
Dr. R. Niranchana
Assistant Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. R. Niranchana specializes in instructing a range of core subjects within the realm of Computer Science and Engineering. Her educational background comprises a B.E. (CSE) from Anna University, Chennai, an M.E. (CSE) from the same institution, and a Doctor of Philosophy earned from Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India. She is an esteemed member of the IEEE.
Her primary research interests revolve around diverse domains, encompassing Authentication in Healthcare, Cryptography and Network Security, Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, and Cybersecurity. Notably, she is also delving into contemporary areas such as Zero Trust, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, and AI-ML.
Beyond her academic pursuits, Dr. Niranchana has provided guidance to students participating in Societal Internship Projects. Her multifaceted expertise and engagement in pioneering research underline her significant contributions to the field.
International Journal Publications- (SCI Indexed)
- R Niranchana, M Amutha Prabakar (2022). ”Dependable and Provable Secure Two-Factor Mutual Authentication scheme using ECC for IoT-based Telecare Medical Information System” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, (Hindawi) (SCI Indexed, Impact Factor 2.682).
International Journal Publications-(Scopus Indexed)
- R Niranchana, M Amutha Prabakar (2021). Robust and provable secure three-factor mutual authentication scheme using a smart card. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, (Inder science) 11(5-6), 470-493. (Doi:10.1155/2022/9273662)
- R Niranchana, Marimuthu Karuppiah (2019). An efficient and secure remote user mutual authentication scheme using smart cards for Telecare medical information systems. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, (Elsevier) 16, pp 100092-100103.
- Sayantani Basu, Marimuthu Karuppiah, S Rajkumar, R. Niranchana (2017). Modification of AES using Genetic Algorithms for High-Definition Image Encryption. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (Inder science). (Indexing: Scopus, EI; Impact Factor: SNIP: 0.309)
- Amit Patil, K Marimuthu, Nagaraja Rao A, R Niranchana (2017). Comparative study of cloud platforms to develop a Chatbot. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 6(3), 57–61. (Indexing: Scopus; Impact Factor: SNIP: 0.00).
- Akshat Pradhan, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Niranchana R, Asha Jerlin M and Rajkumar S (2017). Design and Analysis of Smart Card based Authentication Scheme for Secure Transactions. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (Inder science) (Indexing: Scopus; Impact Factor: SNIP: 3.323).
- Niranchana, N. Gayathri Devi, H. Santhi, P. Gayathri (2017), “Securing internet by eliminating DDOS attacks”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 263(4), 1-12.
International Journal Publications- (Miscellaneous)
- Niranchana Radhakrishnan, Marimuthu Karuppiah, P Vijayakumar and Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan (2017). Security on ’A lightweight authentication scheme with user untraceability’. Submitted to Third International Symposium on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications, Guangzhou, China.
- P Thanapal, K Marimuthu, S Rajkumar, R Niranchana (2017). Smarter Way to Access Multiple Mobile Cloud Applications without Interoperability Issues. International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies (IJWMT), 7(5), pp. 32–39. (Indexing: EBSCOHOST, Google scholar, DOAJ).
- K Marimuthu, Anuj Shankar, Rashmi Ranganathan and Niranchana R (2017). Product Opinion Analysis Using Text Mining and Analysis. International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications (Inderscience), (Indexing: EBSCOHOST, Google scholar, DOAJ).
- Rushikesh Shingade, K Marimuthu, Nagaraja Rao A and R Niranchana (2017). Healthcare Products Management and System Analysis in Cloud Computing Environment (Salesforce). Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology (ACST), 10(19), pp.2823–2834 (Indexing: EBSCOHOST, Google scholar, DOAJ).
- B Balamurugan, K Marimuthu, S Rajkumar, Mamdouh Alenezi and R Niranchana (2016). Is cloud secure? International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 4(10), 126–129, 2016 (Indexing: CiteSeerX, DOAJ).
International Conferences Publications
- Akshat Pradhan, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Niranchana R and P.VijayKumar (2016). Secure protocol for Subscriber Identity Module. Proc, in ICRTCCM’17, Tindivanam, India.