
Dr. C. Viji
Associate Professor
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Viji C holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She accomplished her Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai.
Dr. C. Viji's expertise in the realm of technical education has resulted in noteworthy contributions to the academic sphere. Her research background is indeed impressive, encompassing over 10 publications in esteemed international journals, along with numerous presentations at both international and national conferences. Furthermore, she actively engages as a member of renowned professional societies such as IAENG and CSTA.
Her primary areas of interest span Software Engineering, Internet of Things, Networks, and Machine Learning.
- Prabhu Shankar, Sharon M, Viji, Rajkumar, Vetrimani, R. Surendiran, “Energy-Efficient Data Offloading using Data Access Strategy-Based Data Grouping Scheme,” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 5, pp 28 -37.2023 May 2023.
- C. Viji, “To examine the efficacy of Phytotherapy in biological activities” JOURNAL of Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences Vol 10 [11], May2022. // WOS
- Viji, C., Rajkumar, N., Sivakumar & R., Karthikeyan, N., “Twitter sentimental analysis using augmented naive-bayes algorithm,” Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Volume 25: Issue 4, pp-8324-8332 April 2021.
- Viji C (March 2020), “Efficient Fuzzy based K-Nearest Neighbour Technique for Web Services Classification” Microprocessors and Microsystems. SCI Indexing
- C Viji, N Rajkumar, ST Suganthi, K Venkatachalam, Sanjeevi Pandiyan, “An improved approach for automatic spine canal segmentation using probabilistic boosting tree (PBT) with fuzzy support vector machine,” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, July 2020.
- N. Rajkumar, Dr. C. Viji, Dr. R.Sivakumar and Ms. K. Veena, “Leukemia Diagnosis in Blood Microscopic Images Using Local Binary Pattern and Supervised Classifier,” Journal of Xidian University, Volume 14, Issue 6, , pp 1503 - 1509, 2020.
- Rajkumar N, Viji C, “Grid Partitioning for Anomaly Detection (Gpad) in High Density Distributed Environment for Mining Techniques,” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Volume-8, Issue-6S3, pp 1156 -1161, September 2019
- Rajkumar, N and Viji, C and Duraisamy, S, “An Efficient Software Fault Prediction Scheme to Assure Qualified Software Implementation using Improved Classification Methods,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume-8, Issue-8S, pp 1-6, June. 2019.
- Rajkumar, N and Viji, C and Duraisamy, S, “Maintaining Software Requirements Using Frequent Path Mining and Clustering Algorithm for Web Usage Data,” Journal of Web Engineering (JWE), 17, Issue 6, pp 2683 - 2692, June. 2018.
- Viji, N.Rajkumar, S.Duraisamy, “Prediction of Software Fault-Prone Classes Using an Unsupervised Hybrid SOM Algorithm,” Cluster Computing (SPRINGER), Mar. 2018.
- Rajkumar and Viji and Duraisamy, “An empirical approach for complexity reduction and fault prediction for software quality attribute,” International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining (IJBIDM), vol. 13, Issue 1-3 , pp 177--187, Jan. 2018.
- Viji, N.Rajkumar, V. Venkatesh, “Hybrid Approach for Fault Prediction in Object Oriented Systems,” International Journal of Control Theory and Application (IJCTA), vol. 10, Issue 1, pp 39 - 45, Oct. 2017.
- Rajkumar, Ms.Viji and S.Duraisamy, “Prediction of Fault-Prone Classes Using the UML Class Diagram,” Advances In Natural and Applied Sciences (Anas), vol. 9, Issue 1, pp 79-85, July. 2015.
- Rajkumar, C. Viji and S. Duraisamy, “Measuring Cohesion and Coupling in Object-Oriented System Using Java Reflection,” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ARPNJEAS), vol. 10, Issue 7, pp 3096—3101, Apr. 2015.
