Alliance University Organises Guest Lecture on Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking for Students of CS and IT
26 December, 2022

The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology of Alliance College of Engineering & Design, Alliance University organized a Guest Lecture on ‘Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking’ which was very useful to the participating students as they learn about cyber security as a specialization. The sessions were conducted by Mr. Sreenath Gopinath, Associate Member, National Cyber Safety Security standards, New Delhi, and Director & CMO at Techbyheart India Pvt. Ltd., Kochi, and Mr. Dhanoop R, Associate Member at National Cyber Safety Security standards, New Delhi and Cyber Security Analyst at Techbyheart India Pvt. Ltd., Kochi.
Basically, the technique of protecting networks, computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, and data from hostile intrusions is known as cyber security. It is often referred to as electronic information security or information technology security. To uncover potential data breaches and network risks, ethical hacking is a legitimate method that involves finding flaws in an application, system, or organization's infrastructure and getting beyond system security. To find vulnerabilities that malevolent hackers can exploit or eliminate, ethical hackers search the system or network. They can enhance security to better withstand attacks or deflect them.
The guest lecture started with a welcome address for the speakers, the audience, members from Alliance College of Engineering & Design, and students from the Computer Science (CSE) and Information Technology (IT) streams. The session had attendance of members from Alliance College of Engineering & Design such as: Dr. Reeba Korah, Dean; Dr. Abraham George, Head of Dept. of CSE & IT; Dr. Shekhar R, Deputy Head of Dept. of CSE & IT, Dr. Senbagavalli M, Associate Professor, IT; and many others.
The guest speaker Mr. Sreenath Gopinath started the session with an Introduction to Cyber Security and spoke on real-time scenario of hacking process. Further, Mr. Dhanoop R. spoke about cyber security and ethical hacking. He demonstrated ethical hacking on social media platforms and personal emails to the students. He also gave a demo on how to make spam calls and how to track the password of the mobile and mail. The guest speaker interacted with the students and parallelly insisted that students do it themselves. Students attempted to determine the strength of their mobile phone, which means they attempted to learn about their password should it be hacked in the future, and the guest speaker advised the students to change their password based on their status. Apart from password checking, he provided many security tips, as well as some ethical hacking advice.
The sessions wrapped up with a feedback form being shared with the students regarding the guest lecture. 140 participants including students and faculty members from CSE and IT attended the lecture. The guest lecture ended with a Q&A session, with real-time insights and practices being shared by the speakers.
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