Alliance University celebrates Hindi Diwas: “Sanskrit se Sanskriti Humari, Hindi se Hindustan Humara”
24 September, 2022

The School of Liberal Arts of Alliance University, in association with the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), organized ‘Hindi Diwas Celebrations’ in the campus September 24, 2022 to raise awareness about the language and commemorate the day when it was adopted as one of the official languages of India. The objective behind celebrating Hindi Diwas is to propagate and spread the language as Hindi unifies this multi-cultured country to a large extent.
On this occasion, the National Service Scheme (NSS) Cell organized a Hindi poetry-reading, singing and drama competition for students and staff of Alliance University. The formal event was inaugurated by senior members from Alliance University in the presence of Shri. Sunil Kumar Singh, South Zonal Head of ICCR. As part of the celebrations, a Kavi Sammelan was hosted with renowned poets from different parts of Bangalore, such as Dr. Koyal Vishwas, Dr. Savita Mishra, Shri. Rahi Raj, Sushri. Preeti Rahi. Additionally, students put together a dance and a play under the guidance of Dr. Anupama Tiwari, Assistant Professor of Department of Language & Literature.
This was an excellent opportunity for the students to meet with and listen to renowned Hindi poets from Bangalore and celebrate the rich cultural history of the language and its literature. This day holds special significance as it marks the adaptation of Hindi as an official language by the Constituent Assembly in 1949. The date was chosen by Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India.
This event brought literary enthusiasts, students and staff together to celebrate the occasion and this resulted in an evening of singing, poetry reading and a whole lot of fun that highlighted just how transcendental the language of Hindi can be.