


Dr. A. Geetha

Associate Professor

Alliance College of Engineering and Design

Dr. A. Geetha received her doctoral degree in Computer Science Engineering from Veltech University, Chennai. She also holds an M.Tech. degree in Information Technology and Master of Computer Application degree from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. Dr. Geetha has close to a decade and half of teaching experience in subjects likes artificial intelligence, Java programming, data structures, object-oriented programming (C++ and Java), computer graphics, social network analysis, software engineering, software project management, data base management systems, operating systems, problem solving using Python, fundamentals of computer programming.

Dr. Geetha has presented and published papers in national and international conferences and reputed journals focusing on artificial intelligence & machine learning, data mining, big data analytics, cloud computing. Her research area includes artificial & machine learning, medical image processing, bio informatics, data science, big data analytics and security algorithms.

  • “An Efficient Hybrid Clustering and Feature Extraction Techniques For Brain Tumor Classification “, Webology, Volume 18, Number 2, December, 2021 [Scopus Indexed]
  • “CBIR aided classification using extreme learning machine with probabilistic scaling in MRI brain image”, in Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems (Scopus Indexed)
  • “A robust grey wolf-based deep learning for brain tumour detection in MR images” in Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, volume 65: Issue 2, Web of science, (SCIE).
  • “Advanced analysis of sentiments for social media data using machine learning” Tathpai with ISSN 2320-0693 volume.9, Issue 30. (UGC Approved)
  • “An Efficient technique for predicting plant leaf diseases in digital image processing “in Imperial Journal of Interdisplinary Research.
  • “Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Convolution Neural Network” in International journal for Research in Science Engineering & Technology. MayVolume-4 Issue-4.
  • “A Classification Approach for Predicting Plant Leaf Diseases in Digital Image Processing “in   International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Volume.6, Issue 6, June – 2017, Pg-48-50
  • “Dynamic Revocation For Shared Data Verification And Data Storage In Clouds” in International Journal on Applications in Engineering and Technology Volume 2: Issue 4: April 2016, pp 1-3
  • “Investigation and Survey of Content Based Image Retrieval for MRI Brain Images” in International journal printing and packaging allied sciences (Annexure-I)
  • “Achievement of Cost effective datasets transference in the cloud through ant colony optimization “in International journal of scientific Research, Volume3, issue 3.
  • “Efficient Fault-Tolerant strategy selection algorithm in cloud computing “in International journal of Computer trends and technology, Volume 8 issue 3.

Patent Published

  • Patent 1: A Remote-Controlled Solar Weed Removal Machine (202041043580 A)
  • Patent 2: Intelligent Agent for Sewage Cleaning And Monitoring Using Deep Convolution Neural Network (202141011496 A)
  • Patent 3: An IoT Based Automated Drip Irrigation System by Predicting Weather
  • Condition And Water Requirement in The Field Operator (202241005055 A)

Awards won

  • Best Researcher Award by Nehru Group of Institutions, 2021.

Conference /FDP Organized

  • Organized Three days Faculty Development Programme on “FDP on Outcome based Education (OBE) and Accreditation Process” by Nehru Institute of technology, Coimbatore on 17 th to 19th June 2021.
  • Organized International Conference “ICRTAICE'16” on 07.04.2016
  • Organized seven days Faculty Development Programme on “Mobile Computing” organized by Anna University, Centre for Faculty Development at Nehru Institute of technology, Coimbatore on 04 th to 11th December 2017.
  • Organized one day “National Level Technical Symposium NEXUS 16” on 12.03.2016.
  • Organized one day “National Level Technical Symposium JAITESY-12” on 15 th & 16th March 2012.