
Dr. Himanshu Puri
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Himanshu Puri has a vast experience of 15 Yrs. in academics, startups and corporate. He has worked as a Chief Finance / Operation Officer & Director at LQ Global Services Pvt. Ltd. and Chief Advisor & Senior Consultant at Grab Guidance Services LLP. Prior to this, he has worked with company in Ed-Tech domain, i.e., upGrad.Com, developing online courses on Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Data Analytics. Before these companies he has worked as Assistant Professor (Finance) with various Universities & B-schools such as Indraprastha University, Amity University, IILM University, Institute of Marketing & Management & Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies working in almost all domains in higher education like Research Coordinator, Faculty Management, Admissions Management, Placement Coordination etc. He had been associated with some B-Schools such as Asian School of Business, NDIM, DIAS as Visiting Professor/Industry Expert.
He has done PhD in finance (2018) from Mewar University, Rajasthan. He had Master’s Degree in M.B.A. in Finance (2009) from ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad and Bachelor’s degree in B.B.A. in Finance (2006) from G.G.S. IP University. He has also done M. Com (2012) in Banking from Annamalai University as his second master’s degree. He is NSE Certified Market Professional (Level 2). He has also qualified UGC-JRF/NET exam in Management.
Doctoral Thesis
- “Demand-Supply Present Scenario and Effectiveness of Microfinance: A Case Study of Eight Villages of Narela District of NCT”
- Authored - Cost Accounting (2016) – Class XII – Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
- Edited - IMM Year Book (2014) – “India and the Gulf: Collaboration and Cooperation.”
- Authored – Financial Economics – Maritime MBA – Private University
Research Papers Published in Journals: National (10) International (11)
- Research paper titling “Impact of Buy-Back of Shares on Stock Prices in India: An Empirical Testing Of Stock Market Efficiency In Its Semi-Strong Form”, is published in “Pranjana” by INMANTEC (Vol. 13, 1, Jan-Jun 2010)
- Research Paper titled “Construction and Evaluation of Optimal portfolio using Sharpe’s Single Index Model” is published in Journal of Accounting and Finance, by RDA, Jaipur (Vol. 26, No. 1, Oct 2011 - Mar 2012)
- Research Paper titled “Performance Evaluation of Balanced Mutual Fund Schemes in India” is published in Paradigm by IMT, Gaziabad, (Vol.XIV, No. 2, Jul-Dec 10)
- Research paper titled "An Empirical Investigation intoCausal Relationship Between Spot And Future Prices of Crude Oil" is Published in International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, (Vol.2, Issue 7, July 12)
- Research paper titled “An Empirical Investigation of Short Term Performance of IPOs in India” is published in International Journal of Financial Management, (Vol.2, Issue 1, April 12)
- Research paper titled “Impact of M&A on Bank’s Performance and its Shareholders Wealth: A Study of Merger of BOR with ICICI Bank” is Published in Abhigyan by Fore School of Management (Vol. XXXI, No. 1, April-Jun 13).
- Paper titled “M&A in Indian Banking Industry: An Analysis of Bank of Rajasthan’s Merger with ICICI Bank” is published in Vimarsh (Vol.3, Issue 1&2, July 12 – Dec 12)
- Paper titled “Microfinance: A Tool for Women Empowerment in India” is published in European Journal of Commerce and Management Research (Vol.2, Issue 5, May 13)
- Paper titled “An Empirical Testing of Relationship Between Microfinance and Economic Growth” is published in Journal of Indian Research, Mewar University (Vol. 1, No.2, April-June 13)
- Paper titled “Financial Inclusion in India - A Long Way to Go” is published in Saaransh, Journal by Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology (Vol. 5, No. 1, July 2013)
- Paper titled “Due Diligence is an Important Aspect in Acquisition Strategy: A Study of Acquisition of Zain Africa by Bharti Airtel” is published in The Alternative, BITS Mesra (Vol. XII, No. 2, April-Sept 2013)
- Paper titled “A Phasewise Empirical Analysis Of Relationship Between Indian Spot And Future Crude Oil Prices” is published in Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation (Sage Publications) (Vol. 9, No. 3, Sept 2013, pp 305-313)
