
Dr. Rajasekar Rangasamy
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Rajasekar Rangasamy, earned his Doctorate of Philosophy of Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University (2017), He also holds a Master of Engineering (CSE) from Anna University (2010). He has authored over 46 Research publications in international and national journals and conferences. His special areas of interest are Wireless Networks, Ad hoc and Sensor Networks and Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks in real time. He is a member of IEEE(USA), ISTE, IAENG,. He has 24 years teaching experience and including 10 years of research experience. He has taught subjects like Design Thinking, IOT Security, Computer Forensics, DAA, python programming and many more related to Computer Science Engineering stream. He completed a Design Thinking practitioner course from IBM Skills Academy USA.
- "Energy Efficient Green Routing for UAVs Ad-Hoc Network." Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 37.1 (2023). SCI Q3
- “Predictive Modeling for Healthcare Decision Making using IoT with Machine Learning Models” Artificial Intelligence for Smart Healthcare, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. 17-30. Scopus (Q3)
- “Experimental Analysis of Internet of Technology Enabled Smart Irrigation System” Artificial Intelligence for Smart Healthcare, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. 145-161. Scopus (Q3)
- “Hybrid Power Generation Forecasting Using An Intellectual Evolutionary Energy-Preserve Rate Clustering Technique” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7455-7_10, volume 565, pp 121–137, 2023 Scopus (Q4)
- “A Certain Investigation of MEMS for Optimized Sensor Coverage” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7455-7_35, volume 565, pp 479–489, 2023 Scopus (Q4)
- “Classification of Cervical Cells Using Deep Learning Feature Extraction ” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7455-7_3 volume 565, pp 27-41, 2023 Scopus (Q4)
- “Medical Images Analysis for Segmentation and Classification Using DNN ” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7455-7_39 volume 565, pp 525-534, 2023 Scopus (Q4)
- “Design of Concurrent Engineering Systems for Global Product Development Using Artificial Intelligence ” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7455-7_32 volume 565, pp 425-434, 2023 Scopus (Q4)
- “Evaluation and Language Training of Multinational Enterprises Employees by Deep Learning in Cloud Manufacturing Resources ” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7455-7_28 volume 565, pp 369-380, 2023 Scopus (Q4)
- “Deep Convolutional Neural Networks-Based Market Strategy for Early-Stage Product Development ” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7455-7_46 volume 565, pp 597-606, 2023 Scopus (Q4)
- “Equipment Planning for an Automated Production Line Using a Cloud System ” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7455-7_57 volume 565, pp 707-717, 2023 Scopus (Q4)
- “Glioma Segmentation In MR Images Using 2D Double U-Net: An Empirical Investigations ” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7455-7_50, volume 565, pp 645-654, 2023 Scopus (Q4)
- “Fused medical image classification based on Neighboring pixel centered sparsity classification method with Artificial Bee Colony Optimization” NeuoQuantology, Volume: 20, Issue: 10, PP 9051-9062, August 2022,
- “Design of Dual-Stack, Tunneling, and Translation Approaches for Blockchain-IPv6” Intelligent Systems and Sustainable Computing, Springer, Singapore PP 221-231, 29 May 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-0011-2_21 , Print 978-981-19-0010-5, Online ISBN 978-981-19-0011-2 Scopus (Q4)
- “Li-Fi Enables Reliable Communication of VLT for Secured Data Exchange” Intelligent Systems and Sustainable Computing, Springer, Singapore PP 213-220, 29 May 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-0011-2_21 , Print 978-981-19-0010-5, Online ISBN 978-981-19-0011-2 Scopus (Q4)
