
Dr. D Sumathi
Associate Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. D. Sumathi completed her doctoral degree in Computer Science and also holds an M.E. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University. Dr. Sumathi has close to two decades of teaching experience in subjects like Object-Oriented Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, C#, and .Net Framework, as well as Computer Organization and Architecture, and Operating Systems. Her research area includes Cloud Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.
Dr. D. Sumathi has presented and published papers at national and international conferences and reputed journals, focusing on Networking, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.
1. Classroom Management: Problems faced by Teachers in Classroom Management during Post Covid-19, ISBN: 978-620-15582-9, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, May 2023
2. “Trust Based Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing”, ISBN - 978-620-5-50102-3, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Oct. 2022
The Book “Trust Based Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing” is translated in to six international languages.
- German “Vertrauensbasierte Planungsalgorithmen für Cloud Computing” ISBN - 978-620-5-34629-7, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
- Spanish “Algoritmos de programación basados en la confianza para la computación en nube” ISBN: 978-620-5-34634-1, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
- French “Algorithmes d'ordonnancement basés sur la confiance pour le Cloud Computing”, ISBN: 978-620-5-34635-8, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
- Italian “Algoritmi di programmazione basati sulla fiducia per il cloud computing”, ISBN: 978-620-5-34636-5, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
- Portuguese “Algoritmos de Agendamento Baseado na Confiança para Cloud Computing”, ISBN : 978-620-5-34643-3, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
- Russian “
” ISBN: 978-620-5-34644-0, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (International Journals)
- Devi, K. D. S., Sumathi, D., Vignesh, V., Anilkumar, C., Kataraki, K., & Balakrishnan, S. (2023). CLOUD load balancing for storing the internet of things using deep load balancer with enhanced security. Measurement: Sensors, 28, 100818.
- “Predictive Diagnostic Analysis for Early Detection of Alzheimer's disease Using Machine Learning” Journal of Algebraic Statistics, Vol 13 No. 1 – 2022
- “Implementing A Model to Detect Parkinson Disease Using Machine Learning Classifiers”, Journal of Algebraic Statistics, Vol 13 No. 1 – 2022
- “Implementing a Model to Detect Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning Classifiers”, Journal of Algebraic Statistics, Vol 13 No. 1 – 2022,
- “Using CNN and YOLO Detect Face Mask and Social Distance Along with Temperature”, Journal of Algebraic Statistics, Vol 13 No. 1 – 2022
- “Analysis and Prediction of COVID-19 Disease Using CNN-ResNet Algorithm”, Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 8(5):12951-12962, 2021.
- “K-Means Algorithm Based Distributed Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Computing Environment”, Journal of Critical Reviews, ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 15, 2020.
- “Alerting Exhausted Driver using Haar Cascading Algorithm”, International Journal of Advance Science and Technology, ISSN: 2207-6360, May-2020
- “Menmozhi’: Voice Perception Wheel Chair for Disabled People”, International Journal of Advance Science and Technology, ISSN: 2207-6360, May-2020
- “An Efficient Approach for Socially Motivated Resource Sharing”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 6 (6), 250-258
- “A SURVEY ON TRANSFER LEARNING FRAMEWORK FOR DATA SETS USING SEMI SUPERVISED LEARNING”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2019, 6 (6), 245-249
- “MANAGING PRODUCT-DISCOUNTS USING LOWER BOUND APPROXIMATION ALGORITHM, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2019 6 (6),
- Understanding Green IoT: Research Applications and Future Directions, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2019, 6 (6)
- "Secure Medical Information Processing in Cloud: Trust with Swarm Based Scheduling’, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, ISSN 2156-7018(Print); ISSN 2156-7026 (Online) vol. 6, no 7, November 2016 pp. 1636-1640,
- “Natural Computing: Performance Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms for Task Scheduling in Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – Volume 58 Issue 1- April 2018
- ‘Improved Scheduling Strategy in Cloud using Trust Based Mechanism’, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, 2015, vol. 9, no-2, pp. 637-641.
- ‘Cloud Security: Trust with Swarm Based Scheduling’, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 24 (Techniques and Algorithms in Emerging Technologies): ISSN 1990-9233, 2016 pp. 582-587
- ‘Scheduling Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization with Cuckoo Search Algorithm in Cloud Environment’, Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology IIOAB, ISSN: 0976-3104, Special Issue in Emerging Technologies in Networking and Security, 2016
- “A Dynamic Policy Based Security as A Service Infrastructure for Cloud Environment” in the IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, eISSN: 2319-1163|pISSN:2321-7308 published on Vol: 03 Special Issue: 07|May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org.
