
Dr. M. Selvam
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. M. Selvam is a distinguished Professor with expertise in various fields, including Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Speech Recognition, Machine Translation, Enterprise Computing, Grid, Cloud, Crowd, and Pervasive Computing, Networking, Security, Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), and Brains (IOB). He earned his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Computer Science and Engineering and completed his Doctoral Degree on "Improvement of Language and Parsing Models in Resource Deficient and Morphologically Rich Tamil Language" at Anna University, Chennai.
As an educator, he imparts knowledge in Web and Component Technologies, Enterprise Application Development, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, XML and Webservices, Networking, and Security. Dr. M. Selvam has an impressive publication record of 58 papers in International and National Journals and Conferences, making significant contributions to the field. He has also secured grants from prestigious organizations such as Tamil Virtual University (TVU), AICTE-ISTE, AICTE-ATAL, AICTE, DST-CED, CSIR, and KSCST.
- M Selvam, AM Natarajan, R Thangarajan, (2008), Lexicalized and statistical parsing of natural language text in Tamil using hybrid language models, Transactions on Signal Processing 8 (7), 1362-1374, 2008
- M Selvam, Natarajan. AM, and Thangarajan R, (2008), Structural Parsing of Natural Language Text in Tamil Using Phrase Structure Hybrid Language Model, International Journal of Computer, Information, and Systems Science, and Engineering
- M Selvam, N AM, R Thangarajan, (2008), Structural parsing of natural language text in Tamil using phrase structure hybrid language model, International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 2 (3), 737-743.
- R Thangarajan, AM Natarajan, M Selvam, (2008), Word and triphone based approaches in continuous speech recognition for Tamil language, WSEAS transactions on signal processing 4 (3), 76-86.
- R Thangarajan, AM Natarajan, M Selvam, (2008) Syllable based continuous speech recognition for Tamil, , South Asian language review 18 (1), 72-85.
- M Selvam, AM Natarajan, (2009), Improvement of rule based morphological analysis and pos tagging in Tamil language via projection and induction techniques, International Journal of Computers 3 (4), 357-367.
- R Thangarajan, AM Natarajan, M Selvam, (2009), Syllable modeling in continuous speech recognition for Tamil language, International Journal of Speech Technology 12, 47-57.
- M Selvam, AM Natarajan, R Thangarajan, (2009), Structural parsing of natural language text in Tamil Language using dependency model, International Journal of Computer Processing of Languages 22 (02n03), 237-256.
- M Selvam, AM Natarajan, (2010), Language model adaptation in Tamil language using cross-lingual latent semantic analysis with document aligned corpora, , Current Science, 922-929.
- R Thangarajan, AM Natarajan, M Selvam, (2010), Phoneme based approach in medium vocabulary continuous speech recognition in Tamil, International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, 1-17.
- P Sundaramoorthy, SP Santhoshkumar, B Santhoshkumar, M Selvam, (2013), A Study on Trade-Offs among Service Excellence Attributes of Cloud Computing, , International Journal of Engineering And Computer Science, ISSN:2319-7242, Volume 2 Issue 12, Page No. 3345-3352.
- K Vijaya, M Selvam (2013), Improving resilience and revocation by mitigating bad mouthing attacks in wireless sensor networks, K Vijaya, M Selvam, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 4 (4).
- M Selvam, S Karthik, K Srihari, (2014), Fuzzy Inference Optimization Algorithm for Resource Scheduling in Cloud Environment, P Sundaramoorthy, Information: an international Interdisciplinary journal 17 (6), 2873-2880.
- P Sundaramoorthy, S Bhuvaneshwari, M Sreekrishna, M Selvam, (2014), Ontology based classification of user history in obscured web search, , Second International Conference on Current Trends In Engineering and Technology-ICCTET 2014, 258-261, Publisher: IEEE
- M Selvam, P Kalyanasundaram, (2015), Global IT/IT enabled services and ICT industry: Growth & determinants, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Social.
- S Kayalvili, M Selvam, (2019), Hybrid SFLA-GA algorithm for an optimal resource allocation in cloud, Cluster Computing 22 (Suppl 2), 3165-3173.
- K Balaji, M Selvam, (2020), Investigation of secure VEKIT web interface for preventing environment pollution, Transport 35 (5), 511-522.
- P Sundaramoorthy, M Selvam, S Karthik, K Srihari (2020), Holding maximum customers in cloud business environment by efficient load balancing methods based on MPSO-MC, Information Systems and e-Business Management 18, 295-309.
