
Dr. Tosendra Dwivedi
Alliance School of Liberal Arts and Humanities
Prof. Dr. Tosendra Dwivedi has 17 years extensive experience in teaching, training, and research in mental health, well-being, Applied Psychology, and personality development. Dr Tosendra teaches Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Neuropsychology, and Organizational Behavior. He holds a Doctoral degree from the University of Delhi on “Power Dynamics among Youth: A Psychosocial Study” (2017) and a master's in clinical psychology from the University of Delhi (2004). He has taught the paper of General psychology ,physiological psychology, positive psychology and well –being ,clinical psychology ,social psychology ,Cognitive psychology ,physiology ,Neuro-science, Counselling and OB books in Psychology to his credit. e.t.c in University of Delhi ,IGNOU ,Galgotias University, Amity University ,Jain University, CMR University at graduate, post graduate and PhD level since last decades .He has more the 35 international papers and 9 books In Psychology to his credit. He has trained scores of Govt. Officers and corporate leaders on behalf of the Election Commission of India, ONGC, Power Finance Corporation of India, Paramilitary forces etc.
- Rajesh E ,Prasad KDV,M Naveen Kumar,Mishra Pratima,Dwivedi Tosendra(2022).”Stress ,Pressure and Anxiety of competitive exam-An empirical study on students psychological approach”.International journal of food and nutrition sciences”(IJFNS),11(1),1057-1067, e-ISSN 2320 –7876.
- Chauhan, P., Pandey, V. & Dwivedi, T. (2015) “Concept and Criteria of Mental Health and Adjustment” Annals of Multi-Disciplinary Research- A Quarterly International Refereed Research Journal,5(1),16-18, ISSN 2249-8893 .
- Veena Prasad Vemuri1 , Dr. Mahesh P. Wankhade2 , Dr. Tosendra Dwivedi3 , P. Santhosh Srinivasan4 , Dr. Dhanalakshmi K(2022).”Perceived organizational support and job satisfaction among private college faculties in India”. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022.2649-2658,ISSN:0976-9234E-ISSN:2229-7723.
- Sunil Patel1 , Ashutosh Kumar Singh2 , Dr. Tosendra Dwivedi3 , Dr. Chirag Rasikbhai Patel4 , Dr Jitendra Sharma5(2022).Talent management and excellence in healthcare sector-an empirical study. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 9 ¦ 2022. ISSN:0976-9234E-ISSN:2229-7723.
- E, 2Dr. Ghanshyam Vatsa, 3Dr. KDV Prasad, 4Dr. Tosendra Dwivedi(2022). Clinically Diagnosed Self-Management Therapy to Reduce Psychological Distress among Young People in India – An Empirical Study.Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental DiversitieseVol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022.eISSN: 2589-7799https://jrtdd.com/index.php/journal/article/view/192..
- (MRS.) PRIYANKA SIDHARTH PATIL, 2ANIL KUMAR, 3DR. KDV PRASAD, 4DR. MANISH DIDWANIA, 5DR. TOSENDRA DWIVEDI. AN ANALYSIS OF LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIPS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON SMALL ENTERPRISES.RUSSIAN LAW JOURNAL Volume X I (2023) Issue 2s March 2023. ISSN:2309-8678 || E-ISSN:2312-3605. Scopus UR: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100455574 Journal URL: https://www.russianlawjournal.org/index.php/journal
- Tanuj Bohra, Dr. Alok Chandra, Dr. Sunita Srivastava, Dr Tosendra Dwivedi, Dr. Pooja Verma. CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY TO BUY THINGS FROM TRADITIONAL TO DIGITAL MARKETING- AN ANALYTICAL STUDY.European Chemical Bulletin Volume -12, Special Issue-1(Part-B) (April 2023 ). ISSN 2063-5346. European Chemical Bulletin (eurchembull.com).
- Dr Jyoti Munde, Dr Poonam, Dr. Divya, Udita Jhavar, Dr Tosendra Dwivedi .
Human Resource Training Needs of Industry 4.0 Revolution- A Study with Special Reference to Indian Public Sector. 210-222,Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 5). ISSN 2063-5346. European Chemical Bulletin (eurchembull.com).. - Tosendra Dwivedi, Dr. Mahesh Luthia, Dr. Prakash Chandra Swain, Dr. N. Ashokkumar, Dr. Lokesh LInfluence of Innovative Healthcare Promotional Strategies on Human Physical Health & Mental Behaviour.173-183, Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities 2023 June; 6 (6s) eISSN: 2589-7799. https://jrtdd.com/index.php/journal/article/view/697.