- “Natural Language Processing of Text Based Metrics for Image Caption” Intelligent Systems and Sustainable Computing, Springer, Singapore PP 203-211, 29 May 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-0011-2_21 , Print 978-981-19-0010-5, Online ISBN 978-981-19-0011-2 Scopus (Q4)
- “Design of Automotive Accident-Avoidance System at Speed Limit Zone Using GPS” Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, Springer, Singapore PP 107-117, 26 March 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8987-1_28, Print ISBN978-981-16-8986-4 Scopus (Q4)
- “Advanced Smart Gloves for Physically Disabled Persons Using LABVIEW” Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, Springer, Singapore PP 271-279. 26 March 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8987-1_28, Print ISBN978-981-16-8986-4 Scopus (Q4)
- “Natural Language Processing of Text Based Metrics for Image Captioning” Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, Springer, Singapore PP 203-211. 26 March 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8987-1_28, Print ISBN978-981-16-8986-4 Scopus (Q4)
- “Investigation on characteristics of Monte Carlo model of single electron transistor using Orthodox theory”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Elsevier, 48 (2021) 101601. SCI Q1
- “Hybrid Modeling and Control of an Obstacle Avoidance Quadcopter”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems Vol. 12, 05 Issue, 2020 PP 1101-1108. Scopus
- “Leveraging Topic Models with Novel Word Embeddings for Effective Document Clustering”, International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICACII 2019):Springer Book Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 30 April 2020, PP 133-139 . Scopus (Q2)
- “Secured Data Transmission in VANET Using Vehicular Digital Hash Gen Model “, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, pp 1008-1011,Volume-8 Issue-6S, August 2019 Scopus
- “Binary Coded Caching for Combination Networks with the Resolvability Assets”, Journal of Engineering Science,Volume: 10, Issue: 09,September 2019,PP 444-450.
- “Keystroke Dynamics User Identification Using Pairwise Client Coupling”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,Volume: 06, Issue: 02, April. – June. 2019,PP 26-32.
- “The Vehicle Network Architecture in Smart City with Blockchain Technology”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,Volume: 06, Issue: 02, April. – June. 2019, PP 20-25.
- “wireless rechargeable vehicle based energy efficient data transmission in wireless sensor network” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-3, February 2019, PP 200-210.
- “Web innovation with IOT in social environment for sharing efficient information” International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001 8, Special Issue 6, Aug 2018, 717-729 Scopus
- “An IoT Based System to Detect a Person/Wheelchair Fall”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology,Volume 7(3,20) 2018,735-737. Scopus
- “IoT Based System on Chip for Multiple Applications” Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Volume 10 OCT 2018, 1102-1113. Scopus
- “Development of Biological Inspired Ornithopter Micro Air Vehicle(MAV)” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(IJPAM), Volume 119 No. 16 2018, 3623-3634. Scopus
- “Modelling and Analytical Proofing of Low Energy Temperature Control using Earth/Ground Water Heat Exchanger” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(IJPAM), Volume 119 No. 16 2018, 3575-3588. Scopus
- “Secured Message Exchange in Mission Critical Infrastructure using Conditional Privacy Preserving Authentication”, “International Journal of Computer and Mathematical Science”, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2018, ISSN 2347-8527, 97-100.
- “Analysis of Time Discrepancy in Multi Proxy Synchronization for Transportation” TAGA JOURNAL OF GRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, ISSN: 1748-0345, 195-200, 2018.