- K Balaji, M Selvam, R Rajeswari, (2022), Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) & STEM Social Enterprise Learning Based Applications in the Teaching and Learning Process of Engineering Education, ICDSMLA 2020: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Applications, 1217-1226, Publisher: Springer Singapore. (Published in Springer Nature - Journal)
- M Selvam, AR Yadahalli, MM Dindi, B Nithin, (2022), IOT enabled school bus monitoring and notification system, ICDSMLA 2020: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Applications, 1205-1216, Publisher: Springer Singapore. (Published in Springer Nature - Journal)
Patent Applied
- Invention Title: Implementation of an Intelligent Kit to Control Environmental Pollution using VANET - Publication Number: 30/2022 dated 29/07/2022.
Awards Won
- Best Educationist Award, awarded by International Institute of Education and Management, New Delhi, July 2013.
- Rashtria Vidhya Gourav Gold Medal Award, awarded by Indian Solidarity Council, New Delhi, July 2013
- Best Faculty Awards in the years 2001 and 2005 in Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, Tamilnadu.
- 4th Rank in M.E – CSE Programme awarded by the Affiliating University, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore
- National scholarship for 36th Rank in SSLC awarded by the Board of Secondary Education, Tamilnadu.
Projects and Grants
- Completed as a Member - Tamil Virtual University Project Under the Scheme of TSDF with Rs.2,00,000/- and submitted (Project on “Speech to Text conversion in Tamil” under the scheme - Tamil Software Development Fund). Project Demonstration on Tamil Language Speech Recognizer for Kaniyan Poongundranar Award conducted by Govt of Tamilnadu, March 2008 and got greater appreciation. Project Demonstration at Classical Tamil Conference and Tamil Internet Conference – June 2010 at Coimbatore
- Conducted as Coordinator - AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Two Weeks STTP on Web Design and Java Programming conducted in Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai and Received Rs. 1,28,000 /- Grant from AICTE in July 2004
- Conducted as Co-Coordinator - AICTE Sponsored Two Weeks SDP on J2ME-Micro Edition conducted in Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai and Received Rs. 2,00,000 /- Grant from AICTE in July 2005
- Principal Investigator in Capacity Enrichment Centre Establishment (Granted Rs. 4,62,644 /- for the year 2019-2020 (Applied for 24,00,000/- for 5 Years) by AICTE for Skill and Personality Program under the Scheme Centre for Enrichment of Reserved Category to Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam in January 2020)
- Conducted as Coordinator - AICTE ATAL FDP with the Grant of 1,00,000/- on Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) and Transition to Internet of Brains (IOB) in Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- Guided for the KSCST sponsored Student Project granted Rs. 3000/- named “Covid 19 Detection from Image Processing using CNN Model”
- Conducted as Coordinator - 3 Days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp sponsored by Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) Madurai and Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India with the grant of Rs. 10,000/- conducted in A.C.T College of Engineering and Technology, Nelvoy, Kancheepuram from 20.01.2015 to 22.01.2015
- Conducted as Coordinator - 2 Days CSIR Sponsored National Seminar on Significance of Cyber Security in Information Security held in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam during 20.06.2017 and 21.06.2017 sponsored for the worth of Rs, 25,000/-
- Conducted as Coordinator- 2 Days CSIR Sponsored National Workshop on Advanced Python Programming held in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam during 16.11.2018 and 17.11.2018 sponsored for the worth of Rs, 15,000/- and generated the revenue of Rs. 31,100/-
- Conducted as Coordinator - 3 Days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp sponsored by Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) Madurai and Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India with the grant of Rs. 10,000/- conducted in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam from 07.01.2019 to 09.01.2019
- Project on “Gun License Automation System” developed and handed over to Collectorate, Erode
- Project Demonstration on Tamil Language Speech Recognizer for Kaniyan Poongundranar Award conducted by Govt of Tamilnadu, March 2008 and got greater appreciation.
- Project Demonstration at Classical Tamil Conference and Tamil Internet Conference – June 2010 at Coimbatore
- 3 Days workshop for Faculty Training on “Advanced Java Programming” as consultancy work and generated Rs. 19,000 /- (30-11-2009 to 02-12-2009)
- 3 Days workshop for Faculty and Students of other colleges on “Recent Trends in Grid and Cloud Computing” as consultancy work (20-01-11 to 22-01-11) and Generated Rs. 32,750.00 /-
- 3 Days workshop for Faculty and Students of other colleges on “Advanced Java Programming” as consultancy work (04-02-11 to 06-02-11) and generated Rs. 22,650.00 /-
- 2 Days workshop for Faculty and Students of other colleges on “XML and Web Services” as consultancy work (25-02-11 to 26-02-11) and generated Rs. 51,550.00 /-
- One Day Hack(an)driod workshop through Kaashiv Info Tech (p) Ltd, Chennai as the consultancy on 20.08.17 and generated the revenue Rs.15,000/-
Industrial Connect
- Conducted Industry Explorer 3rd, 4th and 5th Edition in Excel Engineering College for the year 2017, 2018 and 2019.