- Harish B. Bapat, Shilpa C. Shinde, Pallavi, Pooja Varma, Tosendra Dwivedi Examining How Advertising and Price Perception Influence Customer Choices.144-153, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 2023; Vol 14, No. 1eISSN: 2037-4445. Examining How Advertising and Price Perception Influence Customer Choices | Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior (rifanalitica.it).
- Dr SARABJIT KAUR SRAN,Dr Tosendra Dwivedi “ Coronavirus Anxiety, Psychological Distress and the Role of Personality Traits”.430-439, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 2023; Vol 14, No. 1eISSN: 2037-4445. Coronavirus Anxiety, Psychological Distress and the Role of Personality Traits | Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior (rifanalitica.it).
- Dr SARABJIT KAUR SRAN,Dr Tosendra Dwivedi “Nicotine Dependency and Anxiety: A Gender- Based Study”. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 2023; Vol 14, No. 1eISSN: 2037-4445. Coronavirus Anxiety, Psychological Distress and the Role of Personality Traits | Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior (rifanalitica.it)).
- Tosendra Dwivedi,Dr. Kavita Nitin Khadse,Dr. Pooja Varma,Dr. Varsha Singh,Dr. Safeya Makhmur “Psychological Resilience to Online Reviews & Negative Effects of Online Criticism on Psychological Well-Being”. Samdarshi 2023; Vol 16 Issue 3 (August 2023),eISSN-2581-3986. http://punjabiacademydelhi.com/publication/).
- Zamarrud Ansari,Mr. Farid Kazi, Sweta Priya, Dr. Tosendra Dwivedi, Dr. Ram Bajaj “Resilience to Online Reviews and Psychological Harm from Online Criticism”.Samdarshi 2023; Vol 16 Issue 4(September2023),eISSN-2581-3986.http://punjabiacademydelhi.com/index.php/journal/login?source=%2Findex.php%2Fjournal.
- Dr Tosendra Dwivedi, 2Dr. Pankaj Kaushik, 3Dr. Prathibha M K, 4Dr Pooja Varma, 5Mr. K.K Bajaj, “Enhancing Faculties Performance Through Training and Development – An Empirical Study”Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology 44(6):3974-3980.January 2024,eISSN-1001-4055.
- Dwivedi, T. (2013). HIV Aids Patient and their social psychological status. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Social Science Research .Summer-Winter 2013.(ISSN 0975-8852) .(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Dwivedi, T. (2014). (in press).Woman Empowerment and Indian Perspective .Vidya Vimarsh .March 2014 Volume 1(2).(ISSN 2348-1668) .(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Dwivedi, T. (2013).Child development and role of the mother. International Journal of Society and Humanities. Volume 1(3).(ISSN 2319-2070) .(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Dwivedi, T. (2013-14).Protection of sexual harassment. Global Journal for legal studies. Volume 2(2).(ISSN 2277-7296) .(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Dwivedi,T.(2014).Woman Empowerment an Indian Perspective.Vidya Vimarsh1(3),97-122,ISSN-2348-1668
- Dwivedi ,T.(2014).Liberation of women:amovement.International journal of social Development.(ISSN 23484993).(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Pandey, V., Dwivedi, T. &Tulika (2014) “Advertising : An Ethical Investigation” A Multidisciplinary Quarterly International Refereed Research Journal VAICHARIKI, ISSN, IV(4),38-42, 2249-8907.(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Chauhan, P., Pandey, V. & Dwivedi, T. (2015) “Concept and Criteria of Mental Health and Adjustment” Annals of Multi-Disciplinary Research- A Quarterly International Refereed Research Journal,5(1),16-18, ISSN 2249-8893 .(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Pandey, V., & Aggarwal, M. & Dwivedi, T. (2015). “Impact of Socio-Emotional Adjustment on Problem Behaviour and Academic achievement of Adolescent”. JIGYASA an Interdisciplinary Refereed International Research Journal 8 (2), 148-153 ISSN 0974 - 7648 .(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Pandey, V., Awasthi, A. & Dwivedi, T. (2015). “Role of Depression and Anxiety among Parents of Autistic and Non Autistic Children”. International Journal of Development Studies and Research, 2 (1),210-218, ISSN- 2349–820X.(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Dwivedi,T,(2013).”HIV Aids Patient and their social-psychological status”.Uttar Pradesh Journal of Social Science Research.6(1),135-155,ISSN-0975-8852..(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Bhardwaj, K., Pandey, V. & Dwivedi, T. (2016). “Empowerment of Women and Social Justice”. VAICHARIKI an Interdisciplinary Refereed International Research Journal Vol-VI(1), 109-113 ISSN 2249-8907.(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Dwivedi, T., Shrma, A. &Pandey, V. (2016). “Social Identity Complexity and Inter-Group Relation in Multicultural Society”. SHODH PRERAK an InterdisciplinaryRefereedInternational Research Journal VI (1), 19-22 ISSN 2231 – 413X.(Peer reviewed,international publication)
- Pandey, V., & Sharma, A. & Dwivedi, T. (2015). “Role of Socio-Psychological factors on Employee’s Performance”. A JIGYASA an Interdisciplinary Refereed International Research Journal VIII (3), 137-142 ISSN 0974 - 7648.(Peer reviewed,refreed,international publication).
