
Dr. Avijit Bakshi
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Avijit Bakshi is an esteemed educator specializing in Financial Derivatives & Risk Management, Financial Modeling, Equity Valuation, Advanced Corporate Finance, Risk Management in Banks, and Strategic Cost Management, among other subjects. With an impressive tenure of 15 years in academia, Dr. Bakshi has diligently honed his expertise through previous engagements with renowned organizations such as the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy and reputable financial consultancy firms.
In addition to his academic accomplishments, Dr. Bakshi has demonstrated his proficiency by successfully organizing and conducting various workshops, Faculty Development Programs (FDPs), and Management Development Programs (MDPs). Notably, he holds certification as an equity market professional from the National Stock Exchange (NSE). Furthermore, he has completed the Executive Development Program in Advanced Financial Management at XLRI Jamshedpur, further augmenting his proficiency in the subject matter.
Some of the significant publications are as follows:
- Bakshi Avijit and Dhar Satyajit (2015), Determinants of Loan Losses of Indian Banks: A Panel Study. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 9(1), ISSN: 1558-7894.
- Bakshi Avijit and Ganguly Suchismita (2022),An Analysis Of Stock Market Efficiency Around Announcement Of General Election And Exit Poll Results In India. Manager - The British Journal of Administrative Management, ISSN: 1746 1278.
- Bakshi Avijit and Dhar Satyajit (2018), Determinants of Net Interest Margin in Indian Banks. Indian Accounting Review, 22(2), ISSN: 0972-1754.
- Bakshi Avijit (2020), Liquidity Risks in NBFCs: An Analysis. Abhigyan - Management journal of Fore, ISSN: 0970-2385.
- Bakshi Avijit and Dhar Satyajit (2010), NPA Management in India: Effectiveness of Institutional Measures. Artha Beekhan, Reg. No. 53099/92.
- Bakshi Avijit and Dhar Satyajit (2020), Role of NCLT in NPA Resolution in India. Time's Journey, 7(1), ISSN: 2278-6546.
- Bakshi Avijit and Dhar Satyajit (2007), Perspective on Basel 2 Implementation by Indian Banks. JIS Management Vista, ISSN: 0974-0872.
Book Published
- Bakshi Avijit (2023), Working Capital Management: Impact on Growth & Value of A Firm. ISBN: 978-93-88866-78-1. Rohini Nandan.
Book Chapters:
- Bakshi Avijit (2019) Fintech: A Disruptive Force for Finance Landscape published in the book Fintech A Changing Paradigm
- Bakshi Avijit (2022) Investment in Buying IPL Franchisee: A Case Study of Additional Fund Needed published in the book Management Cases 2022 ISBN: 978-93-91355-25-8
Cases Published
- Bakshi Avijit (2022) “A Case Study on Additional Fund Needed & Sustainable Growth” published in Case Centre (122-0130-1)
- “Investment in Buying IPL Franchisee: Analysis of Additional Fund Needed” presented in One-day International Conference on Management Cases -2022 Organized by ICBM – SCHOOL OF BUSINESS EXCELLENCE, Hyderabad held on 23rd June 2022.
- Bakshi Avijit (2019) “Case Study on Valuation of Techsoft Corporation”, published in Case Centre (116-0051-1)
- Bakshi Avijit (2019) “Case Study on selection of Right Valuation Technique for Andrew Motors”, published in Case Centre (116-0062-1)
FDP/MDP/Workshop Conducted
- Delivered lecture as a keynote speaker in a National Conference on Contemporary Issues in Accounting, Management, Finance and Economics on 29th April 2023 organized by Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata Branch and St Xavier’s University, Kolkata
- Delivered lecture in a Workshop on Valuation under Companies Act on 29-06-2022 for ICMAI REGISTERED VALUERS’ ORGANISATION, promoted by ICAI
- Delivered a Workshop on Intensive Analysis of Financial Statements on 24-06-2022 for Sagar Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal
- Delivered in 5 days FDP on Financial Derivatives & Risk Management from 12th-16th July 2021 organized by CMS Business School.
- AICTE-ISTE sponsored online refresher program on “Application of E-views in Financial Research” as a resource person from 19th April to 8th May 2021.
- Full-day online workshop on ‘Decoding the Stock Market: Investment Mantras’ as a resource person on 08-08-2020 for Sagar Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal.
- Full-day online workshop on ‘Stock Market Dynamics: A Hands-on Experience For Beginners’ as a resource person on 18-08-2020 for Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute Of Management Science, Kolkata
- FDP titled ‘Option Trading Strategies’, as a resource person on 26th June 2020 for CMS Business School, Jain Deemed to be University.
- MDP on Corporate Valuation as a resource person on 30-31st January 2016 for ITM University, Gwalior.
- Workshops for students on ‘Equity Valuation using Spreadsheet’ as a resource person on 16-01-2018 & ‘Stock Analytics at your Fingertips’ (FIG activity) on 22nd August 2019 and 25-02-2020
- Webinar and Panel Discussion on Strategic Financial Management as moderator organized by AIBPM on August 25, 2020
- Panel Discussion on Covid 19 Challenges on Financial Inclusion Of Poorest Of Poor: Study Of Slums & Beggars In India as Panellist organized by AIBPM on June 10, 2020
- An Investigation into The Efficiency And Volatility Of The Stock Market In Relation To General Election Results Announcements In India (2004-2019) was presented at XVIII PIMR International conference held on 26th February 2023 organized by the Prestige Institute of Management Research, Indore.
- An Event-Based Study on Abnormal Stock Returns in response to Budget Announcement was presented at International Research Conference & Award Summit 2022-23, organized by the Indian Institute of Finance held on 8th January 2023.
- Abnormal Stock Returns Around Budget 2021 Announcements: An Event-Based Study has been presented at ISDSI-Global Conference, Nagpur held on 27-30th December 2021
- A DEA-based Framework for Proposed Merger of Public Sector Banks in India presented in 15th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA 2017, University of Economics, Prague
- Investment in buying IPL franchisee: Analysis of additional funds needed was presented at ICBM- School of Business Excellence, Hyderabad, held on 04th July 2022
- Role of IBC in NPA Resolution in India has been presented at XIV International Conference on rethinking strategies for leadership and governance in emerging global scenarios organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research on 1st November 2020.
- Market Reaction Around Announcement of 2019 General Election Results, Opinion Poll & Exit Poll has been presented in Transportation through Innovation & Sustainable Practices to Build Competitive Advantages organized by CMS Business School, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) on 13th August 2020
- Event Risk & Market Return A Study On 2019 General Election Results In India has been presented in National Conference On Revisiting Industry - Academia Collaboration: Exploring New Paradigms In Value Creation organized by CMS Business School, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) on 24th August 2019
- “Impact Of Corporate Governance on Profitability of Banks: A Study On Listed Indian Banks”, was presented in Twelfth International Conference of Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation held on January 3&4, 2015.
- “Financial Inclusion: Practice of Indian Public sector Banks” was presented in the Eleventh International Conference of Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation held on January 5&6, 2013 at Hotel Taj Bengal, Kolkata.
- “Determinants of Listing Gains in IPO in Indian Market”, presented at Prestige Institute of Management & Research, Indore, held on February 09-10, 2019.
- Impact of Corporate Governance: A Study on Listed Indian Public sector Banks has been presented in National Conference on Global Information & Business Strategies organized by Gitarattan International Business School, New Delhi 8-9th December 2017