
Dr. Megha U
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Megha H U completed M.com from Davanagere University (2017-2018), she has cleared NET, KSET (2019). She holds a Doctor of Philosophy from Kuvempu university, Shankaraghatta on “Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning Among Teaching Faculties: A Study of Selected Universities in Karnataka” (2024). During this she has presented 25 research papers in various national and international conferences, presented 4 papers in national and international seminar, she has attended 6 workshops on research methodology and statistics by ICSSR and others. Along with presentations, she has published 19 research papers in Scopus and UGC care listed journals.
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, (2024) “Effect of Financial Literacy on Retirement Planning”. Journal of Management Studies and Academic Research- ISSUE 9. https://sdmcbm.ac.in/e-journal/
- Dr Manish Kumar Jaisal1*, D. Lavanya2, Dr. Kajal Chheda3, MEGHA H. U4, Dr. Atowar ul Islam5, Nilanjan Chakraborty (2024), Impact of Social Media Marketing Activities: The Meditation of Social Identification and Satisfaction. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice2024, 30(5),13505-13511ISSN: 2148-2403. https://kuey.net/index.php/kuey/article/view/5827
https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.5827 - Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, South India Journal of Social Sciences, UGC Care - I Listed Journal 0972 – 8945 Vol. XXI, No.11, January – June: 2023
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, Shodhsamhita: Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research, UGC Care - I Listed Journal 2277-7067 Volume No. IX, Issue 1(I), 2022-2023
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, Shodhasamhita: Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research, UGC Care - I Listed Journal 2277-7067 Vol. VIII, No. 1(XXIII): 2022
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, Shodhak: A Journal of Historical Research, UGC Care Group I Journal IF= 7.75 ISSN: 0302-9832 Volume: 53, Issue: 02, No: 16, May - August: 2023
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, Shodhasamhita: Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research, UGC Care - I Listed Journal 2277-7067 Vol. VIII, Issue II, No. 9 July December 2022
- H U, M., Saha, L., Agrawal, V., & Pareek, K. (2023). FINANCIAL LITERACY AND PATTERN OF SAVINGS, INVESTMENT BEHAVIOR OF RURAL WOMEN: AN EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT. Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, 38(2), https://sjcjycl.cn/. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.777409
- https://sjcjycl.cn/article/view-2023/02_4155.php
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, Education and Society (?????? ??? ????), UGC Care - I Listed Journal IF=6.718 ISSN: 2278-6864 Vol-46, Issue-4, No.07, July-September: 2023
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, Rabindra Bharati Journal of Philosophy, UGC Care - I Listed Journal IF: 6.986 0973-0087 Vol.: XXIII, No:30, 2022
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, Madhya Bharti (???? ?????), IF=6.28 0974-0066,Vol. 82, No. 03, July - December : 2022
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, Madhya Bharti -Humanities and Social Sciences, UGC Care Group I Journal IF=6.28 ISSN: 0974-0066 Vol-84 No. 03, July – December: 2023
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, Shodhak : A Journal of Historical Research, UGC Care - I Listed Journal IF= 7.75 0302-9832 (P) Volume : 53, Issue : 01, January – April : 2023
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences, UGC Care - I Listed Journal IF=7.138 Vol-31, Issue-1, No.01, January - June: 2024: ISSN: 2347-4777 Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access.
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, 2277-419X Vol 9, Issue 15, Jan to June 2022
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh,2347-5048 Vol 13, Issue 49, July-September 2022 Page No. 331- 335
- Megha H U, Prof S Venkatesh, Journal of The Asiatic Society of Mumbai, 0972-0766 Vol.: XCV, No:32, 2022
- International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation ICMRI-2023 paper titled on Perception of Retired Teaching Faculties on Retirement among Selected Universities in Karnataka.
- International Conference on Research Innovations and Challenges (ICRIC) paper titled on A Study on Investment Pattern for PostRetirement Life of Women Teaching Faculties Working In Arts And Science Colleges With Special Reference To Shimoga District
- International Conference on Changing Perspectives in Environment, Management, Humanities, Sciences and Technology (ICCEMST2022) paper titled on “Impact of GST on Hotel Tourism and Travel Industry: An Empirical Study”
- International Conference on Changing Perspectives in Environment, Management, Humanities, Sciences and Technology (ICCEMST2022 paper titled on Perception and Attitude Towards Retirement Planning By Teaching Faculties of Selected Universities In Karnataka: An Analytical Study.
- “International E-Conference on “Modern Research in Science, Social Science and Languages” paper titled on National Pension System: An Efficient Fuel for Retirement Planning in India
- National Sociology Conference on Restructuring Society in Post Covid-19 India: Challenges and Opportunities for Sociology paper titled on Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.
- Two Days International Conference on Digital Transformation in Financial Services-Global Trends paper titled on Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning Among Teaching Faculties: A Study of Selected Universities in Karnataka
- 4 th International Conference on GITC-2030 paper titled on Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning Among Teaching Faculties: A Study of Factors Influencing the Use of Financial Planners
- International Conference 2024 on “Innovation and Disruption: Navigating Tomorrows Business Landscape” paper titled on Effect of Financial Literacy on Retirement Planning.