- “Study On Effective Traffic Organization With Fuzzy Using Neighbor Junction Points” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(IJPAM), Volume 118 No. 14, 149-155, 2018. Scopus
- “ Integrate Numerous Sampling Tasks In Sensor Field Using Geometric Algorithm”, Journal of Signal Processing and Wireless Networks (JSPWN), 1, No.1, 23-28, 2016
- “Authoritative Synchronized Converge-cast Protocol for Reducing Packet Collisions in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Asian Journal of Information Technology, 15(22), pp. 4584-4595, 2016. Scopus
- “Data Aggregation and Broadcasting in Sensor Network via Multiple Sampling Reverse Direction Broadcast”, Asian Journal of Information Technology, 15(20), pp.4083-4093, 2016. Scopus
- “Synchronizing Numerous Sampling Tasks by Geometric Series in Sensor Field “ International Conference on Control, Automation and System (ICCAS 2015), BEXCO, Busan, South Korea, IEEE Publications pp. 1435-1440,Oct. 13-16, 2015 .( I got Best Paper Award ) Scopus
- “Proposed Coordinating Multiple Sampling Tasks in Sensor Field Using Geometric Progression Algorithm for Efficient Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks “in wireless personal Communications “Springer” DOI 10.1007/s 11277-015-2315-4.Vol.82, No.3, pp.1809-1824, 2015. SCI (Q2)
- “A Survey on Mobile Sampling and Broadcast Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks" International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol.9, Issue 23 (2014), pp. 18869-18888 Scopus
- “Distributed Power Allocation Strategy for energy harvesting in Wireless Sensor Networks “International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences (IJAES)Vol.9, Issue 6(2014), pp. 2929-2938. Scopus
- Efficient tripper query answering approach by using optimal pruning method in road networks. Discovery, 2015, 30(120), 87-93
- “Tripper Application: Optimal Pruning Method via the Collection of Real Time Traffic Data in Road Networks “SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (SSRG-IJCSE) Paper Code: NCRACCESS-P108 , pp 39-46., 2015
- “Analysing the Big Data Characteristics using ABE Technique“International Journal ofInnovations in Scientific and Engineering Research(IJISER), Vol 1, Issue 10 , pp 413-420 ,Nov 2014.
Book Chapter
- An Reliable Data Transfer in Underwater Sensor Networks – DOI : Springer 10.9734/bpi/ctmcs/v3/1774C, Print ISBN: 978-93-91312-37-4, eBook ISBN: 978-93-91312-38-1
Patent Publications
- Title : Washbowl from E-Waste Materials
Application No : 201841029579
Journal No and Date : 33/2018 Dt.17/08/2018 - Title : System for Smart nail polish and Nail Art
Application No : 201841019563 A
Journal No and Date : 08/06/2018 - Title : Seismic isolator device for Seismic Protection
Application No : 201841027780 A
Journal No and Date : 31/2018 Dt.03/08/2018 - Title : Autonomous Aerial Vehicle
Application No : 201841043549 A
Journal No and Date : 48/2018 Dt.30/11/2018 - Title : Systems and method for consumption and Generating power through the flow of water
Application No : 201941005201 A
Journal No and Date : 7/2019 Dt.15/02/2019 - Title : Artificial intelligence based integrated smart trip Planner and automated travel expense estimator
Application No : 202141009670 A
Journal No and Date : 11/2021 Dated 12/03/2021 - Title : Advanced adjustable water resistant ultrasonic based Blind stick with GPS Tracking
Application No : 202141009556 A
Journal No and Date : 14/2021 Dated 02/04/2021, Page No: 16978 - Title : An AI Based Intelligent Pen With Walking Stick For Visually Challenged People
Application No : 202141018486 A
Journal No and Date : 18/2021 Dated 30/04/2021, Page No: 21483 - Title : An Artificial Intelligence Based Rescue System for the Safety of Women
Application No : 202141027114 A
Journal No and Date : 27/2021 Dated 02/07/2021, Page No: 29504 - Title : A Smart Artificial Intelligence Based Animal Feeding System
Application No : 202141038094 A
Journal No and Date : 36/2021 Dated 03/09/2021, Page No: 39548 - Title : An Artificial Intelligence Based Smart Pillow for Patient Health
Application No : 202141056897 A
Journal No and Date : 10/2021 Dated 10/12/2021, Page No: 60205 - Title : A Dedicated Wireless Sensor Network Architecture For Smart City Environment
Application No : 202241013862 A
Journal No and Date : 12/2022 Dated 25/03/2022, Page No: 18128 - Title : An Artificial Intelligence Based Bicycle For Baby Security
Application No : 202241045579 A
Journal No and Date : 34/2022 Dated 26/08/2022, Page No: 53436
Awards won
- Best Paper Presentation Award, Busan, Southkorea.
