
Dr. Digamber Singh
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Applied Mathematics
Dr. Digamber Singh is a highly skilled Mechanical Engineer specializing in Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Engineering Biomechanics, and Automobile Engineering. With extensive experience teaching undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral degree students, he excels in translating theoretical knowledge into practical solutions for real-world engineering challenges. Dr. Singh completed his doctoral degree at Motilal National Institute of Technology Prayagraj (India) from 2016 to 2020, followed by a distinguished Post-Doctoral tenure at IIT Kanpur (2022-2024). During his post-doctoral work, he focused on numerical modeling of human organs, particularly within the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, showcasing his commitment to advancing interdisciplinary research.
His leadership as the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Kanpur Institute of Technology Kanpur (India) from 2020 to 2022 fostered an environment of learning and innovation. Notably, he organized the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Engineering System Design (CIESD-2021), demonstrating his ability to unite diverse engineering minds on a single platform.
Dr. Singh's expertise extends to theoretical and experimental studies of fluid dynamics and multiphase flows, where his proficiency in CFD, FVM, and ICEM CFD significantly benefits research scholars in thermal and fluid engineering. His proficiency with OpenFOAM and C++ aligns with the current industry needs, reflecting his dedication to continuous learning and application of advanced mechanical engineering methods.
He firmly believes in an interdisciplinary approach, combining engineering principles with biological systems to offer valuable insights into addressing current health issues such as respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses. Dr. Singh's commitment to teaching and mentoring is evident, aligning with his dedication to contributing to educational and consultancy activities.
With effective communication skills, both orally and in writing, Dr. Singh excels in disseminating research findings and collaborating with the wider research community. His passion for innovation and his ability to bridge the gap between academia and industry make him a valuable asset to any research or educational institution.
Journal Papers:
- Bhoolu Kumar & Digamber Singh, Study on Airflow and Particle Transport in In-silico
Human Respiratory Tract. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 45, 574, 2023. - Digamber Singh, Anuj Jain, A.R.Paul, Toxic Particles Deposition in the Human
Respiratory Tract under Natural Inspiratory Flow, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences , 8(6), pp. 1225-1254, 2023. - Digamber Singh, Anuj Jain, A.R.Paul, Numerical Assessment of a 3-D Human Upper
Respiratory Tract Model: Effects of Anatomical Structure on Transient Asymmetric Tidal
Pulmonary Ventilation Characteristics, Int. Journal Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 2014–2034, 2022. - Digamber Singh, Anuj Jain, A.R.Paul, Numerical Study on Particle Deposition in Healthy
Human Airways and Airways with Glomus Tumor, Advances in Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Lecture Notes in Bioengineering, 2021. - Digamber Singh, Anuj Jain, A.R. Paul, Numerical Assessment of Natural Respiration and
Particles Deposition in the Computed Tomography scan airway with a glomus Tumour, J
Process Mechanical Engineering, Vol-13, pp. 40-76, 2021. - Digamber Singh, Anuj Jain, A.R.Paul, Air Quality Index Effect on Particles Deposition in Human Airways under Natural Breath, Mater. Sci. Eng., 2021.
National and International Conference Papers:
- Digamber Singh, Rishi Kumar, K. Muralidhar and Indranil Saha Dala, Effects of non Newtonian blood viscosity in the realistic doubly bifurcated iliac artery, Proceedings of the 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 20-22, 2023, IIT Jodhpur, India.
- Digamber Singh, Rishi Kumar, Indranil Saha Dalal, and K. Muralidhar; Effects of Carotid Artery Shape Perturbations on Blood Flow, Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, Uttarakhand, India.
- Digamber Singh, Prof. Anuj Jain, Dr. A.R.Paul; Numerical Study on Particle Deposition in Healthy Human Airways and Airways with Glomus Tracheal Tumor, 1st International Conference On Biomedical Engineering Science and Technology: Roadway from Laboratory to Market, 20-21 December 2018, NIT Raipur, Chhattisgarh – 492010.
- Digamber Singh, Prof. Anuj Jain, Dr. A.R.Paul; Novel Assessment of Toxic Particles Deposition in Respiratory Tract under Poor Air Quality Index (AQI) (National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology, Sciences, Management and Education, Sept. 18, 2018, Amity University Lucknow U.P., India, (Best Paper).
- Bhoolu Kumar, Digamber Singh, Vivek Kr. Srivastava, Prof. Anuj Jain, Dr. A.R.Paul; A Computational Analysis of Smoke Particle Deposition in Simplified and CT-Scan Based Human Trachea Under Inspiratory Flow, International Conferences on Biomedical Engineering & Supportive Technologies, Sept. 2-3, 2016, BEST, Jhansi, U.P., India.
- Digamber Singh, Prof. Anuj Jain, Dr. A.R.Paul; Effect of physical structure of nasal cavity and nasopharynx on airflow field in human upper airway, 6th International 43rd National Conferences Fluid Mechanics or Fluid Power Dec. 15-17, 2016, MNNIT Allahabad, U.P., India.
