
Dr. K. Madheswari
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. K. Madheswari is a Professor at the Alliance School of Advanced Computing. With over 14 years of teaching experience, she has previously served as an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE) at VIT University Chennai and in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SSN College of Engineering.
Dr. Madheswari holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Anna University, specializing in Image Fusion (2018). She also completed a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, and a Master’s degree in Software Engineering from Anna University. She is a Sun Certified Java Associate (SCJA) from Sun Microsystems and has completed the Java Foundations Oracle Certification Program. Additionally, Dr. Madheswari is an active member of professional organizations such as ACM, IEEE, and the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
Her research accomplishments include 20 journal publications (10 indexed in Thomson Reuters and 8 in Scopus) and 10 conference papers. She was a co-investigator on the externally funded project “Development of Fusion Algorithms for Remotely Sensed Satellite Images in Cartographic Applications,” sponsored by ISRO with a grant of ?14.29 lakhs.
In addition to her research, Dr. Madheswari developed a course on Modern C++ for Skill-Lync, a leading edtech company. She is proficient in several programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, C#, and .NET. Her areas of expertise include Image Processing, Image Fusion, Optimization Algorithms in Image Fusion, Software Testing, and IoT.
Dr. Madheswari has contributed to national-level events as an Assistant Nodal Officer for SMART INDIA HACKATHON-2017 and as SPOC for the event from 2018 to 2022.
She has also served as a reviewer for prestigious journals, including those indexed in Thomson Reuters (SCI & Web of Science), IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Springer’s Pattern Analysis and Applications, Wireless Personal Communications, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Measurement and Control, and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
With a strong commitment to teaching, research, and collaboration, Dr. Madheswari continues to make significant contributions to the academic community.
- Madheswari Kanmani, Venkateswaran Narasimhan, "An optimal weighted averaging fusion strategy for remotely sensed images", Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 30, 4, 1911-1935, Springer US (Thomson reuters) , IF:2.5
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11045-019-00636-9 - Madheswari Kanmani, Venkateswaran Narasimhan, "Optimal fusion aided face recognition from visible and thermal face images", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, 25, 17859-17883, Springer US (Thomson reuters), IF:3.6
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-08628-9 - Madheswari and N.Venkateswaran, ” An image contrast enhancement algorithm for gray scale images using particle swarm optimization”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, (Springer, IF=3.6, Thomson Reuters), Jan 2018.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-5650-0 - Madheswari and N.Venkateswaran, ” Swarm Intelligent based Contrast Enhancement Algorithm with Improved Visual Perception for Color Images”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, (Springer, IF=3.6, Thomson Reuters), June 2017.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-017-4911-7 - Madheswari and N.Venkateswaran, “An optimal weighted averaging fusion strategy for thermal and visible images using dual tree discrete wavelet transform and self tunning particle swarm optimization“, Multimedia Tools and Applications, (Springer, IF=2.557, Thomson reuters). PP: 1-22. October-2016.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-016-4030-x - K Madheswari and N Venkateswaran, “Swarm intelligence based optimisation in thermal image fusion using dual tree discrete wavelet transform” in Quantitative Infrared Thermography Journal (Thomson Reuters, IF:1.643), Taylor and Francis, First Online, pp: 1-20, September 16, 2016.
https://doi.org/10.1080/17686733.2016.1229328 - Lekshmi Kalinathan, Ruba Soundar Kathavarayan, Madheswari Kanmani, Nagendram Dinakaran, Nuclei detection in hepatocellular carcinoma and dysplastic liver nodules in histopathology images using bootstrap regression, Histology and Histopathology, clarivate, IF: 2.025, Vol. 35, n:10 (2020).