- Best Academician of the Year Award, REAA 2018, Mumbai, India.
- IASTE Award of Excellence in Research 2018.
- Vedant Academic Bangkok Award -2019 with the title “ Distinguished Professor”
- "Privacy enhanced framework using edge-driven approach over internet of things," 2023 1st International Conference on Optimization Techniques for Learning (ICOTL), IEEE Publisher, Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICOTL59758.2023.10435039.
- “ Accessible 3D Virtual Avatar based way finding navigation using Sign Language for the Person with Hearing challenged” IIT Madras EMPOWER 2023 Assistive Technology Conference on 5th -7th October 2023, Chennai.
- “Product Aspect Ranking Framework Based Feature Selection Using Sentimental Classification Algorithm For Consumer Feedbacks”, IEEE Conference 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE), pp: 1279-1284, May 2023.
- “A Hybrid Cloud Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithm” AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Trends in Computers, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICCEEE2020) Organized by St.Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad, India, August 24-26, 2020.
- “Improved Clustering Techniques for genes Selection to identify the Breast Cancer” AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Trends in Computers, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICCEEE2020) Organized by St.Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad, India, August 24-26, 2020.
- “Vehicle Number Plate Recognition Using Android” AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Trends in Computers, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICCEEE2020) Organized by St.Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad, India, August 24-26, 2020.
- “Hybrid Modeling and Control of an Obstacle Avoidance Quad copter” AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Trends in Computers, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICCEEE2020) Organized by St.Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad, India, August 24-26, 2020.
- “Leveraging Topic Models with Novel Word Embeddings for effective Document Clustering” International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICACII 2019) Organized by Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, India, December 20-21, 2019
- “Wireless Rechargeable Vehicle Based Energy Efficient Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network”,International Conference on Technical Advancements in Computer Science and Engineering (ICTACSE – 2019), ISBN : 978-93-83038-53-4, 59-61, 4th -5th Feb 2019.
- “Secured Data Transmission in Vanet using Vehicular Digital Hash Gen Model “,International Conference on Technical Advancements in Computer Science and Engineering (ICTACSE – 2019), ISBN : 978-93-83038-76-3, 403-406, 4th -5th Feb 2019.
- “Secured Message Exchange in Mission Critical Infrastructure using Conditional Privacy Preserving Authentication”, International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Computer Science and Engineering ICICSE 2018, St.Peters Engineering College, Hyderabad 4th -5th May 2018
- ‘Is Alcohol Affect Students Performance: Searching and Predicting Using Data Mining Algorithm’, International conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Science (ICETCS2017), ISBN : 978-93-85100-13-0, pp. 305-315, 29-30 November 2017.Hyderabad.
- ‘Li-Fi Technology Transmission of data through light’, International conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Science (ICETCS2017),ISBN : 978-93-85100-13-0, pp. 278-284, 29-30 November 2017, Hyderabad.
- ‘Agricultural update via SMS’, International conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Science (ICETCS2017), ISBN: 978-93-85100-13-0, pp. 261-266, 29-30 November 2017, Hyderabad.
- ‘Coordinate Converge-Cast Protocol for minimizing Packet Collision in WSN’, International conference on Engineering innovations and solutions (ICEIS2016), pp. 272-280.
- ‘Data Aggregation and Broadcasting in Sensor Network via Multiple Sampling Normalized Throughput’, International Conference on Computing Information Electronics and Electrical Engineering, (ICCIEEE-2016).
- "Position Updates using Beaconing Scheme for Geographic routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing Machines and Embedded Technology (ICACT 2014), PP.797-803,7-8 March 2014.
- “Performance analysis on distributed coordinated mobile sensor control target tracking in multiple wireless sensor networks”, proceedings of international conference on advanced computing, machines and embedded technology (ICACT 2014), 548-554, 7-8March 2014.