- Paper titled “A Significant Role of Commercial Banks in the Growth of Microfinance Sector in India” is published in J-GIBS (Vol. , No. , ’2014)
- Paper titled “A Phasewise Empirical Analysis of relationship between Indian spot and future prices of gold” is published in IMS Manthan (Vol. VIII, Issue-II, Dec-2013)
- Paper titled “An Empirical Analysis of Causal Relationship between Micro-Loans and Various Economic Indicators of India” is published in International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences (I.J.E.M.S.) (Vol.5, No.2, April’2014)
- Paper titled “Effectiveness of Microfinance: A Literature Survey” is published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Business Management and Administration (ISR Journals) (April 2014)
- Paper titled “An Empirical Investigation of Volatality of Indian Spot And Future Prices Of Crude Oil” is Published at Metamosphosis, IIM Lucknow
- Paper titled “Level of Awareness of Islamic Banking and Finance in India” is published in International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2015)
- Paper titled “An Empirical Investigation of Volatility of the Stock Market in India” is published in Pacific Business Review International (Vol. , No. , ’2014)
- Paper titled "An Phasewise Empirical Analysis of Integration Between NSE and NYSE" is published in MAIMS Journal of Management (Vol. 9, No. 2, 2015)
- Paper titled "Attracting Talent: Experiences of Start-Ups in India” is published in Journal of Entrepreneurship & Management (JEM) (Vol. 8, Issue 1, 2019, 1-6)
Research Papers Published in Proceedings (3), Books (2) & Book review (1):
- Research paper titled "Forecasting of Global Prices of Silver Bullion with Special Emphasis on Factors Impacting it" is published in compendium of the national conference held at ITS (ISBN No. 978-93-81505-52-06)
- Paper titled “Corporate Governance - Evolution & Challenges in India” is published in the Book “Global Competitiveness and Corporate Governance Imperatives in Emerging Economies” by Ansal University (ISBN No. 978-93-81583-89-0)
- Paper titled “Mutual Funds Industry in India - Recent practices and Investor's Perception” is published in book “Management, Leadership & Corporate Governance” published by Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies (ISBN No. 978-81-904635-7-7)
- Research Paper titled "Regional Disparity in Microfinance Activities in India" is published in the proceeding of AICTE approved National Seminar organized by Delhi Institute of Advance Studies (ISBN No. 978-81-927406-0-7)
- Research Paper titled "A Case on Rapid Metro Project: Gurgaon – A New Touch base to Management Innovation" is published in the proceeding of National Conference organized by Delhi Institute of Advance Studies (ISBN No.)
- A Book review on the book titled “Financial Services by Thummuluri Siddaiah” is published in International Journal, DIAS Technology Review ( Vol. 8, No. 1, April-Sept 2011)
- He had co-authored a book on Cost Accounting for Class XII for CBSE with Dr. S.N. Maheshwari. He had also written another book on financial economics for Maritime MBA program.
- He has co-founded and headed finance and operations managing team of CA, CS and HR of a Legal-Tech company and scaled it to a team of 70-member earning $1.5M revenue from 50K Users with raising $1.2M till pre-series A
- He has founded and being senior consultant to a Ed-Tech company and set up the whole venture from scratch
- He has developed the first set of Online Courses for UpGard.com
- He has been a reviewer with International Journals such as African Business Journal.
- He has 30+ Research papers published in international and national journals.
- He has 10+ Research papers presented in international and national conferences.
- He has attended 22+ academic conferences/workshops/FDPs.
- He is an active member of FIPT (FEDERATION OF INDIAN PROFESSIONAL TRAINERS) (Membership ID: FIPT/DL/FI31445)
- He has have been pioneering in managing FDPs, MDPs and other academic conferences.
- He has complete led many online finance and management courses from Yale, Coursera, Udemy, Harvard, Google and ISB, Hyderabad.
