
Dr. Geetha Venkatesan
Assistant Professor & Academic Coordinator
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Geetha Venkatesan obtained her B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Computer Science from University of Madras, Tamil Nadu. and she holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer application with specialization of Internet of Things (IoT) from Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh. She has eight years of teaching experience from reputed institutions in Bengaluru. She attended many workshops on “Research Writing skills”. Her area of interest in Computer Networks, Internet Security and the latest disruptive technologies brought her to narrow down her research to IoT Security.
- Geetha Venkatesan, Avadhesh Kumar (2021), “Enhanced adaptive trust management system for socially related IoT”, Journal of Inderscience, vol 11, issue 5-6, pp 584- 596
- Geetha Venkatesan, Avadhesh Kumar (2021), “Trust level computational model for IoT enabled patient monitoring service using Trust properties”, Journal of Design Engineering, vol-2021 Issue 07, pp 1299 – 1315.
- Geetha V, M, T., Koti, M., B.A, N. et al.Lung cancer diagnosis based on weighted convolutional neural network using gene data expression. Sci Rep 14, 3656 (2024).
- V Geetha, UV Anbazhagu, Manjula Sanjay Koti, V Muthukumaran, “Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for energy management in smart homes using hybridized neuro-fuzzy approach”, Journal of Distributed Generation and alternative energy, pp 83-110, 2024.
- Geetha V, Faten Khalid Karim, Nithya Rekha Sivakumar, “An Adaptive threshold based modified artificial bee colony optimization technique for virtual machine placement in cloud datacenters” Journal of IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 94296-94309.
Book Chapter
- Geetha, S.Satheesh Kumar, V.Muthukumaran(2023). A Quantitative Approach of Purposive Sampling Techniques for Security and Privacy Issues in IoT Healthcare Applications. In - Handbook of Research on Advancements in AI and IoT Convergence Technologies (pp. 281-299). ISBN13: 9781668469712|ISBN10: 1668469715 (IGI Global)
- Geetha Venkatesan, Avadhesh Kumar (2021) “Dynamic Trust Management System for Social IoT”. In: Zhang YD., Senjyu T., So-In C., Joshi A. (eds) Smart Trends in Computing and Communications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 286. Springer, Singapore.
- Venkatesan, G., Kumar, A. (2022). Reliable Data Acquisition by Master–Slave Approach in Marine-IoT Environment for Logistics. In: Shakya, S., Ntalianis, K., Kamel, K.A. (eds) Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 126. Springer, Singapore.
- V, C. N. Vanitha, M. Sathyamoorthy and M. Manikantan, "Exploration of Ripe Raw and Defective Tomatoes with Deep Learning Techniques," 2023 Second International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems (ICAISS), Trichy, India, 2023, pp. 528-533
- Geetha V, Ishita Johri, Nallakaruppan,” Application of neural networks and genetic algorithms in establishing logical rules for evaluating the edibility of mushroom data,” 2023 International conference on Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems(ICACIS), pp 212 – 220, Springer.
- Geetha V, M. A. Ali, R. K. Dhanaraj, V. Grover, "Multi-Module Deep Learning and IoT-Based Pest Detection System Using Sound Analytics in Large Agricultural Field," 2023 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Computers (ELEXCOM), Roorkee, India, 2023, pp. 1-6. IEEE.