- “A survey on data aggregation in wireless sensor networks” IEEE International Conference on “Knowledge Collaboration in Engineering” at Kathir College of Engineering, Coimbatore, paper id: 368, January 2014.
- ‘Performance Analysis of Mobile sampling and Broadcast Scheduling in wireless sensor networks ‘ Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICCTET’13), pp. 488-493.
- “A Novel Beaconing Strategy for Geographic Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,” Presented paper in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology(NCETIT13), PP 109-114, Oct 2013.
- “Distributed Coordinated Mobile Sensor Control Target Tracking in Multiple Wireless Sensor Networks,” Presented paper in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology (NCETIT13), PP 103-108, Oct 2013.
- “Inferring Internet Denial - of - Service Activity Using Internet Domain Packet Filter” National Conference on Emerging Technologies in advanced computing and communication, at Vivekanandha Institute of Engineering and Technology,13 March 2010.
Workshop / Seminar and Short-term Courses attended
- Participated in Two Days National Level Workshop on Machine Learning Applications using Python from 30th to 31st January 2020 organized by Mall Reddy College of Engineering Hyderabad, Technically Organized by Eduxlabs in Associated with NSS IIT-Roorkee.
- Participated an AICTE Sponsored Two Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Data Science and Analytics”, Conducted by Dept. of CSE in Associated with Special Interest Group on Big Data Analytics, Computer Society of India, Hyderabad from 9th December 2019 to 21st December 2019.
- Participated in Three Days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “ Student Induction”,Organized by AICTE, South Central Regional Office, Hyderabad from 9.05.2019 to 11.05.2019.
- Participated in One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “ Machine Learning & Deep Learning”,Organized by Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology(MRCET/CSE/FDP-MLDL002), Hyderabad from 29.04.2019 to 04.05.2019.
- Participated in Three days National Level Workshop on “Internet of Things(IoT) based control using ARDUINO and Application of PSO in control of Multilevel Inverters”,Organized by MINA Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women College, Nalgonda(Dist), Telangana from 14.2.2019 to 16.2.2019
- Participated in One week Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on “Introduction to Network Security”,Organized by National Institute of Technical teachers Training and Research, Kolkata at St.Peters Engineering College, Hyderabad from 03.12.2018 to 07.12.2018
- Participated in One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Machine Learning with Python”,Organized by the E& ICT Academy, National Institute of Technology, Warangalat Swami Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Secunderabad from 26.11.2018 to 1.12.2018.
- Participated in the CSI Sponsored One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Machine Learning using Azure”,at Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram from 10.12.2018 to 15.12.2018.
- Participated in One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) “Data Analytics with R”, Sponsored by Electronics and ICT Academy at NIT Warangal on 25.06.2018 to 30.06.2018.
- Participated in Two Days Seminar on “Big Data Analyics and IOT for Healthcare Applications”, Sponsored by Indian Council of Medical Research at Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology on 16.02.2018 and 17.02.2018.
- Participated in One week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Innovative Teaching Strategies and Interpersonal Skills” from 07.05.2018 to 12.05.2018, sponsored by ICT Academy and IEEE Student Branch at St.Peters Engineering College.
- Participated in One weekFaculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Applied Machine Learning Using Python”Organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering in association with Pantech ProED Pvt.Ltd.,From 18th to 23rd Dec 2017.
- Participated as a Panel Chairperson of International Conference on Engineering Technology in Computer Science (ICETCS), Malla Reddy College of Engineering , Hyderabad, India. 29-30 November 2017.
- Participated in One week Anna University Sponsored Faculty Development (FDP) Training programme on “EC 2354 – VLSI Design”conducted by Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Deviyakurichi, 12th Dec 2014 to 18th Dec 2014.
