letters to the Editor, Volume 58, Issue 35 ISSN (Print) - 0012-9976 | ISSN (Online) Economic and Political Weekly.
- Way To go In Cancer Research, 14/02/2003, HT City, Kolkata, Hindustan Times.
- Left Turn into the Blindest Alley 29/09/2000, Editor’s Page (5th Col), The Telegraph.
Book Chapters:
- "Revisiting Tagore's Views on Nation and Nationalism” in A Miscellany of Essays on Rabindranath Tagore (Orient Book Company, 2017), pp. 30-46, ISBN 978-93-81200-48-3.
- “An Opinion Survey on the Efficacy of the POSH Act in Dealing with Sexual Harassment Cases at Workplace” in Women Safety at Workplace (FICCI and S.S. Rana & Co.), pp. 121-127, ISBN 8043/ISBN/2023/A.
- “A Critical Analysis of the POSH Act with Special Reference to the Effectiveness of the ICCs and LCCs” in Women Safety at Workplace (FICCI and S.S. Rana & Co.), pp. 128-134, ISBN 8043/ISBN/2023/A.
Publications in local journals:
- Protection of Witnesses: Should India Take Cue from National Criminal Jurisdictions and International Courts and Tribunals? (Published in Volume 2 Issue 4, e-edition of Indian Legal Solution Journal of Criminal and Constitutional Law, ISSN: 2581-8465).
- Revisiting the Constitutional Rights of the Elderly in View of the Ashwani Kumar Judgment (Published in Volume 2 Issue 1, e-edition of Indian Journal of Socio-Legal and Contemporary Affairs, ISSN: 2582-872X.)
Awards won
- UGC NET (Human Rights and Duties), November 2017
- Nusret Arsel Scholarship for attending an Annual Conference of the YCC of the American Society of Comparative Law held on 28 - 29 April 2017 at Istanbul.
- UGC NET (Criminology), January 2017
- UGC NET (Law), December 2015
- UGC NET (Political Science), June 2012
Other Acheivements
- Served as a Moderator in the Keynote and Technical Sessions of the 4th International Conference on Comparative Law organized jointly by the Amity Law School, Amity University, Noida and School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia – 9th to 10th February, 2024.
- Served as a Judge in the Preliminary Round of National Moot Court Competition, 2023 organized by Innovative Institute of Law, Greater Noida – 1st December, 2023.
- Served as a Speaker in a 6-day Value-added Course on “Navigating Intellectual Property Rights Vis-À-Vis Emerging Concept Of Artificial Intelligence” organized by Amity Law School, Amity University, Noida – 30th June, 2023.
- Served as a Speaker in a Webinar on “One Earth, One Family, One Future: The Incumbent Challenges and the Way Forward” organized by Kalinga University – 5th June, 2023.
- Served as an Internal Committee member during the Mock Trial Sessions in a Workshop on “Women Safety at Workplace” organized jointly by FICCI and S. S. Rana & Co. – 11th May, 2023.
- Served as a Judge in the Indian Qualifying Rounds of Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, 2023 organized jointly by ILSA and Amity Law School, Amity University, Noida – 23rd to 26th February, 2023.
- Served as a Moderator in the Technical Sessions of the 4th International Conference on Comparative Law organized jointly by the Amity Law School, Amity University, Noida and School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia – 10th to 11th February, 2023.
- Served as a Resource Person in a Workshop on Research Methodologies in Legal Research organized by the Amity Law School, Amity University, Noida – 13th December, 2022.
- Served as a Chairperson in a Transdisciplinary International Conference on “The Coherence of Sustainability - A Way Forward” organized by the Amity Law School, Amity University, Noida – 7th and 8th September, 2022.
- Served as a Speaker in a Webinar on “The Constitutionality of Non-criminalisation of Marital Rape” organized by the Rotaract Club of Aabahamaan Kolkata – 26th January, 2022.
- Served as a Speaker in a Webinar on “The Art of Engaging with the Audience” organized by the Eloquence Forum, Adamas University – 16th December, 2020.
- Served as a Panelist in a Debate on “Abolition of Death Penalty” organized jointly by Adamas University and JIO Bangla, Adamas University – 27th February, 2020.
- Served as a Resource Person in a National Seminar on “Criminal Law Amendments and Juvenile Justice” organized by the Law Department, JIS University – 31st October, 2019.
- Served as a Judge in the Preliminary Round in “Dare to Debate” organized by Lions Club of Kolkata (Ravindra Sarovar), iLEAD College Campus, Kolkata – 11th November, 2017.
- Served as a Speaker in a Half-day Workshop on “Preparation for UGC NET/JRF Examination,” organized by the Career and Counseling Cell, WBNUJS – 8th March 2017.
- Served as an Assistant Editor of NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies, Oct 2016 to Jan 2019.
- Passed AIBE IX held in March 2016.
- Worked as an Assistant/Sub Editor of Bengali Little magazine “Mon-o-Kolom”, 1997-2003, Calcutta.
- Completed Certificate in German Language (Basic 1A and 1B and Elementary Level 2A) from Max Mueller Bhavan, 2000-2001, Calcutta.
- Completed SWIFT India from NIIT, 2000, Calcutta.
- Completed Diploma in Electronics and Computer Maintenance from IEHT (Institute of Electronics and Hardware Technology), 1996, Calcutta.
- Presented a paper “Digital Hegemony of Electronic Persons: Does it Violate the Human Right to Recognition,” at the Two-day Seminar on “Human Rights Day Celebration,” 09 – 10 December 2023, The Indian Society for International Law, New Delhi.
- Presented a paper “Intermediary Liability in Digitized Orphan Works: An Indian Techno-legal Standpoint,” at the 5th International Conference on “IP & INNOVATION RESEARCHERS OF ASIA,” 01 - 03 March 2023, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
- Presented a paper “Stalking in India: Too Many Cases, Too Less Convictions,” at the 1st National Conference on “The Relevance of the Criminal Law Amendments from 2013 to 2018 in Eliminating Discrimination against Women in India,” 20th October 2019, Adamas University, Barasat, Kolkata.
- Presented a paper “Aren’t the Elderly Global Commons?” at the 2nd International Conference of NIDA Law for Development, 16th December 2017, National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok.
- Presented a paper “The Effectiveness of the Law on Plea Bargaining: A Comparative International Perspective,” Annual Conference of the YCC of the American Society of Comparative Law, 28 - 29 April 2017, Koc University, Istanbul.
- Presented a paper at the National Colloquium on Legal Research, 28 - 29 November 2015, Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, IIT Kharagpur.