- ‘Improving Efficiency of HEFT Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Environment’, Special Issue in International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2015
- ‘Collaborative Cloud Infrastructure for implementing a Policy-Based Sc-aaS System’, A Proceeding International conference of Computing, Communication and Advanced Networks. 2013
- ‘Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud with Efficient Verifiable Fine-grained Updates using Secure Erasure Code-Based Cloud Storage System’ in International Journal of Engineering Science & Research Technology, ISSN: 2277-9655, 2014
- ‘Review on contrast enhancement of Images’ published in the International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering, Vol 6, No 1, ISSN : 0974-5785. 2013
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (International Conferences)
- Heart Arrhythmia Prediction using Deep Learning Algorithms, International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Management (ICRTSEM 2023), Er.Perumal Manimegalai College of Engineering, Hosur. Apr 2023
- An Enhanced Security Scheme for Hierarchical Key Access, International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Management (ICRTSEM 2023), Er.Perumal Manimegalai College of Engineering, Hosur. Apr, 2023
- ‘Improving Efficiency of HEFT Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Environment’, in the International Conference on Trends in technology for convergence – TTCON-2015, at AVS Engineering College, Salem-3.
- ‘A Trust Model for Providing Ubiquitous Sc-aaS in a Cloud Infrastructure’ in the International Conference on Recent Development in Engineering & Technology-2015, at St. Paul’s Engineering College, Chennai on 20-03-2015.
- ‘Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud Using Secure Erasure Code Cloud Storage System’ in the International Conference on Innovative Engineering Skills at Aishwarya College of Engineering and Technology, Bhavani, at 12-02-2014.
- “A Dynamic Policy Based Security As A Service Infrastructure For Cloud Environment” in International Conference on Trends in technology for convergence – TTCON-2014, at AVS Engineering College, Salem-3.
- ‘Collaborative Cloud Infrastructure for Implementing a Policy Based Sc-aaS System’ in the International Conference on Computing, Communication and Advanced Network held at Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai from 15th to 17th March 2013.
- ‘Improving Hardware Assisted Virtualizations for Network Security in Cloud Computing’ proceedings on “International Conference on Computing Techniques, Embedded Systems & Drives” organized by school of Electrical Science on PPG Institute of Technology at 7-9th March 2012.
- ‘HBA: Distributed Metadata Management for Large Cluster-Based Storage Systems’ in the International Conference on Advanced Computing Technology at J.K.K.Nataraja College of Engineering and Technology, held on 9th& 10th March 2012.
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (National Conferences)
- “Automatic Attendance System”, National Level Technical Symposium - Prayukthi 2K22, 2022
- “Automated Attendance Management System using Computer Vision and CNN”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Communication and Computing Technology - NCRICCT'22, 2022
- “Identification of Plant Nutrient Deficiency by using CNN”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Communication and Computing Technology - NCRICCT'22, 2022
- ‘Deep Analysis of EEG Signal Processing in Bioengineering using Machine Learning’, AICTE Sponsored National E-Conference on Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Management - NCIRSEM21
- ‘Enhancing The Alerting Drowsy Driver’ System Using Haar Cascading Calculation And Support Vector Machine With Optimized Feature Extraction’, AICTE Sponsored National E-Conference on Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Management - NCIRSEM21
- ‘Augmented’ AICTE Sponsored National E-Conference on Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Management - NCIRSEM21
- ‘Managing Offer-Bench using Lower Bound Approximation Algorithm’, in National Conference on Recent trends in Information Communication and Computing Technology – (NCRICCT’19), at Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam, A.P.
- ‘Understanding Green IoT: Research Applications and Future Directions’ in National Conference on Recent trends in Information Communication and Computing Technology – (NCRICCT’19), at Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam, A.P.
- ‘An Efficient Approach for Socially Motivated Resource Sharing’ in National Conference on Recent trends in Information Communication and Computing Technology – (NCRICCT’19), at Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam, A.P.
- ‘A Survey on Transfer Learning Framework for Data Sets Using Semi Supervised Learning’, in National Conference on Recent trends in Information Communication and Computing Technology – (NCRICCT’19), at Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam, A.P.
- ‘Enhanced Image Re-ranking using AVG-RGB algorithm’, in third national conference on ‘Control, Communication and System Engineering, at Tamil Nadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 7th April, 2015.
- ‘Dynamic Key Alert System in Cloud Data Transition using Key-Gen Technique’, in the TEQIP – II sponsored national conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing and Communication, at Department of CSE, Government College of Engineering, Bargur on 17th and 18th March 2016.
