Alliance University becomes an Academic Affiliate of The Institute of Engineering and Technology, UK [IET]
03 August, 2018

Alliance University on August 3, 2018 became an Academic Affiliate of The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK.
The event was organized at Alliance University Campus and had Mr. Shekar Sanyal, Director and Country Head along with Mr. Raghavan, Head Membership and Partnership hand over the certificate of academic affiliate to Dr. Anubha Singh, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Alliance University and the Registrar, Mr. Madhu Sudan Mishra.
Dr. Anubha shared insights on Industrial Revolution and the Kondratiev waves of innovation powered by engineering. Giving a short history of engineering education that started in Germany in the mining industry, with the creation a school of mining and metallurgy in Freiberg to the IITs in India, Dr. Anubha shared the Vision of Alliance College of Engineering & Design (ACED) to enhance student learning outcomes by engaging with accrediting bodies and collaborating with the industry so that the curricula reflects current technologies that inspire, excite, support and innovation.
Dr. Anubha envisages the collaboration with IET would lead Alliance University to:
- Make student education in the engineering discipline more robust
- Benchmark engineering education through accreditation from a globally recognized body like IET
- Collaborate extensively with the industry at the global level to make the world a better place to be in
The Associate Dean of Alliance College of Engineering and Design, Dr. Reeba Korah share her insights on how this partnership would prove to be a milestone for the University, particularly to ACED; and add value to students from various engineering streams.
Mr. Shekar Sanyal, Director and Country Head of IET stated that engineering has given us the world we live in and we believe that an engagement with a body like IET, Alliance University through its excellence in Engineering would add more value, creativity and impact to engineering education and delivery.
Alliance University is a Private University established in Karnataka State by Act No.34 of year 2010 and is UGC Approved. Alliance College of Engineering and Design offers degree courses aimed at building skill, expertise and knowledge among its graduates in the areas of technology and design. The College is committed to achieving excellence in technology development and its courses, under the various fields of engineering and technology aimed at achieving in its graduates competent and motivated engineers and designers.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology is one of the world’s largest engineering institutions with Over 167,000 members in 150 countries. It is also the most multidisciplinary – to reflect the increasingly diverse nature of engineering in the 21st century.
The IET is working to engineer a better world by inspiring, informing and influencing our members, engineers and technicians, and all those who are touched by, or touch, the work of engineers.