
Dr. Pratishtha Yadav
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Law
Dr. Pratishtha Yadav has been in the domain of teaching and research for the last 7 years. Her area of research interest comprises issues like family law and law related to women and society. Her teaching interest includes personal laws related subjects like Hindu Law, Muslim Law, Women and Law. Corporate and Commercial Law, Banking Law etc. Apart from the core Law subjects she also has a good command over general law papers like social issues related to women and children and Legal Research Methodology.
She has earned an BA.LLB (Hons.), LLM and a Ph.D. in the area of Family Law. She aspires to be a part of an organization where she can utilize her teaching capabilities, research skills, knowledge of law and academic experience to its fullest and develop herself in such a way that she becomes an integral part of the organization and an ideal faculty member in Law.
- Published a book named “AN ANALYSIS OF PROBATIVE VALUE OF EVIDENCE IN CRIMINAL TRIAL IN INDIA” under the publication of Notion press, first edition, 2023 with the ISBN 9798889594758.
- Published a book named “Corporate Social Performance in India with special reference to Companies Act, 2013” under the publication of Notion press, first edition, 2022 with the ISBN 97988871723.
- Published a book named “A critical analysis of Right to speedy trial” under the publication of Mewadshree Publication, first edition, 2022 with the ISBN 978-81-9472843-3.
- Published a book named “Reservation to the weaker sections of society” under the publication of Notion press, first edition, 2022 with the ISBN 9798885550314.
- Published a chapter under Law and Technology (2023) with paper title “The impact on Human Right on worldwide during Covid-19” published by Mittle Publication, pp 78-84 with ISBN No. 978-81-962395-5-8.
- NIU International Journal of Human Rights (2023) “Inclusive Banking Towards New Capitalism – A Shortschrift in Relation to MSME. ISSN 2394 - 0298 (UGC)
- Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship (2023) “Legal and Constitutional Safeguard of Right to Privacy” under with impact 4.25 ISO 2229- 5348. (UCG)
- NeuroQuantology (2022) “Protection of Marine Health to Boost Blue Economy - An Imminent Measure For Equitable Existence Of Life In Ocean And On Land” under | December2022|volume20|issue22|page 3950-3970|doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.22.nq10395 eISSN1303-5150 (SCOPUS)
- Anvesak A bi-annual Journal (2022) “Fundamental Right of Speedy Justice of Through the Modernization of E-Court system in The Indian Judiciary” under with impact factor 6.20, ISO. 0378-4568. (UGC)
- The Journal of Oriental Research Madras (2022) “Critical Analysis on The Status of Women and their Rights in India” ISSN 0022-3301. (UGC)
- NIU International Journal of Human Rights (2022) “Dependency of India on China Russia and UAE. ISSN 2394 - 0298 (UGC)
- Anvesak A bi-annual Journal (2022) “Sexual Harassment of Women- with special reference to sexual harassment of Women at Workplace” under with impact factor 6.20, ISO. 0378-4568. (UGC)
- Journal of Education, Ravindra Nath University (2022) “Understanding and Comparing the Evolution of Fundamental Rights Under the Constitution of USA and India with special reference to Right to freedom of Religion” 0972-7175. (UGC)
- Journal of Education, Ravindra Nath University (2022) “Analysis of Customs and Tariff Reforms in India” 0972-7175. (UGC)
- Scopus indexed Journal of Positive School Psychology (2022) “Human Rights and Gender Discrimination of Migrant Women Workers of Taxtile Industry of Bhilwara, District Rajasthan” ISO 2717-7564. (SCOPUS)
- Journal of Education, Ravindra Nath University (2022) “Rule of Law- Comparing analysis between India and UK.” 0972-7175. (UGC)
- Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship (2022) “Analytical review of Human Rights awareness & Sexual harassment at workplace assessment for migrant women workers of textile industry of Bhilwara District” under with impact 4.25 ISO 2229- 5348. (UCG)
- Anvesak A bi-annual Journal (2022) “Human Rights awareness & Sexual harassment at workplace assessment for migrant women workers of textile industry of Bhilwara Dis. Rajasthan” under with impact factor 6.20, ISO. 0378-4568. (UGC)
- Vidhyabharti International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (2022) “A critical evaluation of the Forest Rights Act, 2006 and its impact on forest system in India with special reference to Chandrapur district in Maharashtra” Volume (V) Issues (3), pp (590-594), ISO. 2319-4979.
- Alochana Chakra Journal An ISO: 7021-2008, AC journal, (2020) “Corporate Administration Rating” Volume (XI) Issues (4), pp. (3064- 3073), ISSN NO. 2231-3990. (UGC)
- NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies (2019), Journal of the center for Regulatory Studies, Governance and Public Policy, “Inter-country adoption: Challenges and the way forward” Volume (4) Issues:1 pp.18-26, ISO:2456-4605.
