
Dr. Pavithra K
Assistant Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Pavithra K is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, renowned for her extensive following and profound expertise in the fields of Data Mining and Reinforcement Learning. She has completed her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Dr.G.R. Damodaran College of Science, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Ranked 2nd in her post-graduation and with over a decade of experience in academia, she has honed her teaching skills to excellence. She actively participates in various professional associations, including the International Association of Engineers & Computer Scientists (IAECS) & the Indian Academicians and Researchers Association (IARA). Her research journey is well-documented through publications, notably in Elsevier, SCOPUS, SCI, and Web of Science-indexed journals. She has also presented her work at numerous International Conferences, National Conferences, International and National Seminars, and International and National Workshops. Her areas of interest include Data warehousing and Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Mobile Applications.
Journal Publications
- “Electricity Fault Prediction using Machine Learning” in International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research (Elsevier SSRN), Vol. 12, ISSUE 02, Pg. No. 536-541.
- “Improved Particle Swam Optimization for Crowd Simulation Using Hybrid Agent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm” in Journal of Information Technology in Industry (Web of Science, SCI indexed), Vol. 9 No. 2 (March 2021), Pg. No. 144-154.
- “A Hybrid Algorithm in Reinforcement Learning for Crowd Simulation” in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (Scopus indexed), Volume 8 Issue 6, (March 2020).
- “Using Multitier Ensemble Classifiers for Organizing Multimedia Big Data - An Visualization” in International Journal Of Innovative Research In Technology (IJIRT), Volume 5 Issue 3, (August 2018).
- “Analytical Method of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm with Multi-Objective Messy Genetic Algorithm in Satellite Image Segmentation” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJRCSEIT- UGC indexed ), Volume 3, Issue 3, (March 2018).
- “A Study on Supporting Visual Narratives Student Engagement using Big Data Technologies “in International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications (IJCSMA), Volume 5 Issue. 11, (November 2017).
- “Data Deduplication in Parallel Mining of Frequent Item sets using MapReduce “in International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (IJECS), Volume 5 Issue 11 November 2016).
Membership and Editorial
- Member of Internet Society [ID-2260476].
- Member of International Association of Engineers & Computer Scientists (IAENG).
- Member of Indian Academicians and Researchers Association (IARA) from June 17.
- Member of Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research [ID- 117088].
- Editorial Member in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research [ID: 117776].
Paper Publications
- “Survey on Trends in Augmented Reality” in 4th International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Engineering on Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalam, Tirupati.
- “Diseases Prediction Through Android Application” in International Multidisciplinary Conference on "Global Challenges and Opportunities in Research & Innovations Led Economy, Information Technology, Women Empowerment, Social Science, Environment And Green Growth" Organized by S.S.G. PAREEK PG GIRLS COLLEGE, JAIPUR & Inspira Research Association- IRA, India.
- “Performance Analysis of Clustering Systems in Web Data Mining Techniques and its tools” in 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Technology and Management 2022 at Christ the King College Coimbatore.
- “Entropy Based Crowd Evacuation Planning in Large Scale Performance” in International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Innovations at Alpha Arts & Science College, Chennai.
- “A Review on Guest Engagement through Digital Media Technology on Restaurant Industry” in International Conference on Computing and Intelligence System at Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
- “Improve the Guest Happiness in Hotel’s by consuming IoT Devices” in International Conference on Research and Development in Science, Technology and Management in the Current Era on Indian Academicians And Researchers Association.
- “Flourishing of Hotel Entrepreneurs using Innovative Technology” International E-Conference on Current Trends in Multidisciplinary Research on Indian Academicians and Researchers Association.
- “Growth of Tourism and Hotel industry by using Virtual Reality in Covid-19” in international e-Conference of Challenges and Rehabilitation Avenues in the Context of Covid-19 on Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
- “A Review of Machine Learning Algorithm in Big Data for Iot Domains” in National Conference on Machine Learning and Smart Technology on Sri Krishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
- “Revolution Study of Cloud Computing and Grid Computing in Iot Domains “in international conference on multidisciplinary academic research and global innovations on KG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
- “Disruptive Technologies in Financial Services” in National Conference on Kovai Kalaimagal College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
- “A Survey on Rapid Assessment of Adverse Drug Reactions and Side Effects Discovery, Mining Personal Data Using Smart phones “In National Conference on “Research Issues in Big Data” in Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
- “A Network Security Using Srcm Model (Security Requirements Compliance Measurement) For Reducing E-Commerce Risks” in “National Conference on Trade, Economics and Finance Research (NCTEFR 2014) at KG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
- “An Analytical Study of Hierarchy Protocol for energy conservation in wireless sensor networks” in National conference on Network, KSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore.
- “Perspectives of Musical Audio-Mining” in National Conference on “Recent Trends and Advances in the Field of Information Technology”, Karpagam University, Coimbatore.
- “The Vision of Web-Multimedia Mining “in National Conference on Emerging Technologies and Challenges in Mobile Networks”, Dr.G.R.D College of Science, Coimbatore.
- “An Overview of Social Network in Cloud Computing Threats to Privacy” in National Conference on “Cyber Security”, PSGR Krishnammal College for women, Coimbatore.
Book Chapter Publications
- Chapter Entitles as “IoT device and Mobile data Information Technology usages in Covid’19” in the book of Role of Bio-Statistics in Covid 19” ISBN NO: 978-93-91077-65-5, December 2021 in Shanlax Publications.
- Chapter Entitles as “Labour Migration on H-IT-A-T-E due to Covid-19” in the book of “Labour Migration Post Covid-19” ISBN NO: 978-93-90082-41-4, Volume 1, issue: 1, August 2020 in Shanlax Publications.
Patent Published
- P. Menon, Dr. Tina Babu, Dr. Rekha R Nair, Prof. Pavithra.K. 2023. Cancer Detector. Indian Patent, 367707-001, filed July 15, 2022, and issued March 30, 2023.