- “PYSCHOLOGY: THE RIPPLE EFFECT” (2016, VL Media Solutions)
- “I Understand”(2020),Amazon publishers
- “Gaming addiction”(2020),Amazon publishers
- Relevance of Gandhi in the contemporary society(2020),Archypublications,New Delhi
- Horizons of Social Psychology(2015 by Dr Vijaysenpandey)book chapter contributed
- Human values: Psychological Perspectives(2017 by Dr Abha Singh)Book chapter contributed
- Counselling the Alpha kids in the New Normal: Challenges and solutions(2022), Amazon Publishers
- "Counselling: A Compilation of Cases Handled"(2024) , Amazon Publishers
Awards Won
- Awarded with “Vidya samman 2019” by the Abhimanch Society for contribution inTraining/teaching excellance.Received it by the hands of hon,ble UP vidhan sabha speaker shri.Hriday Narayan Dixit sir on 31 st November in Hindi Bhavan,UP.
- Conferred upon with prestigious “Indian Humanitarian Award 2020”by Global talk education foundation on 2 nd October 2020 by education minister of Maladive for my contribution in the areas of peace and harmony.
- Conferred upon with honorary doctorate award by DPRMI, Nigeria on 31 st October 2020 for my contribution to peace and harmony through Counselling, teaching ,research and Training.
- Conferred upon with prime leadership Award by National Institute of Education and CED talk Foundation on 28 th August 2021.
- Recognised by NCPCR(National commission for the protection of the child rights ,Ministry of women and child Developement ,Govt. Of India for leading the telecounselling for the benefit of children during covid pandemic.
- Conferred upon with prestigious "Influencer Award 2021"for excelleance in academics and social cause by CED and Global Talk Education Foundationson 26 june 2021.Received the award from the education minister of The Maladives Dr Abdulla Rashid sir.The ceremony was supported by MSME,Govt of India and National Institute of Education.
- Conferred upon with Prestigious "Outstanding Leadership" persona Engineering award for Education and community service among the delegates of 40 countries.Received the award from Major General Dilawar singh sir.on 27june 2021.
- Conferred upon with Academic Leadership Award in Digital Education Summit 2021.Hosted by SAIRAD ,Global talk education foundation and Global opportunities commercialization ,Australia. Academic leaders of 21 countries participated in the event including 20 Vice chancellors and UGC Members .Chairman ICCR ,Govt of India was the Chief Guest and Education Minister of The Maladiv was the special Guest.School principles of around 200 school were the participents.
- Conferred upon with Shikha Bharti samman Award in 8 th annual conference of SDG-4 and skill education organized by CED Foundation in collaboration with MSME,Govt of India on 8 th January,2023 in Redisson,Gurgaon.Received the Award from smt Pratibha Shukla Madam Hon,ble Minister of women and child development,Uttar Pradesh govt.
- Lifetime Member, Indian Association of Positive Psychology(2019 onwards)
- Lifetime Member,Indian Academy of Health Psychology(2012 onwards)
- Secretery , South India ,Indian Academy of Health Psychology(2023 Onwards)
- Empanelled as an External expert for taking practical exams, Dissertation viva for field work and projects in IGNOU(Central University under Govt.Of India)(2012 onwards).
- Member ,Inclusion committee, CBSE(centralboard of secondry education ,an autonomous body of Education ministry) since 2014.