Paper Presented (Abstract/Paper Publication) in Conferences:
- Presented Paper “Microfinance: An Effective and Innovative tool for Poverty Eradication and Social Empowerment in India” at International Conference on “Enhancing Organizational Growth through Innovation and Creativity: Issues, Opportunities and Challenges” organized by Amity University, Gurgaon, 5-6th May 11
- Presented paper “Role of Banking Sector in the Development of Microfinance in India” at National Conference on “Contemporary Management Research” organized by Apeejay School of Management, Dwarka,13 May 11
- Presented paper on “Financial Inclusion: A Necessity for Economic Growth in India” at GenNxt organized by Jaipuria Institute of Management on 14, 15&16 Oct 11
- Presented paper on “M&A Growth Strategy Creates Value for the Organizations: A Study of Bank of Rajasthan Merging with ICICI Bank” at Jaipuria Group of Institutions, Vasundhara, on 20th April 12
- Research paper titled "Forecasting of Global Prices of Silver Bullion with Special Emphasis on Factors Impacting it" presented at the national conference held at ITS, Ghaziabad on 18th Jan 13
- Research Paper titled "Regional Disparity in Microfinance Activities in India" presented in the National Seminar held at Delhi Institute of Advance Studies on 19th Jan 13
- Presented paper on “Corporate Governance - Evolution & Challenges in India”, Ansal's International Conference 2013 on 15th Feb 13, Ansal University
- Paper presented on “Mutual Funds Industry in India - Recent practices and Investor's Perception” at National Conference on “Management, Leadership & Corporate Governance” on 1ST & 2ND March 2013 organized by Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka
- Paper titled "A Case on Rapid Metro Project: Gurgaon – A New Touch base to Management Innovation" presented at National Conference on “Organizational Re-engineering: A New Age Tool for Competitive Advantage” held at Delhi Institute of Advance Studies on 25th Jan 14
- Paper titled “Level of Awareness of Islamic Banking and Finance in India” is presented at International Conference by SIBR-Thammsat University, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 June 2014
- Paper titled “The Relationship between Indian Stock Market with other Developed Stock Markets of the World: A Phasewise Empirical Analysis”, presented at 4th Indian Finance Conference of IIM Ahmadabad, Bangalore, and Calcutta at IIM Bangalore, 17-19 Dec 14
List of Conferences/ FDP’s/AMP’s/Symposium/Workshops Attended:
- FDP on “Research Methodology – Techniques and Practices” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 11-1-2010
- HR Summit on “Managing HR in Turbulent Times” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 13th February, 2010
- National conference “Techno tryst 2010- Information technology driven organizational changes” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 27-3-2010
- Two day FDP on “Research Methodology-Data Analysis and Interpretation using SPSS” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 28-29 May, 2010
- Two day FDP on “National Case Development Workshop” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 21-22, June 2010.
- Two day FDP on “Financial Econometrics using E-views” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 30-31 July 2010
- Symposium on “Global Management Innovations” Organized by Delhi School of Management, DTU on 13th Dec 2010
- International Conference on “Innovative Business Strategies for Corporate Excellence” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 3rd Jan 2011
- Symposium on “Management Education: Emerging Quality Initiatives” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 5th March 2011
- National Conference “Techno Tryst 2011: Dynamics of Information and Communication Technology” on 19th Mar 2011
- Two day FDP on “Research Methodology using SPSS” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 9-10 May, 2011
- Two day FDP on “Financial Econometrics using E-views” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 27-28 July 2011
- National Conference “Contemporary Issues In Management For India Inc” on 28th Jan 2012
- National Conference on “Techno Tryst 2012: Database Technologies and Its Impact on Information System”, 24th Mar 2012
- Two day FDP on “Essential Tools for Quality Research” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies on 11-12 May, 2012
- Two Day AMP on “International Finance” conducted by P.G. Apte, former director IIM Banglore at IILM, Lodhi Road Campus on December 21 & 22, 2012
- One Day FDP on “Role of Faculty in student development: An Industry Perspectiv?e” conducted by M.Maheshwari, IIM Cal, on 22nd Mar 13 held at IILM GSM, Greater Noida
- Two day FDP on “Enhancing Teaching Skills for Turbulent Global Financial Environment” organized by MAIMS, Rohini on 20-21st May 13
- One day FDP on “ Case Study Analysis” conducted by Somonnoy Ghosh, on 22nd May 13 held at IILM GSM, Greater Noida
- One day FDP on “How to Improve Your Teaching Effectiveness” conducted by Prof. Rakesh Chaudhary and Prof. Rahul Mishra on 4th June 2013, at IILM - Lodhi Road Campus
- One day FDP on “Structured Equation Modeling” conducted by Prof. Bilal Khan on 8th Nov 13, at IILM - Lodhi Road Campus
- Two day FDP on “Enhancing Teaching Skills” conducted by Dr. Nanditesh Nilay (Chairman, Delhi Chapter, ISTD) organized at IMM on 30th Jun-1st July 14
- Two day Workshop on “Instructional Design” conducted by Purnima Valiathan (IDMentors) organized at UpGrad on 10th Sept -11th Sept 16