
Dr. Anirudh Agarwal
Alliance School of Business
Dr. Anirudh Agrawal is a Professor at Alliance University Bangalore. He is also a visiting fellow at The Prague University of Economics and Business in Prague. He is also an academic consultant for TVARIT Gmbh. Previously, he was Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at OP Jindal Global University and Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at FLAME University. He completed his doctoral studies at Copenhagen Business School under Prof. Kai Hockerts within the thematic area of sustainability, strategy, and entrepreneurship. He holds a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from INSA Lyon and Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Punjab Engineering College. He has a certificate in strategy and supply chain from HEC Paris. He was associated with the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Bennett University, FLAME University, Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies, ESIEIB (Spain) and Valeo (Lyon).
His teaching interests include corporate strategy, entrepreneurship, CSR, Sustainable management, and social entrepreneurship. To strengthen his teaching abilities, he has taken courses at Copenhagen Business School, Harvard Business School and FLAME University. His research interests are entrepreneurship, corporate strategy and entrepreneurial finance. He has researched sustainable business & revenue models involving impact investing, social entrepreneurship, and micro-finance. He has published 27 research articles at peer-reviewed journals, peer-reviewed books, and peer-reviewed book chapters. He has presented his research at top global conferences including EGOS, AOM and EMES. He is currently working on his fifth book and has multiple research articles in pipelines all related to sustainability, organizational strategy, and the future of work.
He is also on board 3 startups that are in the growth phase. He helps in their organizational and business development. He has a strong interest in European politics and business and frequently speaks on European matters in the Indian context. He was an adviser to developmental agencies like World Bank, ADB and related agencies on topics related to capacity development and cleantech management. He is also a regular speaker on topics related to further of work, entrepreneurship, sustainability and related policies. He enjoys creating meetups on politics, sustainability, startups and investment. Furthermore, he speaks Spanish, and French and he is learning German from his children.
- Khare, P., Gura, A. S., & Agrawal, A. (2024). A process model of social enterprise scaling using the legitimacy lens. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship (ABDC – B, Q1, Scopus)
- Agrawal, A., Chopra, R., Sharma, G. D., Rao, A., Vasa, L., & Budhwar, P. (2023). Work from home practices as corporate strategy- an integrative review. Heliyon, 9(9), e19894. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19894 ( Q1, Scopus)
- Chopra, R., Sharma, G. D., Agrawal, A., & Mendy, J. (2023). Digitalisation for Business, Environmental and Socio-Economic Good: A bibliometric research review and analysis. British Academy of Management. (Published atReview of Managerial Science) (Q1, Scopus)
- Goyal, S., Anirudh, A., & Yadav, J. K. (2023). Sustainable Project Management as a driver for Sustainable Tourist Ecosystem: Case Study of Statue of Unity (SoU). (FourthComing Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development) (ABDC – B, Q1, Scopus)
- Agrawal, Anirudh (2023), Impact investing Categories: Cross country analysis (Under Revise and Resubmit Journal of Development Entrepreneurship) (ABDC – B, Q1, Scopus)
- Anirudh, A., Jespersen, K. J. S., & Pendyal, K. (2023). Institutional void to institutional work: Study of digital finance in India. Journal of Business, Ethics and Society, 3(2), 80–91. https://journal.bmu.edu.in/journal-files/5_Digital-Finance-India-Anirudh_Rev.pdf
- Agrawal, A., & Jespersen, K. (2022). How do Impact Investors Evaluate an Investee Social Enterprise? A Framework of Impact Investing process. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEEE-04-2022-0129 (ABDC – B, Q2, Scopus)
- Rao, A., Jain, M., Sharma, G. D., Mahendru, M., & Agrawal, A. (2022). Revisiting the financial market interdependence during COVID-19 times: A study of Green bonds, cryptocurrency, commodities, and other financial markets. International Journal of Managerial Finance. (ABDC – A, Q1, Scopus)