- International General secretory for SAIARD General secretory, India for Yes you can International,UK
- Member, Technical Committee, Expressions India(NGO) Member, Editorial Board, JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND LINGUISTICS,ISSN2249-2984.
- Editor In chief to IJBRT, Peer-reviewed International Journal.
- Value addition in International Documentary“There is no tomorrow” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdp8qbAi_HM
- Assisted in research investigating ideological and social attitudes in the Indian context, centre for applied cross-cultural research, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
- Appointed as a Research advisor to a multinational company WHEEBOX.COM.(march 2016-Aril 2017)
- Completed SEEK(Self directed emotional learning for empathy and kindness)course from UNESCO.
Publication Date : 25/11/2022.The Patent Office Journal No. 47/2022.Application No.202241066834 A.
Training details and Industrial consultancies
- Delivered two days soft skill and personality development training to ONGC Employees,Uttarkashi 9,10 June 2015 .
- Special trainer for foreign students of (Afghanistan ,Uganda, Bhutan).Trained them for soft skills and personality development in Galgotias University(2012-2014).
- Delivered training sessons to professors of Philadelphia University on “Indian values and mannerisms” in 2012.(organized by Riya travel Agency).
- Trained UPSC/Civil services aspirants for interview and soft skills(in various IAS coachings)
- Prepared a training programme for physically and mentally challenged school students in the capacity as a member of Induction cell,CBSE(An autonomous body under HRD ministry,Govt of India)
- Trained the gazatted officers on behalf of Election commission of India, in the states of UP,Maharashtra,JnK,Meghalaya,Tripura(conducted by Amity intitute of training and Development)
- Trained officer,s of Shastra seemaBal,Union bank of India for soft-skill and personality Development.(2014-2017)
- Successfully completed 4 day,s”personality-Development training”officer,s training in Nainital,from 2-5 july 2015 for the officer,s of Power finance corporation of India
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of jammu and Kashmir on behalf of Election commission of India from 05-07 JULY 2017,in Srinagar,JnK.
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of Maharashtra Govt. onbehalf of Election commission of India from 21-25 april 2017,in Pune.
- Successfullyconducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of TRIPURA on behalf of Election commission of India from 10th to 13jaanuary 2018,in Agartala,Tripura.
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of Meghalaya on behalf of Election commission of India from 4th-6th December 2017,in Tura,Meghalaya.
- Successfully trained the bank PO,s of Union Bank of India for Team building,communication and leadership on behalf of AITD from 25-29 june 2017
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of UP on behalf of Election commission of India from 7th-8th December 2016,in Jhansi,Uttarpradesh.
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of UP on behalf of Election commission of India from 30November-01 December 2016,in Behraich,Uttarpradesh.
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of UP on behalf of Election commission of India from 16 December-17 December 2016,in pratapgarh,Uttarpradesh.
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of UP on behalf of Election commission of India from 13 December-15 December 2016,in Lakhimpur -khiri,UttarPradesh
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of UP on behalf of Election commission of India from 02 December-03December 2016,in kannauj,Uttarpradesh.
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of UP on behalf of Election commission of India from 09 December-10 December 2016,in Baghpat,Uttarpradesh
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of UP on behalf of Election commission of India from 23november-24November 2016,in sonbhadra,Uttarpradesh.
- Successfully conducted “leadership and Motivation training” for the officer,s of UP on behalf of Election commission of India from 23 December-24 December 2016,in Badayun,Uttarpradesh.
- Delivered Personality development ,stress management and ethics training to the class -1Gazetted officers of Indian Engineering services on behalf of UPSC in National CPWD training academy,Ghaziabad on 20,21 September,2022.
Invited Lectures, FDP Resorce person, seminar and Workshops
- Invited as a speaker,Resource person,Session chairin more then 50 National and International events byprestigious institues like University of Delhi,Jammu University, Amity University, Central University of Nagaland e.t.c.Some of these includes:
- Invited as source person at an International Scientific Conference on Ergonomics and Muscular Pain organized by Recoup Health,PREMUS, and WDMI at St. John's Medical College and University in Bengaluru. Conducted a workshop on Resilience among administrators on 23rd September 2023.
- Invited as a speaker by Psychotech,New Delhi in a Live webinar on "Preparation for UGC-NET in Psychology"on 9th January 2024.Invited as a resource person by KHULKE.COM for a live webinar on "Stress management and resilience"on 30th December 2023.
