
The world is at the cusp of a technological turnaround, and it is imperative that it must be addressed and talked about. It is a topic that not just individuals or companies but also the governments of countries are talking about. Block chain Technology, hailed as the greatest innovation second only to the internet has the latency to change the world as we know it. Alliance University, respecting the importance of the same, organized a panel discussion on ‘Harnessing the Power of Block chain’ on February 9, 2019.
The panel consisted of the bigwigs and the luminaries of the industry hailing from different areas of the industry and possessing different strengths. This allowed the group to take on the topic from various perspectives, thereby enriching the experience and giving it rather a layered outlook. The panellists were Mr. Apoorv Srivastava, Director Global Services CIO, British Telecom; Mr. Sharat Chandra, Member of Block Chain Council; Kapil Jain, Senior Delivery Manager, ZorangInc; Surya Saha, Senior Consultant, Aon Plc; Ajit Kallahally, Associate Manager-Insurance Research, Accenture; Rajarshi Mitra, Block Chain Researcher, Blockgeeks.
The panel discussion was not just engaging and interactive for both the students and teachers but was also enticing, enriching and enlightening. The audience gathered perspectives and valuable insights from the industry speakers as well as from the eminent academicians of the university. Apart from the academic point of view, the students of Alliance received first-hand the opportunity to understand the newest technologies and developments happening in and around the world of business.
The panellists and moderator’s insight into the Block Chain Technology and how it can impact the lives of millions of people proved to be an eye-opener for many of the students, as it changed their very perception of what technology can do. As Marcel Proust has famously said, “The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes”. Clearly, just like the lamp that was lit at the beginning of the function, the discussion dispelled away the students ignorance around the topic and ushered in enlightenment on today’s generation.