DOI: 10.14670/HH-18-240 - K Madheswari and N Venkateswaran “Particle Swarm Optimization aided WeightedAveraging Fusion Strategy for CT and MRI Medical Images“, International journal of biomedical engineering and technology (clarivate), IF:0.17
DOI: 10.1504/IJBET.2019.102975 - K.Madheswari ,S Aswatha, R Deepika, M Dharu Piraba, VP Dhaneesh, S Saraswathi, YV Lokeswari, Nagarajan KK, “Smart Air Pollution Monitoring System”, 2023, Global NEST Journal, Vol 25, No 3, pp 125-129, clarivate, IF:1.12
https://doi.org/10.30955/gnj.004396 - V. Lokeshwari and K. Madheswari Amith Kumar N , Satheesh Kumar.G.R , Sreedhar.V , Surya.S.S , S.Saraswathi, “Smart Home Security System and Liveness Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Volume:13,Issue:75, Pages:51612-51617, clarivate, IF:2.452
- Madheswari Kanmani, Nandakishor Velu, Sanjay Rojar Utharia Muthu, Nitheesh Kumar Narasimmalu, Comparative Study of Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Fungi Classification”, Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning: Proceedings of ICSADL 2022 (Scopus Indexed), Springer Nature Singapore, Pages:591-606
- Madheswari . K, N.Venkateswaran, N. Ganeshkumar, “Entropy optimized contrast enhancement for gray scale images”, International journal of Applied Engineering Research (Scopus Indexed) ,Volume 10, Number 55, ISSN 0973-4562, pp. 1590-1595
- Sharmadha Senthil Nathan, ShivaniKanmani, Shruthi Kumar, Ms.Madheswari Kanmani, AP/CSE, published a paper titled , “Survey on Digital Age- Smarter Cradle System for Enhanced Parenting” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 10 (2018) pp. 8187-8193(Scopus indexed)
- Sharmadha Senthil Nathan, shivaniKanmani, Shruthi kumar, Ms. Madheswari Kanmani, AP/CSE published a paper titled, “Optimized Multi Scale Image Fusion Technique Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Particle Swarm Optimization for Colour Multi Focus Images” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 10 (2018) pp. 8179-8186(Scopus indexed)
- Sakthi umamaheswari, Parimala Suresh Congovi, Ms.Madheswari Kanmani, AP/CSE, published a paper titled “Medicine Information Mobile Application Using Tablet Image Anaysis Using Android Studio” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 10 (2018) pp. 8407-8412(Scopus indexed)
- X. Blessy Theresa and K.Madheswari, AP/CSE published a paper titled “Thermal and Visible Video Fusion Using Curvelet Transform” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 11 (2018) pp. 8831-8836(Scopus indexed)
- Madheswari Kanmani Deepika Sivasankaran, Sai Seena P, Rajesh R, Sketch Based Image Retrieval using Deep Learning Based Machine Learning”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume:10, Issue:5, Pages:79-86. DOI:10.35940/ijeat.E2622.0610521
- Parameswaran T., Palanisamy C. and Madheswari K.,”Topology Management based energy Balancing Model for IPS in MANET using MEC Clustering Algorithm”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vo,.48(15), June 2012. ISSN: 0975-887 DOI: 10.5120/7428-0456
Title of the Project: Development of fusion algorithms for remotely sensed satellite images in cartographic applications
Sponsoring Agency: ISRO Duration & Sanctioned Year: 2 years & 02.07.2019
Sanctioned Amount (in Lakhs): 14.29
- Company Name: Skill Lync (Edu Tech)
Project Title: Modern C++ (Online Course Developed)
Amount: ?2,40,000 - Company Name: Apollo Sinduri Hotels
Project Title: IP Nutri Track
Amount: ?5,00,000
Other and Significant Achievements:
Dr. Madheswari has made notable contributions to national-level events, serving as the Assistant Nodal Officer for the SMART INDIA HACKATHON-2017. She continued her involvement as the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for the event from 2018 to 2022, playing a key role in its execution and success over the years.
- Parameswaran T., Palanisamy C. and Madheswari K,”Energy Balancing Model for Intrusion Detection Systems in MANET using Secure Leader Election Model “, ICCCSP 2011, SSM college of Engineering
- Madheswari K, Parameswaran T “Energy Balancing Model for Intrusion Detection Systems in MANET“, ncvit2012, KSR Engineering College.
- Madheswari K., Venkateswaran N. and Ganeshkumar N., “Entropy Optimized Contrast Enhancement for Gray Scale Images”, Proceedings of international conference on advances in applied engineering and technology-2015, May-14-16,2015.
- Madheswari K and Venkateswaran N, “Swarm Intelligence based Optimization in Thermal Image Fusion using Dual Tree Discrete Wavelet Transform”, The First QIRT-ASIA conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, July 6-10, MamallaPuram. http://dx.doi.org/10.21611/qirt.2015.0101
- K Madheswari and N Venkateswaran , “Fusion of Visible and Thermal images using Curvelet Transform and Brain Storm Optimization“, IEEE TENCON 2016, Singapore 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TENCON.2016.7848558
- Mervin, K.Madheswari, ” SLM : Secure Leader Model For Intrusion Detection In Mobile Ad-Hoc Network“, International Conference on innovative trends in computing and technology, March 7 and 8, 2013 at Rajaas Engineering college, Vadakkankulam.
- Vinoth Kumar, K. Madheswari, ” DLA: Dynamic Learning Algorithm For Anomaly Detection In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET)” International Conference on innovative trends in computing and technology, March 7 and 8, 2013 at Rajaas Engineering college, Vadakkankulam.
- VenmalDevi and K. Madheswari, “Colorization of gray scale image using Locally Weighted regression,” International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering (ICMCE-2015), VIT chennai.
- Bhavna Bharath and Madheswari Kanmani, “Swarm Intelligence Based Fusion for Thermal and Visible Images”, International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy, Information and Communication (ICCPEIC), IEEE explore, March 22 and 23rd. Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur.
- Avanthikaa Ravichandran, Ashwini Raja and Madheswari Kanmani, ” Entropy Optimized Image Fusion Using Particle Swarm Technology and Discrete Wavelet Transform“, International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy, Information and Communication (ICCPEIC), IEEE explore, March 22 and 23rd. Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur. DOI: 10.1109/ICCPEIC.2017.8290341