- Invited by National news channel "Hindi Khabar"as an expert Psychologist to express my views on parliament security breach on live event on 16th December 2023.
- Invited by the National News channel"News Nation" to speak on suicide of Mahant Narendra Giri on 22nd sept,2022.
- Invited by the National News channel"News Nation" to speak on "Mental health during covid in a live show on 21 April ,2021.
- Invited on National TV channel Sahara samay in a live panel discussion on Suicide Prevention of students on 29th August 2023.
- Invited on Doordarshan National to share my views on the effectiveness of Training for the Gazatted officers on March 19,2019.
- Invited as a recourse person in FDP on 9th September 2023 jointly organized by University of Delhi and Central University of Nagaland on “Environmental pollution and Psychological Repercussions”.
- Invited to co-Chair a scientific session In the 5th National conference on “Mental Health and wellbeing” organized by Psychological forum Chhattisgarh and IQAC,SGS Govt. Arts and Commerce Girls college ,Chhattisgarh ,India on 7,8 July 2023.
- Invited as a resource person on 29th March 2023 in C-20/G 20,Govt of India supported panel discussion of “social resilience” conducted by CDF in collaboration with Jain University ,Bengaluru.
- Invited in ICIAHP 22,(from 22nd dec to 24th Dec) International conference on mental health organised by Gautam Buddha University,Greater Noida as a resource person to chair a scientific Session.
- Invited as a resource person to deliver webinar on “Maintaining mental health during a pandemic”in 15 Days Online Refresher Course on "Emerging Trends & Challenges in Interdisciplinary Research & Teaching in Science, Technology and Intellectual Property Rights" held from 16th-30th June 2021 organised by Forensic science Laboratory ,Govt of NCT of Delhi and Amity staff college.
- Invited seminar on “Mental health of women"organized by District administration, Noida and National commission of women and state women commission, UP ON 31st July Saturday.
- Invited as a "Special Guest of honour" and a "Co-chair"in the National Conferance on "Psycho-social wellbeing in schools" organized by Moolchand Medicity and Expressions India in India Islamic center, Lodhi Road,New Delhi on 26,27th February 2018.
- Invited by NCPCR, Govt of India in one-day consultation on Child mental health in NEP at RMP, Mumbai on 11th December 2023.
- Invited to chair a scientific session in 8th International conference of the Indian academy of Health psychology organised in Goa from 30th Nov to 2nd December 2023.
- Chaired a scientific session in 7th International conference of CIMT,Mumbai on 20th January, 2024.
- Delivered a Webinar on 16th March 2024 on “Psychological Preparedness for CUET”on behalf of CISR, New Delhi.
- Pandey V & Dwivedi .T (2015). “Coping with Stress: Family Caste and Gender” Paper presented in 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Positive Psychology: The Ripple Effect Jointly organized by Indian Association of Positive Psychology& Manav Rachana International University on 27 Feb – 1st March 2015.
- Dwivedi .T(2012) Nirankari way: An approach to positive psychology in National conference organized by Department of psychology, Mahatma Gandhi kasha Vidyapith,24-26 December, Varanasi.
- Bharadwaj.A&Dwivedi.T"Spirituality and Counselling" Paper presented in 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Positive Psychology: The Ripple Effect Jointly organized by Indian Association of Positive Psychology& Manav Rachana International University on 27 Feb – 1st March 2015.
- Invited as a "special Guest of honour" and a "Co-chair"in the National Conferance on Psycho-social wellbeing in schools"organised by MoolchandMedicity and Expressions India in India Islamic centre,LodhiRoad,New Delhi on 26,27th February 2018.
- Chaired a scientific session in 6th International conference of Indian Academy of Health Psychology organized in Gautam Buddha University,Noida from 26th-28th November 2021.
- Participated in Eight days National Orientation Programme on “Human values and Professional Ethics” in IIT KANPUR.(June 3rd to 10th ,2013).
- Chaired a scientific session in 7th International conference of Indian Academy of Health Psychology organized in Gautam Buddha University,Noida from 22nd-24thDecember 2022.
- Presented a paper in the international conference organized by ICDA in MRIU with topic , “Group Dynamics: Studying - Process of Inclusion & Integration of A New Employee in Pre-Existing Groups in the Corporate Setup:,Toshendra Dwivedi, Assistant Professor of Psychology Galgotias University, and Nidhi Banerjee, MA Psychology, MBA , 27th to 29th March 2013 , Delhi .
