Alliance Ascent College of Alliance University Hosts “Literary Mania” - A Two-day Literary Extravaganza
21 September, 2022

“Literary Mania”, a two-day Literary extravaganza was organized by Alliance Ascent College of Alliance University on 20th & 21st September 2022. The event was planned with the purpose of irrigating the literary minds of the students, and the event in turn, witnessed the students at their creative best. They participated in the activities of the day with great enthusiasm, and this let them pen their thoughts on paper in Creative Writing, for the budding poets to write theme-based verse in Slam Poetry, reflecting on their presence of mind & agility in Just a Minute & observing their argumentative skills in Debate.
Students also got the opportunity to showcase their acting skills, while working in teams, in Literary Dumb Charades. The Spell Bee activity enabled the students to present their precision in spelling out words. The events goaded their young minds to bring out their very best.
The second day of the Literary Mania also saw students participating in a Creative Writing workshop conducted by Capt. Sajita Nair (Retd.), a renowned novelist, motivational speaker, and an ex-Army Officer. This was followed by the Prize Distribution ceremony for winners. The entire event was planned to let the students satiate their literary appetite.
Students got the chance to explore their literary selves, delve into their creativity and work in teams. Literary Mania was a fruitful endeavour to bring literature to life via the different activities conducted.