- Established Centre of Excellence on Data Science and Big Data Analytics in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam tied with ICT Academy, Chennai in 2017.
- Established Centre of Excellence on Internet of Things in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam tied with Tech Trunk Ventures Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad in 2017.
- Established Nodal Centre –National Cyber Defence Research Centre in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam tied with National Cyber Safety and Security Standards (NCSSS) for the conduct of NCSP- National Cyber Security Programme in 2018.
- Established Centre of Excellence on Open Source through REDHAT, Bombay in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam with the assistance of Advantage Pro Chennai
- Established Centre of Excellence on Internet of Things in HKBK College of Engineering College, Nagawara, Bangalore tied with Tech Trunk Ventures Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad in 2020.
- Established Centre of Excellence has been created in Don Bosco Institute of Technology on Data Science and Machine Learning tied with Tech Trunk Ventures Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad on 30.10.2020.
- Established Centre of Excellence on Women Empowerment has been created in Don Bosco Institute of Technology tied with DXC Technologies, New Delhi and ICT Academy, Bangalore.
- Established Centre of Excellence on Women Empowerment has been created in KGiSL Institute of Technology tied with CTS and ICT Academy, Coimbatore.
- Conducted 56 Hours (2 months – 8 weeks – 4 days per month) Industrial Training Programme on Full Stack Development Programme through Guvi Geek Network Pvt Ltd, Chennai in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam for Third Year CSE and IT students from 05.02.2019.
- In February 2016, Conducted 11 days Placement Linked Training Programme organized on GLOBAL YOUTH EMPLOYBILITY INTIATIVE tied with Berkley’s Bank as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation - NSDC by GS Skills and Gen Solutions, 600 students got benefitted out of the same
- Conducted 16 days of Programme (2 months with Practice) with Technical and Skill Development conducted with ICT Academy tied with CTS under Centre for women Empowerment in KGiSL Institute of Technology in March 2023.
Training Programmes
Conducted Infosys Campus Connect, Wipro – Mission 10X, Infosys – Integrated Project, TANCET, Open House Exhibition Projects, Placement Training – Technical and HR, Skill and Personality Development, Life Skills and Personality Traits, OBE, TLP, Quality and Ranking Standards.
Value Added Courses
Conducted C & C++, Java Programming, Web Designing, Visual Basic and Oracle, Visual Basic and Visual C++, ASP and JSP, Web design and Java Programming, Advanced Java Programming (J2EE), J2ME – Micro Edition, XML and Web Services, CASE Tools, UML and VRML, OOAD & Rational Suite, OOP with C++ and Java, Web Development with PHP and MySQL
Symposia and Faculty and Student Development Programmes
- One day workshop on Advanced Web design and Java Programming for Faculty Members on 03.05.2004
- Multimedia workshops conducted for 7 times (for students)
- Workshop on Enterprise Technologies for PG Students on 02.05.2006
- Communication Development Workshop for 2 times with Sparkles, Chennai for students (18-10-2011 & 26.02.2014)
- Hands on Training in Multimedia conducted with S2I Vector Animation Academy, Erode for students (03-11-2011 & 11-03-2014)
- Three days Industrial Training Programme with S2I Vector Animation Academy, Erode for students (18-02-2012 to 20-02-2012)
- One day workshop on “XML and Web Services” at Angel College of Engineering and Technology on 27.08.2011
- More than 80 association functions for the students being association coordinator.
- Placement Training Programme with T.I.M.E Chennai for Vel Tech High Tech, Chennai and A.C.T CET, Nelvoy
- Management Training Programme with Sidharth Institute of Management and Education Research Foundation (SIMERF), Chennai
- Technical Training Programmes in A.C.T College of Engineering and Technology, Nelvoy with TVS Training Services, Chennai.
- Initiated More Than 10 Value Added Courses in A.C.T College of Engineering and Technology, Nelvoy.
- Webinar on Simulation Tools with SimTECH Technologies, Chennai for Mechanical Students in A.C.T College of Engineering and Technology, Nelvoy
- Symposiums have conducted for the students at various levels.
