1-Day Industrial Visit to Solar Power Development Corporation Limited
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering had arranged Industrial Visit to Karnataka Solar Power Development Corporation Limited, Thirumani, Pavagada Taluk, Tumkur District on 23-03-2022. This event was specially arranged on the eve of 75 years Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
The Solar Park (KSPDCL) was formed between Solar energy Corporation India (SECI), GoI and Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL), GoK in 2015. The Pilot project was commissioned in 2019 with the total investment cost of infrastructure and Power Grid is 14,425 Crores and has entire capacity of 2050MW in 13,000 acers of land. The installation of Solar panels by 11Solar power Developers is Rs. 12,000 Crores. This is the considered as World’s Largest Solar Park. The industrial visit benefited by providing a practical acumen for 80 participating students of EEE, Mechanical, ECE & Civil Engineering in the area of Renewables, Power systems, Structures and Communication. The faculty coordinators were Prof. Swetha Shekarappa G, Dr. Rahul Ribeiro, Prof. Asha Rani, Prof. Anil Kumar N.