- Participated in national seminar on “Aging workforce is a resource. We can no longer afford to waste ”organized by Department of psychology ,Delhi University,1st -2nd March 2013
- Participated in national conference on “career development” organized by ICDA, 26-27May, 2012 at University of Delhi.
- Participated in “orientation programme for academic counselors, 24thapril 2011 organized by IGNOU in Delhi.
- Participated in International conference on “psychology in contemporary context” organized by ICDA,21-22 May,2011 at conference centre ,University of Delhi.
- Participated in national symposium on “culture and cognition ”organized by Department of psychology ,Delhi University,23-25 january,2010.
- Participated and completed 5 days FDP on Structural equation modeling from june 19-23 june 2023 organised by Global institute of Business studies,Bangaluru.India
- Chaired a scientific session in two day National Conference on”Reconnaissance of Resilience,Re-Emergence,Strengthening ,Re-Building of the Nation” organized by University of Delhi ,sponsored by ICSSR on 19th-20 Jan 2023.
- Successfully participated and completed UNESCO,s Self Directed Emotional Learning for Empathy and Kindness in 2023.
- Invited as a speaker,Resource person,Session chairin more then 50 National and International events byprestigious institues like University of Delhi,Jammu University,Amity University,Central University of Nagaland e.t.c.Some of these includes-
- Invited as source person at an International Scientific Conference on Ergonomics and Muscular Pain organized by Recoup Health,PREMUS, and WDMI at St. John's Medical College and University in Bengaluru. Conducted a workshop on Resilience among administrators on 23rd September 2023.
- Invited as a speaker by Psychotech,New Delhi in a Live webinar on "Preparation for UGC-NET in Psychology"on 9th January 2024.Invited as a resource person by KHULKE.COM for a live webinar on "Stress management and resilience"on 30th December 2023.
- Invited by National news channel "Hindi Khabar"as an expert Psychologist to express my views on parliament security breach on live event on 16th December 2023.
- Invited by the National News channel"News Nation" to speak on suicide of Mahant Narendra Giri on 22nd sept,2022.
- Invited by the National News channel"News Nation" to speak on "Mental health during covid in a live show on 21 April ,2021.
- Invited on National TV channel Sahara samay in a live panel discussion on Suicide Prevention of students on 29th August 2023.
- Invited on Doordarshan National to share my views on the effectiveness of Training for the Gazatted officers on March 19,2019.
- Invited as a recourse person in FDP on 9th September 2023 jointly organized by University of Delhi and Central University of Nagaland on “Environmental pollution and Psychological Repercussions”.
- Invited to co-Chair a scientific session In the 5th National conference on “Mental Health and wellbeing” organized by Psychological forum Chhattisgarh and IQAC,SGS Govt. Arts and Commerce Girls college ,Chhattisgarh ,India on 7,8 July 2023.
- Invited as a resource person on 29th March 2023 in C-20/G 20,Govt of India supported panel discussion of “social resilience” conducted by CDF in collaboration with Jain University, Bengaluru.
- Invited in ICIAHP 22,(from 22nd dec to 24th Dec) International conference on mental health organised by Gautam Buddha University,Greater Noida as a resource person to chair a scientific Session.
- Invited as a resource person to deliver webinar on “Maintaining mental health during a pandemic”in 15 Days Online Refresher Course on "Emerging Trends & Challenges in Interdisciplinary Research & Teaching in Science, Technology and Intellectual Property Rights" held from 16th-30th June 2021 organised by Forensic science Laboratory ,Govt of NCT of Delhi and Amity staff college.
- Invited seminar on “Mental health of women"organized by District administration, Noida and National commission of women and state women commission, UP ON 31st July Saturday.
- Invited as a "Special Guest of honour" and a "Co-chair"in the National Conferance on "Psycho-social wellbeing in schools" organized by Moolchand Medicity and Expressions India in India Islamic center, Lodhi Road,New Delhi on 26,27th February 2018.
- Invited by NCPCR, Govt of India in one-day consultation on Child mental health in NEP at RMP, Mumbai on 11th December 2023.
- Invited to chair a scientific session in 8th International conference of the Indian academy of Health psychology organised in Goa from 30th Nov to 2nd December 2023.
- Chaired a scientific session in 7th International conference of CIMT,Mumbai on 20th January ,2024.
- Delivered a Webinar on 16th March 2024 on “Psychological Preparedness for CUET”on behalf of CISR,New Delhi.