- ‘Adoptive Parent Based Framework for Zigbee Cluster Tree Network to optimize distributed throughput’ in the National Conference on Xtreme Engineering and technological Advancements XETA – 2013 at Jayam College of Engineering and Technology, Dharmapuri during 19th and 20th April 2013.
- ‘A Dynamic Policy-Based Security-As-A-Service Infrastructure for Cloud’ in the National Conference on Networking Technology, Mobility and Security – 2013 during 28th – 29th January 2013 held at Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bangalore.
- ‘Trusted Agent for Data Leakage and Control’ proceedings of National Conference on “Emphasis in Software Engineering” at V.M.K.V. Engineering College, Salem held on 9th March 2012.
- ‘Task Scheduling Approach for Resource Management in Cloud Environment’ Proceedings of National Conference on Information Computational Algorithms & their Applications at Selvam College of Technology, on February 17 – 18, 2012
- ‘Information and Network Security of Cloud Computing for Enterprises’ Proceedings of National level Conference on Extreme Engineering and Technological Advancements in Jayam College of Engineering and Technology on 30th April 2011.
- ‘Protocols and Formats for Cloud Computing’, Proceedings of National Level Conference on Extreme Engineering and Technological Advancements XETA – 2K11 at Jayam College of Engineering and Technology, Dharmapuri on 30th April, 2011.
- ‘Economics of Cloud Computing’, Proceedings of National level Technical Symposium at SSM College of Engineering, Kumarapalayam on 24th February 2010.
- ‘Secured Route Discovery in Mobile Adhoc Networks’ Proceedings of National Conference on ETACC’10 by VIVACIOUS in Vivekandha Institute of Engineering and technology for Women on 13th March 2010
- ‘Multipath Secured Route Discovery in MANET’ Proceedings of National Conference on Computer Technological Innovation in Information Age in K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode on 13th October 2010.
- ‘Analyzing Secured Route Discovery Protocols in MANETs’ Proceedings of National Conference on Information Processing 2010 in AMC Engineering College, Bangalore-83.
- ‘Securing User Controlled Routing Infrastructures’ Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Computing Concepts in Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 27th March 2010.
- “Smart Handheld Locating Device” IN Patent App. 369240-001 – Certified on 03-08-2023
- IoT based solar powered rail track inspection trolley”, UK design patent, App. No. 6274978, filed on 11th April, 2023. (Under Processing)
- Systematic approach to analyze the evolution of artificial intelligence in smart buildings for energy efficiency, IN Patent App: 202341002132
- ‘A Real-Time Amateur Sensory Tracker with Extensive Spans of Mitigative and Recovery Operations in Emergencies’. IN Patent App. 202,141,035,459, 2021
- “The Remote Health Monitoring System With Wireless Sensor And IoT Through Multivariate Medical Data, IN Patent app. 201941044768, 2019
- ”Helmet Wear Notification System”, IN Patent App. 201741003249 A. 2017
- Appreciation Certificate received from Rotary Club of Global Scholars for contribution and participation in Technical and Outreach Activities organized by Rotary Club of Global Scholars during the Rotary Year 2022-23
- Appreciation Certificate Received form Agastya on the event of “Sprit of Anveshana” a contribution towards the project and support rendered in mentoring the students from A P Model School, Shanthipuram, Kuppam, on 31-01-2023
- Certificate of Appreciation received from Brain O Vision, for coordinating the event “National Level One Week Faculty Development Programme on Amazon Web Services with 15000+ Faculties across the nation” from 22-08-2022 to 27-08-2022
- Certificate of Appreciation received from Principal, Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam for completion of 30 days Addon course on “Python Programming and Data Science” for Final Year CSE Students.
- Certificate of Appreciation received from Dayananda Sagar Group of Institutions, Bangalore for contributed as Reviewer in the Sagar Centenary “IEEE International Conference CENTCON-2021” held during 19-21 November 2021.
- Certificate of Recognition received from 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication (ICICC-2021) for being a member of the Technical Problem Committee of ICICC-2021conference and contributed in the paper review process. Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru, India. Held during 26th & 27th NOVEMBER, 2021
- Certificate of Appreciation received from Principal, Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam for completion of programme “Adolescent Girls and Iron Deficiency Anaemia” under “Women and Adolescent Health” for the benefits of Girl students on 27-12-2021.
- Certificate of Appreciation received from President, Rotary Club of Global Scholar-2982, for best performer towards Service Project during the year 2021-22, and now appointed as “Club avenue Chair – Service Project”
- Received Appreciation Certificate for Kuppam Engineering College from the president of Rotary Club of Global Scholars and also signed MoU with CSE Detp. for mutual resource sharing for conducting webinars, FDPs and etc. for the benefits for students and faculty members- for 2 years.