Book Chapters:
- Published book chapter “Women Safety and Monitoring System using Geo-Fence” – published in edited book titled Advances in SIoT (Social Internet of Things), CRC Press Tylor & Francis, Page No: 19, eBook ISBN: 9781003282990, April 2023. DoI: https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003282990
- Published book chapter “Text Sentiment Analysis for Intelligent Transportation Systems by Using Web-Based Traffic Data: A Descriptive Study” published in edited book titled Recent Advances in Mathematical Research and Computer Science – Vol 10, PP-11- 26, March 2022. Publisher: BP International Publications, New Delhi. DoI- https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/ramrcs/v10/3526E
NPTEL Course With FDP
- Programming in Java
- Big Data Computing
- Web Based Technologies and Multimedia Applications
- Software Testing
- Database Management System
- Problem solving through programming in C
- Computer Fundamentals
- The grant received from VGST- Group in the academic year 2021-2022
- The grant received from FAER Group in the academic year 2021- 2022.
- The grant received from TNSCST in the academic year 2019 -2020.
- The grant received from FAER Group in the academic year 2018 - 2019.
- Rajkumar N, Viji C, 2022, “Task scheduling in cloud computing using imperialist competitive and crow search algorithms”, International Conference on Internet of Things, SRM Institute of science and technology, Chennai.
- Rajkumar N, Viji C, Najmusher H, Husna Tabassum, Ramkumar M and Mary Stella J, 2022, “Women Safety & Tracking Management System Using Geo-Fencing”, Third Annual International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Blockchain Technology, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru.
- Dr. N. Rajkumar, Dr. C. Viji, Dr.N.Suguna, 2019, “Grid Partitioning For Anomaly Detection (Gpad) In High-Density Distributed Environment For Mining Techniques”, Online International Conference on Innovation in Electrical, Electronics, and Intelligent Computing, Society for Engineering Education Enrichment Association (SEEE) Coimbatore.
- Dr.C.VIJI from HKBK College of Engineering, Bangalore has presented paper: Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing using Imperialist Competitive and Crow Search Algorithms in the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things (ICIoT) conducted during 5th to 7th April 2022 organised by the School of Computing, SRMIST, Kattankulathur.
- Rajkumar, N, Viji C, 2017, “Hybrid approach for fault prediction in Object Oriented Systems”, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication,Karpagam College of Engg,coimbatore.
- Rajkumar, N, Viji C, 2016, A Novel approach for measuring cohesion to predict fault in object oriented system,ICET,Karpagam College of Engg, Coimbatore.
- Rajkumar, N, Viji C, 2015,”Measuring coupling and cohesion using java reflection”International Conference on Innovation in information, Embedded and Communication System,Karpagam College of Engg,Coimbatore.
- Rajkumar, N, Viji C, 2015,”Coupling and cohesion quality metrics in object oriented system” International Conference on Green engineering and technology, Karpagam College of Engg, Coimbatore.
- Rajkumar, 2014,”Self managing trust model for peer to peer systems ”, National Level Conference on Intelligent information and computing technologies and communication, Karpagam College of Engg, Coimbatore.
- Rajkumar, N, Viji C, 2015,”Prediction of fault prone classes using the uml class diagram” International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Communication,Karpagam College of Engg, Coimbatore.
- Dr. N. Rajkumar, Dr. C. Viji, , 2021, “Automated Plant Species Grading And Identification Using Deep Learning”, The 3rd National Conference on Futuristic Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology, HKBK College of Engineering, Banglore.
- Futuristic Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology” on 16th August 2021 organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKBK College of Engineering Viji C, Smart Walking Assist for Vision Impaired People , The 3rd National Conference on
- Viji C, Automated Plant Species Grading and Identification Using Deep Learning, The 3rd National Conference on Futuristic Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology” on 16th August 2021 organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKBK College of Engineering.
- Viji C 2019, “An Efficient Software Fault Prediction Scheme To Assure Qualified Software Implementation Using Improved Classification Methods”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics, Instrumentation Automation and Control, Karpagam College of Engg, Coimbatore.
- Viji C 2019, “Strategies for counter measures to reduce attacks and project automobile systems”, National Conference on Advances in Computing Technologies, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Viji C 2019, “Smart vehicle assist for vision impaired people”, National Conference on Advances in Computing Technologies, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Ms.C.Viji, “Coupling and Cohesion Quality Metrics in Object Oriented System”, National Conference on Green Engineering and Technologies, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 27 Nov 15.