- 10 – National Level
- 7 – Intra departmental
- 4 – Inter departmental
- Conducted Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp EAC 2014-15 from 20.01.2015 to 22.01.2015 in A.C.T College of Engineering and Technology sponsored by Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) Madurai and Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India
- Created Women’s Development Cell and Awareness Programme has been conducted in A.C.T College of Engineering and Technology tied with the organization Vector Indo-Genix Pvt. Ltd, Chennai, November 2014
- MoU signed with PCFCT- Premier Centre for Competency Training, Chennai for A.C.T College of Engineering and Technology, Nelvoy in 2013
- Value Added Course on CATIA has been conducted for Mechanical Engineering students with the tie-up of PCFCT- Premier Centre for Competency Training, Chennai under the MOU and 220 students got trained.
- Two Days Workshop on Entrepreneurial Orientation has been conducted in the month of September 2016. More than 850 students from Thangavelu Engineering College and T.J. Institute of Technology have participated in the programme.
- Got good tie-up with our District Industrial Centre, It was assured to provide all the supports at later point of time if students have good idea and entrepreneurial thinking and come forward to start the business
- Yoga Training Programme was conducted 16.08.2016 to 19.06.2016 in Thangavelu Engineering College, Karapakkam, Chennai for the outsiders by Art of Living, Velacheri
- International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21.06.2016 in in Thangavelu Engineering College, Karapakkam, Chennai associated with Art of Living, Velacheri
- Yoga Training programme has been conducted as part of the Placement Linked Training Programme for the final year students.
- Six student hours have been incorporated in A.C.T College of Engineering and Technology and Thangavelu Engineering College with Student Personality Development (SPD), Seminar (SEM), Placement/ Language Development (PLT/ LNT), (Library / Internet) LIB/INT, Audio Visual Presentation (AVP) and Physical Education (PED) and we could find the zeal, interaction and active participation from the students.
- Internal Symposium has been conducted in Thangavelu Engineering College, Karapakkam, Chennai. More than 300 students have participated and 340 participations in various events have been enabled and 100 prizes were awarded.
- External Symposium has been conducted in Thangavelu Engineering College, Karapakkam, Chennai and more than 300 students have participated from various Engineering colleges.
- Cultural Function has been conducted in Thangavelu Engineering College, Karapakkam, Chennai on 31.03.2016 and 01.04.2016 with 39 events. More than 400 students have participated in the events and enabled 531 participations in the events and 111 prizes were awarded.
- Industry Explorer has been conducted in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam in Feb 2017 and 6 experts participated from Thought Works Bangalore, HCL Info Systems Chennai, Infosys Chennai, Diverse Brains Life Solutions LLP Chennai and two organizations.
- Intra Departmental Symposium conducted in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam in March 2017 and 9 technical events were conducted, and more than 200 students have participated.
- National level conference on Networking and Communication has been conducted at Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam in March 2017. More than 40 Papers were presented.
- Conducted a Technical Refresher Programme for 7 days in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam for Final Year CSE and IT students from 23.01.2018 to 30.01.2018.
- Industry Explorer has been conducted in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam in February 2018 and 4 experts from Jouve India Pvt Ltd, Caddy Code Solutions Pvt Ltd, WE5 Solutions and White Hat Global Academy participated.
- Conducted 60 Hours Industrial Training Programme on Internet of Things through Tech Trunk Ventures Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam for Final and Third Year CSE and IT students from 13.02.2018 to 21.02.2018.
- Conducted 56 Hours Industrial Training Programme on Data Science and Big Data Analytics through ICT Academy, Chennai in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam for Final and Third Year CSE and IT students from 05.02.2018 to 12.02.2018.
- Conducted Industry Training Programme on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics” from 05.03.2019 to 06.03.2019 tied with ICT Academy, Chennai
- Intra Departmental Symposium conducted in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam in 9th March 2018 and 10 technical events were conducted and more than 150 students have participated.
- Conducted 50 Hours Industrial Training Programme on Java Programming through Chakrika Solutions, Pondicherry in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam for Second and Third Year CSE and IT students from 13.03.2018 to 21.03.2018.
- Conducted Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp EAC 2019 from 07.01.2019 to 09.01.2019 in Excel Engineering College sponsored by Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) Madurai and Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India
- Conducted 50 Hours Industrial Training Programme on Java Programming through Chakrika Solutions, Pondicherry in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam for Second year students of CSE and IT students from 28.01.2019 to 04.02.2019.
- Conducted 56 Hours Industrial Training Programme on Full Stack Development Programme through Guvi Geek Network Pvt Ltd, Chennai in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam for Third Year CSE and IT students from 05.02.2019.
- National level conference on Networking and Communication has been conducted at Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam in March 2019
- Intra Departmental Symposium conducted in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam on 19.09.2018 and 10 technical events were conducted and more than 200 students have participated.