- Journal of Advance and scholarly researches in Allied Education (2019) “Personal laws Need of Uniform Civil Code in India” under, UGC approved Journal, Volume (16) Issues (6) pp. (1436- 1445), ISSN NO. 2230-7540.
- Journal of Advance and scholarly researches in Allied Education, (2018) “Concept of marriage and personal laws in India” Volume (15) Issues (4), pp. (406-411), 2230-7540. (UGC)
- Presented a paper titled “Appraisal of the Dignity of the Womanhood and their Veracities in India” in National Seminar on “Rights of women to sexual health and choices: A Jurisprudential Conundrum” organised by Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU), Raipur Chhattisgarh in collaboration with National Commission for Women, Delhi on 26th March,2023.
- Presented a paper titled “Relevancy related to the Federalism in the development of developing Nation” in international conference on “Multidisciplinary research in current era” organised by Research solution global in association with department of psychology, Muralidhar Girls’ College, Kolkata on 18th March,2023
- Presented a paper titled “A critical study of E-banking fraud calls, its impact on the customers and the Indian regulation" in international conference on “Reinventing Trade, Commerce and Management Practices for New Age Business Ecosystem” organized by School of Commerce and Management Sciences Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded on 28th- 28th January, 2023
- Presented a paper titled “The corporate social responsibility: A statutory social liability of the companies under the company Act, 2013 with special reference Insurance industry and life insurance corporation at Lavasa, Pune” at International Conference “Contemporary disclosure in Humanity and commerce” organized by Late Ramesh Warpudkar ACS college, Maharashtra on 24th, December 2022.
- Presented a paper titled “A critical study of judicial interpretation of wildlife jurisprudence India” at International Conference “Environment Edification: Everywhere to Everyone” organized by Department of Lifelong Learning, University of Rajasthan on 5th, December 2022 to 6th December 2022.
- Presented a paper titled “A critical evaluation of the Forest Rights Act,2006 and its impact on forest system in India with special reference to Chandrapur district in Maharashtra” at international seminar “Environment: Issues, challenge, Impact and steps towards sustainable development” organized by Sant Gdge Baba Amaravati University, Amaravati on 24th September,2022.
- Presented a paper titled “Women Empowerment and their Legal Awareness” in National seminar on “Contemporary issues of Women and the Law” organized by Kristu Jayanti College of Law, Bengaluru in collaboration with Karnatak State Law University, Hubballi on 16th,2022
- Presented a paper titled “The impact of COVID-19 on worldwide Education System” in international conference on COVID-19 organized by Institute of Economic Development & Social Researcher held Ankara, Turkey on 21 June to 23 June, 2020.
- Presented a paper titled “Indian criminal Justice System and Social Reforms” in National seminar on “Appraisal of criminal and correctional justice mechanisms in context of vulnerable groups in India” organized by Jaganntah University, Rajasthan on 14 March,
- Presented a paper entitled “Professional Legal Education in India: Challaanges and the way forward” in International Conference on Legal Education and Contemporary Issues: International Convergence of law organized by MSB Global Law Institute, Mahraja Surajmal Brij University, Rajasthan, from 21 April to 22 April,
- Presented a paper entitled “Social Justice for women: Contemporary Issues and Challenges” in National Conference on Socio-Legal Rights of Women: The Implementation Conundrum” organized by Amity Law School, Amity University, Rajasthan, from 9 February to 10 February 2018.
- Presented a paper titled “Women and their Legal rights” in international seminar on Global Enactment of Justice for Women and Children: Issues and Challenges organized by Geeta Institute of Law, Delhi on 18 November 2018
- Invited as a Judge for Profession Ethics Moot Court Competition conducted by Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad on 8th April,2023.
- Invited as a Judge at 2nd National Moot Court Competition conducted by School of Law at NMIMS Hyderabad on 7th April,2023
- Invited as a Resource person for a guest Lecture on “Consequences of violation of all the essential conditions specially prohibited degrees under section 5 of The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955” by Dayanand School of Law, Latur on 18 January 2023.
- Invited as a Resource person for a guest Lecture on “Current Trends in Family Law in India” by Vivekanand College of journalism and Management, Nanded on 23 September 2022.
- Invited as a Resource person for a guest lecture on “Indian Succession Act, 1925” organized by IFIM Law school Bangalore on 10th September, 2022
- Invited as a Resource person for a guest Lecture on “Fundaments of child rights in Indian constitution” by Sant Tukaram Law College, Maharashtra on 30th August, 2022
- Invited as a Resource person for a guest lecture on “Specific statutory provisions for women law in India” by R. Yan. Joshi Night College, Maharashtra on 17 August,2022.