
Dr. Dhriti Majumdar
Assistant Professor
Alliance School of Sciences
Dr. Majumdar carried out her post-doctoral studies at the department of Biotechnology in IIT Madras from 2014 to 2020. Her post-doctoral research focused on understanding the role of common food adulterants, such as trans fatty acids, in inducing ischemic stroke in young adults. She obtained a doctoral degree from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (IISER-Kolkata) in 2014. Her doctoral research examined the role of innate immune system cells, specifically brain-derived microglia, in Mouse Hepatitis Virus (a member of the coronavirus family) induced neuroinflammation and demyelination in an experimental mouse model. She has also gained experience as a predoctoral fellow at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in a collaborative project where she got trained in primary cell culture. She has also worked in the industry at PierianDx and Excelra Knowledge Solutions, analyzing cancer patient-derived data and exploring how conventional therapy and clinical trials could improve patient outcomes.
- Aspirin induces cell death by directly modulating mitochondrial voltage-dependent an ion channel (VDAC). Tewari D*, Majumdar D*, Vallabhaneni S1 , Bera AK1 . Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 22; 7:45184. doi: 10.1038/srep45184. [- shared first author]
- Demyelinating strain of mouse hepatitis virus infection bridging innate and adaptive immune response in the induction of demyelination. Kaushiki Biswas, Dhriti Chatterjee, Sankar Addya, Reas S. Khan, Lawrence C. Kenyon, Alexander Choe, Randall J. Cohrs, Kenneth S. Shindler, Jayasri Das Sarma. Clinical Immunology, Volume 170, September 2016, Pages 9-19.
- Mouse hepatitis virus infection upregulates genes involved in innate immune responses. Chatterjee D, Addya S, Khan RS, Kenyon LC, Choe A, Cohrs RJ, Shindler KS, Sarma JD. PLoS One. 2014 Oct 31;9(10): e111351. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111351
- Cytomorphological and Cytochemical Identification of Microglia. Subhajit Das Sarma, Koushik Chatterjee, Himadri Dinda, Dhriti Chatterjee, and Jayasri Das Sarma. ISRN Immunology Volume 2013, Article ID 205431,10 pages
- Microglia play a major role in direct viral-induced demyelination. Chatterjee D, Biswas K, Nag S, Ramachandra SG, Das Sarma J. Clin Dev Immunol. 2013; 2013:510396.
- Macrophage-mediated optic neuritis induced by retrograde axonal transport of spike gene recombinant mouse hepatitis virus. Shindler KS*, Chatterjee D*, Biswas K, Goyal A, Dutt M, Nassrallah M, Khan RS, Das Sarma J. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2011 Jun;70(6):470-80 [ * shared first author]
- BIRAC grant (February 2020)
- SERB-NPDF award (October 2017)
- The latest work of aspirin and VDAC published in Scientific Reports got published in science wire. The link is given below: http://vigyanprasar.gov.in/whats_new/isn/Indian-scientists-discover-how-aspirin-can-k ill-cancer-cells.pdf
- CSIR – UGC NET Fellowship (JRF and LS) in June 2008 (Funding Body UGC, India)
- Best Poster Award in Indian Immunological Conference IMMUNOCON 2009.
- 2018: 7 th International Conference on Translational Cancer Research- India chapter
- 2014 – Society for Biological Chemists (SBCI), India – Bhubaneswar chapter
- 2014 - Indo US Symposium on Viral Infections of the Nervous System, organised by NBRC, India
- 2012: 5 th Annual meeting of the Cytometry Society, University of Calcutta, Kolkata
- 2012 : 1st International Meet On Advanced Studies on Cell Signaling Network (CeSiN), IICB Kolkata
- 2012: 11th International Society of Neuro Virology 2012 (ISNV 2012), New York, USA
- 2011: Frontiers in Modern Biology, IISER Kolkata
- 2010: Society for Biological Chemists India, IISc Bangalore
- 2009: Indian Immunological Conference, IMMUNOCON 2009, hosted by NIMHANS, Bangalore