
Dr. Prakash Kanive
Professor & School Blended Learning Coordinator
Alliance School of Law
Dr. Prakash Kanive received his Ph.D. from Karnataka State Law University for the thesis entitled “Law Relating to Rehabilitation of Project Displaced Persons With Special Reference to Undivided South Canara District”. He completed his LL M LL B and B Com from University of Mysore. Dr. Kanive has published many articles in reputed law journals. He has presented many papers in state and national conferences. He has been a resource person in many state and national level seminars.
Dr. Prakash Kanive is an accomplished legal academician with over three decades of Experience. He has an administrative experience as the principal custodian of Law examinations and chairman of Board of Examiners of Karnataka State Law University (KSLU). He was also the Chairman of Local Inspection Committee of KSLU.
Dr. Kanive teaches Environmental Law, Intellectual Property Law, Law of Taxation and Law of Contracts.
- ‘Analysis of Regulatory Mechanisms Under FSS Act 2006 Against Misleading Advertisements in the Indian Industry’, Alochana Chakra Journal, ISSN No: 2231-3990 UGC Care List Group-I Volume IX, Issue IV, April 2020, Page No. 1300-1314 Impact Factor 6.3
- ‘The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Right) Act 2006’- A Critical Analysis, Purakala UGC Care Journal, ISSN: 0971-2143, Volume 31, Issue 21 May 2020 Impact Factor 5.4
- ‘The Legal Protection of Intellectually Disabled Persons’, Mukt Shabd Journal, ISSN 2347-3150, Volume IX, Issue IV April 2020 Page No 3377-3388 UGC Care List Group- 1, Journal Impact 4.6
- ‘Legal Protection of Forest in India - A Critical Analysis’, Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN No. 2231-3990, Volume IX Issue V May 2020 p.n. 4368-4382
- ‘Protection of Project Displaced Persons: International Framework’ KLE Law Journal ISSN No. 2348-2834, Issue 2020
- ‘UN Guiding Principles on Development Displacement’, VBCL Law Review ISSN No. 2456-0480, Volume IV, 2018-19 n. 181-191
- ‘Impact of Development Projects on Cultural and Natural Heritage Impact of Development Projects on Cultural and Natural Heritage – A Critical Analysis’, Legal Opus Issue 9 February 2015 p.n. 209 Peer Reviewed Journal
- ‘Land acquisition Act 2013 – A Critical Analysis’, VBCL Law Review ISSN No. 2456-0480 Volume III, 2017-18
- ‘Judicial Response on Constitutional Rights of Project Displaced Persons’ Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, UGC Care Journal ISSN No. 2229-3620 June-April 2020
- ‘Judicial Response on Wildlife Protection’ Purakala UGC Care Journal, ISSN: 0971-2143, Volume 31, Issue 22, June 2020
- The Disaster Management Act 2005- A Critical Analysis, VBCL Law Review ISSN No. 2456-0480, Volume V, 2020.
- Resource Person in a training programme arranged by Mangalore University to train Degree College teachers regarding pedagogy of Environmental Law and Human Rights at graduation level in the year 2002
- Resource Person in a workshop organized by Manipal Academy of Higher Education Manipal to train teaches in Intellectually Disabled School. Delivered a talk on the Law relating to intellectually disabled persons
- Resource Person in a seminar organized by Udupi District Co-operative Union Ltd., on 2nd March 2017 relating Unregulated Deposit Scheme and Protection of Depositors Bill 2015. Delivered a talk on Law relating to Benami Transaction.
- Resource Person in Constitution Day organized by Kasturba Medical College, Manipal in the year 2015. Spoke on the making of the Constitution on its importance on the Constitution Day.
- Chaired a session in State Level Seminar on Women Empowerment organized by KILPAR, Bangalore and Saraswathi Law College, Chitradurga in the year 2015.
- Acted as Resource Person in a State level Seminar on Law relating to Land Acquisition organized by KILPAR, Bangalore and Vidyavardaka Law College, Mysore on 16th
- Resource person in a NHRC Sponsored Seminar on “Importance of Right to Education and its Awareness” Organised by Department of Library, Govt. First Grade College Kaup, Udupi District on 31st December 2012.
- Participated in Two Day State Level Round Table Interactive Meet on “Casualty: A Medico Legal Challenge” organized by KILPAR and Vidyavardaka Law College Mysore on 6th and 7th June 2009.
- Resource Person in a workshop on “Human Rights” organised by College of Basic Sciences Manipal University on 20th March 2018
- Chaired a technical session in a Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights: Opportunities and Prospects orgnised by CBR National College of Law and Center for Post Graduate Studies in Law shivamogga on 25th 2019.
- Resource Person in a workshop on “Human Rights” organised by College of Basic Sciences Manipal University on 20 th March 2018
- Chaired a technical session in a Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights: Opportunities and Prospects orgnised by CBR National College of Law and Center for Post Graduate Studies in Law shivamogga on 25 th Oct. 2019.
- Presented a research paper entitled Religious Rights of Development Displaced Persons at International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on held on Saturday 12th October,2019 at BMS College of Law Bangalore, Karnataka
- Resource person in National Webinar on- “Incite into Concepts of Intellectual Property Rights” (IPR) organized by Dr. G Shanker Govt. women’s First Grade College and PG Studies Udupi, on 26 th August 2020.
- Resource person in a National Webinar on – “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights” organized by Government First Grade College, Kattapana, Kerala on 5 th Nov, 2020
- Resource person in a lecture series organized by Sri Sharada First Grade College, Basrur, on 25 Feb, 2021. Spoke on the topic Basics of Intellectual Property Rights.