- Singh, S., Bansal, P., Bhardwaj, N., & Anirudh, A. (2021). Nexus between COVID-19 infections, exchange rates, stock market return and temperature in G7 Countries: Novel insights from partial and multiple wavelet coherence. Frontiers in Environmental Science. ( Q1, Scopus)
- Agrawal, A., Gandhi, P. Khare, Prajakta (2021), Empowering Women Through Social Entrepreneurship: Study of a social entrepreneurial startup in rural India using Intersectionality Lens. International Journal of Organizational Analysis (ABDC – B, Q2, Scopus)
- Sandeep Goyal, Anirudh Agrawal, Bruno S. Sergi (2020) Social Entrepreneurship for Scalable Solutions for SDGs in India, Qualitative Research in Organisations and Management (ABDC – B, Q2, Scopus)
- Agrawal, A. & Hockerts, K. (2019) Impact Investing Strategy: Managing Conflicts between Impact Investor and Investee Social Enterprise. Sustainability , 11, 4117 (Q1, Scopus)
- Agrawal, A., Hockerts, K. (2019). Impact investing: review and research agenda. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 1–29. (ABDC – B, Q2, Scopus)
- Agrawal, A. (2018). Impact investing: Framework and research agenda. Social Business: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 8(3), 293–317. (ABDC – B, Q2, Scopus)
- Sahasranamam, S., Agrawal, A. (2016). Corporate social entrepreneurship in India. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research,(now : South Asian Journal of Business Studies)5(2), 214–233 (ABDC – B, Q2, Scopus)
Books and Edited Volumes
- Anirudh Agrawal (Editor); Kumar, P., & Agrawal, A. (2025). Dark Side of Sustainability and ESG(P. Kumar, L. & A. Agrawal (eds.)). Emerald Group Publishing (Under development) (Scopus)
- Anirudh Agrawal (Editor); Kumar, P., Caporarello, L., & Agrawal, A. (2023). Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals(P. Kumar, L. Caporarello, & A. Agrawal (eds.)). Emerald Group Publishing (Scopus)
- Anirudh Agrawal (Editor); P. Kumar, A. Agrawal, & P. Budhwar (Eds.), Work From Home: Individual, Organisational and Technological perspectives; Emerald 2021, 253 p. Anthology (Scopus)
- Anirudh Agrawal (Editor); P. Kumar, A. Agrawal, & P. Budhwar (Eds.), Human & Technological Resource Management (HTRM) : New Insights into Revolution 4.0 Emerald 2020, 300 p. Anthology (Scopus)
- Anirudh Agrawal (Editor) ; Payal Kumar (Editor) / Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Models : The Case of India. Palgrave Macmillan 2018, 253 p. Anthology (Scopus)
Book Chapters
- Payal Kumar, Leonardo Caporarello and Anirudh Agrawal (2023) Research from The Global North and South on HEIs as A Driver For SDGs in Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals (P. Kumar, L. Caporarello, & A. Agrawal (eds.)). Emerald Group Publishing (Scopus)
- Agrawal, A., Kumar, P., Shah, S. S., & Budhwar, P. (2021). Work from Home among Start-ups in India: An Institutional Logics Perspective. In Work from Home: Multi-level Perspectives on the New Normal (pp. 290–310). (Scopus)
- Agrawal, A.; Payal, K.; Tyagi, A.; Country-level comparison of Industry 4.0 in Germany, South Korea and the United States: Policy implications for India In. P. Kumar, A. Agrawal, & P. Budhwar (Eds.), Human & Technological Resource Management (HTRM) : New Insights into Revolution 4.0 Emerald 2020, p.202-260.(Scopus)
- P. Kumar, A. Agrawal,& P. Budhwar / Preface In: P. Kumar, A. Agrawal, & P. Budhwar (Eds.), Human & Technological Resource Management (HTRM) : New Insights into Revolution 4.0 Emerald 2020, p. xv-xx (Scopus)
- Agrawal, A., & Khare, P. (2019). Social Entrepreneurship in India: Models and Application. In E. Bidet & J. Defourny (Eds.), Social Enterprise in Asia Theory, Models and Practice (First). New York: Routledge, Taylor Francis Group. (Scopus)
- Anirudh Agrawal / Effectiveness of Impact-Investing at the Base of the Pyramid: An Empirical Study from India. In: Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Models: The Case of India. . ed. /Anirudh Agrawal; Payal Kumar. : Palgrave Macmillan 2018, p. 207-246 (Scopus)
- Anirudh Agrawal; Sebastian Schaefer; Thomas Funke / Incorporating Industry 4.0 in Corporate Strategy In: Analyzing the Impacts of Industry 4.0 in Modern Business Environments. ed. /Richard Brunet-Thornton; Felipe Martinez. Hersley, PA : IGI global 2018, p. 161-176 (Scopus)
- Anirudh Agrawal / Venture Capitalist Enabled Entrepreneurial Mentoring: An Exploratory Study. In: Exploring Dynamic Mentoring Models in India. ed. /Payal Kumar. : Palgrave Macmillan 2018, p. 89-107 (Scopus)