Funded Project and Consultancy Work:
- CMS (Collision Mitigation Braking System) funded by Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura (U.P.) R&D Department. Cost of the project Rs. 2.3 Lakh, (2013).
- To Design and develop a single seater Formula Style Car funded by Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura R&D Department. The team is second Champion of SUPRA SAE India project. Cost of the project Rs.6.5 Lakh, (2015).
- Enhancement of Academic Performance of Students in Engineering Institutions. Funded and awarded by DL Shah Trust Quality Council of India (2015).
- Multi- Fuel Variable Compression I.C. Engine Test Rig. (Computerized) funded by AICTE under AQIS scheme. Cost of the project Rs. 20 Lakh, (2021-2022).
- 360 Sensitization tunnel for complete disinfection from the COVID-19, funder by Kanpur Institute of Technology, Kanpur (U.P.). Cost of the project Rs. 25000/- (2020).
Academic Responsibilities:
- Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KIT, Kanpur (Jan. 2020- Dec. 2021).
- Coordinator of Research & Innovation Cell, Kanpur Institute of Technology, Kanpur U.P. (11/2021 to 12/2021).
- Head of NAAC research team, Kanpur Institute of Technology, Kanpur U.P. (10/2021 to 12/2021).
- Head of National Innovation Startup policy (NISP) at Kanpur Institute of Technology, Kanpur U.P. (06/2020 to 12/2021).
- Working as a freelancer and trainer of CFD modules to train PG, UG, Ph.D. and industries persons by online medium since 2020, (Facebook channel link, https://www.facebook.com/groups/numericalfluidmagic, youtube channel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CWTXXzw8a4 ).
Awards and Fellowships:
- Summer faculty research fellowship by engine tribology center IIT Delhi 2015.
- Faculty Development Programme from Hindustan College of Science & Technology with
- awarded E grade in year 2012 Agra (U. P.).
- Doctoral fellowship MNNIT Allahabad U.P., 2016-2020.
- Digamber Singh, Anuj Jain, A.R.Paul, Novel Assessment of Toxic Particles Deposition in Respiratory Tract under Poor Air Quality Index (AQI), National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology, Sciences, Management and Education, Sept. 18, 2018, Amity University Lucknow U.P., India, (Best Paper).
- Six sigma Green Belt Certificate from BSI Noida U.P. India in Year 2011.
- Champion of SUPRA SAE India event 2015.
- Editorial Board Member of National Conference (NC4IPS-2020) in Year (2020).
- Secretary of International Conferences (FMFP-2015) held in MNNIT Allahabad (2015).
- Convener of “International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Engineering System Design (CIESD-2021)” held on 26-27, November 2021, Kanpur institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.
- Chaired the Technical Papers sessions in National Conference (NC4IPS-2020) in Year (2020).
- Session chair of, 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, Uttarakhand, India.
- Session chair of, 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 20-22, 2023, IIT Jodhpur, Rajsthan-342030, India.
M.Tech and Ph.D. Thesis Supervised:
- Dayashankar Chauhan, Submitted his thesis for award of M.Tech. in the area of CFD analyses of heat transfer from the head of the engine during the combustions August 2020, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (U.P.).
Advisory/Editorial Board Member of Journals:
- Early Career Editor International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJMEMS), 2022 (SCOPUS Indexed with IP 3.2) (2020 to working).
Indian Patents:
- Strain Energy Based Hydraulic Steering System (Patent No. 3499/DEL/2013).
- Sensible Braking System (Patent No. 3498/DEL/2013).
Workshops & Courses Attended:
- Virtual Library Workshop on Materials Response to Microstructural, Mechanical Thermal and Biological stimuli IIT Kanpur June, 30, 2016.
- Applied mechanics Department MNNIT Allahabad Organized a short term course on Biomedical Imaging GIAN, July 14-15, 2016.
- Application of Multi Physics and Inverse Modeling to Industrial Problems by Department of Chemical Engineering, Dec. 18-19, 2016.
- Applied Mechanics Department organized a Course on Computational Simulation on Biofluid Systems GIAN Dec. 01-12, 2016.
- Applied Mechanics Department organized a Course on Active Learning Techniques and Robust Assessment Methods in Train the Trainer GIAN, July 10-15, 2017.
- Applied Mechanics Department organized a Course on Modeling, Simulation, Performance Evaluation and Biological Safety for Medical Devices for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Assistance GIAN, March 22nd -April 02nd, 2018.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
- Innovation day organizer in 2012-13 at Sharda Group of Institutions Mathura.
- Faculty advisor of SAE India colligate club (2012-2015).
- Event Judge in BAJA SAE India (2020-2024).
- Faculty Guide of SUPRA SAE India Team, 2015 (Plysteer Racing “To Design and Develop a single Seater Formula Style Car”).
- SAE India ASSOCIATE Member.
- Guest lecture organized on Divining skills and safety rules, (2015).
Credential Skill:
- HPC System (MNNIT Allahabad, and IIT Kanpur).
- Solid Works (3D designing module)
- ANSYS Fluent (Internal and External flows), ICEM CFD, FVM, C++, MIMICS, Digital Twin, MatLab and OpenFoam,