- National Level Technical Symposium Infion'19 in Excel Engineering College on 07.02.2019 and 10 technical events were conducted, and 133 students have participated.
- Industry Explorer has been conducted in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam in 09.02.2019 and 6 experts participated from Exeter Premedia, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Incedo Technology, Excela Technologies, Techaffinity and Arena Animation.
- Intra Departmental Non-Technical Symposium conducted in Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam on 15.02.2019 and 8 non-technical events were conducted, and more than 250 students have participated.
- Presentation on Standardization to the faculty members of CSE and ISE, HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bangalore on 24.07.2019
- Interactive session of Artificial Intelligence to Third year students of CSE, HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bangalore on 25.07.2019
- Presentation on Vision and Innovation towards Transformation of the College into Better Ranked in the Country and World class in Quality to the faculty members of CSE and ISE, HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bangalore on 27.07.2019.
- Six student hours have been incorporated in CSE and ISE, HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bangalore with Student Personality Development (SPD), Seminar (SEM), Placement (PLT), Language Development (LNT), (Library / Internet) LIB/INT and Audio-Visual Presentation (AVP) and we could find the zeal, interaction and active participation from the students.
- Educated 203 parameters of well-defined TLP and OBE on 6 departments of HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bangalore compliance with the quality standards NBA and NAAC and Ranking standards NIRF
- Interactive session of Knowledge Representation and Heuristic Methods to third year students of CSE, HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bangalore on 31.07.2019
- Training on Student Hour Practices to the faculty members of CSE and ISE, HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bangalore on 30.07.2019 and 01.08.2019
- Presentation on Awareness on OBE to the Senior Members of HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bangalore on 19.08.2019
- Audio Visual Presentation of Computer Networks to III Year CSE Students on 13.09.2019 on Content and Content beyond the Syllabus.
- Session on Outcome Based Education has been delivered in 18 days Induction Programme for the Academic Year 2019-20 to First Year Students of HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bangalore
- Lecture given on Value Added Courses and Refresher sessions to Civil students on the Workshop on Software Tools in HKBK College of Engineering, Nagawara, Bangalore
- Conducted 60 Hours Industrial Training Programme on Internet of Things through Tech Trunk Ventures Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad in HKBK College of Engineering, Bangalore for Second and Third Year CSE, ISE and ECE students from 10.01.2020 to 18.01.2020.
- Conducted the Add-on/Bridge Course on Objected Oriented Concepts using C++ from 17.02.2020 to 20.02.2020 in ISE department, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- Conducted a webinar on Carrier Roadmap to Artificial Intelligence Professional on 05.06.2020 in Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore tied with Tech Trunk Ventures Pvt Ltd, Bangalore.
- Conducted a webinar on Data Science and Machine Learning on 29.07.2020 in Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore tied with Tech Trunk Ventures Pvt Ltd, Bangalore.
- Conducted a webinar on Industrial IOT on 19.06.2021 in Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore tied with Tech Trunk Ventures Pvt Ltd, Bangalore.
- Conducted National level conference on Networking and Communication at Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam in March 2017.
- Conducted National level conference on Networking and Communication at Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam in March 2019
- Chaired a session in National seminar on “e-Potentials of Tamil in Telecommunication” held during October 31st, 2008, to November 1st, 2008, at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
- Chaired a session in National Conference on Challenges and Innovations in Information Technology on 25-03-2010 at MCA Department, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai
- Chaired the session in National Conference on Recent Trends in IT (NCRTIT-2011) on 29-01-2011 at MPNMJ Engineering College, Chennimalai
- Chaired the session in National Conference on National Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (NCIIT 2011) on 24-02-2011 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam.
- Chaired the session in National Conference on Information, Communication, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Apparel & Garment Technology and Intelligent Computing (NICE MAGIC– 2011) on 01-04-11 at Angel College of Engineering and Technology, Tirupur.
- Chaired the session in International Conference on Computer, Communication, and Signal Processing on 22-09-11 at SSM College of Engineering, Komarapalayam.
- Chaired the session in National Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, Communication, Automation and Structural Engineering ACCCAS – 2012 at Al-Ameen Engineering College, Karundevan Palayam, Erode on 10.03.2012.
- Chairing the session in 2nd International Conference on Smart technologies for Materials, Communications, Controls, Computing & Energy (ICST 2013) held at Vel Tech Dr. RR Dr. SR Technical University jointly with Oklahoma State University, USA during 3-5 January 2013.
- Chairing the session and Acting as an Expert in Panel of Jury in 2nd International Project Competition & Exhibition – VISAI 2013 held at Vel Tech Dr. RR Dr. SR Technical University during 24-25 February 2013.