- Agrawal, Wade (2017), Social Entrepreneurship O.P Jindal Global University, Social Entrepreneurship Courses in India: A Compendium, Editor Dr C Shambu Prasad, Publisher: IRMA, India (Scopus)
- Anirudh Agrawal; Kai Hockerts / Institutional Theory as a Framework for Practitioners of Social Entrepreneurship In: Social Innovation: Solutions for a Sustainable Future. . ed. /Thomas Osburg; René Schmidpeter. Heidelberg : Springer Science+Business Media 2013, p. 119-129 (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance) (Scopus)
- Anirudh Agrawal; Payal Kumar / Preface In: Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Models: The Case of India. . ed. /Anirudh Agrawal; Payal Kumar. : Palgrave Macmillan 2018, p. xv-xx (Scopus)
Awards and Recognition
- 2006: College Color, Punjab Engineering College
- 2006: Gold Medal, Punjab Engineering College
- 2006: EMME erasmus mundus scholar
- 2010: Pre doctoral scholarship at HEC Paris
- 2012: Doctoral Scholarship at Copenhagen Business School
- 2016: EFER scholarship at Harvard Business School
Multiple MDPs and FDPs on
- Research methods
- Design thinking
- Open Innovation
- Qualitative research
- Case Teaching Method
International Peer Reviewed Conferences
- PRME PWD 2023 at SPJMR by EGOS Group
- Process of Creating a Social Enterprise Brand at the base of the Pyramid: A case study of Bakrichaap
- Stakeholder Management as a form of Institutional Work: Multiple Case Studies of Indian CSR Cases
- EGOS 2023
- Process of Refugee Entrepreneurship: A case study from India
- EMES 2023
- Process of Refugee Entrepreneurship: A case study from India
- BAM 2022
- Chopra, R., Sharma, G. D., Agrawal, A., & Mendy, J. (2022). Digitalisation for Business, Environmental and Socio-Economic Good: A bibliometric research review and analysis. British Academy of Management.
- AOM 2022
- Polychronopoulos, G., Lukeš, M., Sansone, G., Losová, V. Š., Diener, F., & Agrawal, A. (2022). The Social Impact of Social Enterprises: A Holistic View and a Contextualized Explanation. Academy of Management Conference.
- EGOS July 2022
- Khare, P., Gura, A. S., & Agrawal, A. (2022). A process model of social enterprise scaling using the legitimacy lens. EGOS Sub-Theme 69: Innovating and Transforming Organizations and Organizing.
- EGOS July 2022
- Work from Home: Exploratory study of startups from institional logics perspectives
- EMES 2021
- SPARC – IIM Udaipur (2020)
- Agrawal (2020) Sharing Platforms in India
- Copenhagen Impact Investing Days
- Agrawal (2019): Impact Investing Antecedents, Categories and Strategies
- EGOS 2019 – Edinburg
- Agrawal, A. (2019). Review of social impact assessment measures used by impact investing firms. In 35th EGOS Colloquium (p. 15). Edinburgh, United Kingdom: EGOS 2019.
- EMES 2019 – Sheffield, UK
- Agrawal, A. (2019). ’Review of Social Impact Assessment Measures used by Impact Investing Firms. In R. Ridley-Duff & M. Nyssens (Eds.), EMES 2019. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Hallam University.
- Mareppagol, K., & Agrawal, A. (2019). Empowering Women Through Social Entrepreneurship: A case of PAHAL initiative. In R. Ridley-Duff & M. Nyssens (Eds.), EMES 2019. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Hallam University.
- AOM 2018 – Big Data Special Conference – Surrey UK
- Agrawal, A. (2018). Incorporating Industry 4.0 in Firm Strategy. In Academy of Management Global Proceedings 2018. Surrey, UK: Academy of Management Global Proceedings 2018.
- ESU 2017 : Conference Paper – Leuphana University
- Effectiveness of Impact-Investing at the Base of the Pyramid: An Empirical Study from India.
- EMES 2017 : Conference Paper – Brussels
- Effectiveness of Impact-Investing at the Base of the Pyramid: An Empirical Study from India.
- AOM 2016 : Conference Paper – Anaheim, USA
- Aligning Competing Logics at the Inter-organizational Level: How Impact Investors and Investees Synchronize Logics?
- ESU 2014 : Conference Paper – Lund University, Sweden
- Aligning Competing Logics at the Inter-organizational Level: How Impact Investors and Investees Synchronize Logics?
- EURAM 2014 : Conference Paper
- Managing Hybrid Logics: The case of Danish social entrepreneurial startups
- EGOS 2014 : Conference – Rotterdam
- Aligning Competing Logics at the Inter-organizational Level: How Impact Investors and Investees Synchronize Logics?
- EMES 2013 : Conference Paper- Liege University
- Review of Social entrepreneurship
- Oikos Saint Gallan, PhD conference 2013\
- Markets vs Mission: Cross case analysis of SKS vs Grameen Bank
- ESU, Wisebaden PhD day 2012