- Participated in One day National Seminar on “Writing Effective Research Paper(s) and thesis”conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, K.S.R. College of Engineering (Autonomous), Tiruchengode.19thJuly, 2014.
- Participated in Two days CSIR Sponsored National Seminar on “ Modern Trends in Wireless Sensor Networks for Heath Care Systems in Rural Applications ” conducted by Department of Information Technology, Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women, Deviyakurichi, 26th& 27th February 2013.
- Participated in Two days National Workshop on “ Network Simulator – 2” conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering , M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering , Thalavapalayam, Karur, 24th& 25th September 2012.
- Participated anAICTE Sponsored National level Seminar on “Emerging Architecture , Technology and security Issues on Wireless Communication Networks “conducted by Vivekanandha Institute of Information & Management studies, Thiruchengode, 20th -21st July 2012.
- Participated in Two week AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Rural communication : Challenges and Computation in Bandwidth Utilization (R3CBU 2012)”conducted by Selvam College of Technology , Namakkal , 7th May 2012 to 20th May 2012
- Participated in one day National level workshop on “Writing Technical Paper” Organizedby Department of computer science and engineering, R.M.D Engineering College is associated with CSI & IEEE Computer Society, ISTE Local Chapter Chennai,31st March 2012.
- Participated in one day National level workshop on “Research methodology for Engineering and Management” conducted by Kongu Engineering College,Erode, 28th July 2011
- AICTE Sponsored by National Level Seminar on Embedded Systems and VLSI Design conducted by Muthayammal Polytechnic College, Rasipuram, 19.03.2004 to 20.03.2004.
- Participated in National level seminar on Innovative Trends in Information Technology (Hyper Cyber 2007) conducted by Vivekananda College of Arts & Sciences for Women, Tiruchengode, 24th September 2007.
- Participated in Workshop on “Data Warehousing Data Mining & Business Intelligence“Conducted by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, 16-17, December’05.
- Indian Association for Research in Computing Science Sponsored by Two–Day Instructional Coursein Computer Science conducted byDepartment of Computer Science, Selvam Arts & Science College, Namakkal (Dt), January 7th& 8th 2006.
- Participated one day Workshop on “Recent trends in Data mining & Data Warehousing and Speech Recognition” Organized by Department of Computer Science, Trinity College of Arts & Science for Women, Namakkal (Dt), 08.02.2008.
- Participated One Day National Level Workshop on “Object Oriented Analysis in C++” Organized by Department of Computer Science & Applications, Vinayaka Mission’s Engineering College, Vinayaka Mission’s University, Salem (Dt), 10th April 2008.
- Participated Two-Day National Level Workshop on “Data Mining & Data Warehousing” Organized by Department of Computer Applications, V.M.K.V Engineering College, Salem, 12thMarch 2008.
- Participated in Java Programming course conducted by Arasan Ganesan Polytechnic, Sivakasi, 13th -17th November 2000.
Programme Organized
- Organizing as an “Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp” Sponsored by EDII/DST-NIMAT 19-20 on 8thto 10thJanuary 2020, St.peters Engineering College , Maisammaguda, Hyderabad- 500 100.
- Organizing as an “IoT Challenge 2019 Event Conducted by i3indya Technologies in Associated with Radiance’19 IIT Bombay on 17th&18th Sept 2018, St.peters Engineering College , Maisammaguda, Hyderabad- 500 100.
- Organizing as an“International Conference on Engineering Innovations and Solutions (ICEIS-2016)” 22nd April 2016, CMS College of Engineering, Ernapuram, Namakkal- 637 003.
- National level Symposium / Workshop during 2011 - 2014 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Deviyakurichi.
- National level Symposium / Workshop during 2010 - 2011 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahabarathi Engineering College,Chinnasalem.
- Organizing Secretary in a National/ State level seminar/ workshop during 2002 to 2008 (Pixel Show) Organized by Academy of Computer Science, Muthayammal College of Arts & Science, Rasipuram.