From Trademarks to G.I. Law: ACIPR and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Conduct Workshop at Alliance University
17 March, 2023

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks in Collaboration with Alliance Center for Intellectual Property Rights (ACIPR), Alliance University, Bengaluru, conducted a workshop on IP Awareness. The event was attended by students, faculty members and professionals. The workshop aimed to create awareness and educate the attendees about the fundamentals of intellectual property rights (IPR) and its significance in the current scenario. The speakers for the event were Mr. Pradeep Parihar, Examiner of Trademarks, Copyright and G.I. and Ms. Anumita Verma, Examiner of Trademarks and G.I., who delivered informative talks on different aspects of IPR.
The event started with a welcome address by Dr. V. Shyam Kishore, Professor & Associate Dean – Academics and Research, Alliance School of Law, Alliance University, who emphasized the importance of IP Rights and the need to create awareness among students and professionals. He also spoke about the initiatives taken by ACIPR and other research centers of Alliance University in this regard. Mr. Pradeep Parihar then took over and started his session by discussing the fundamentals of intellectual property rights. He explained how IPR protects the innovations and creative works of an individual or an organization. He then spoke about trademark law, the grounds of refusal of trademarks, filing of trademark application and its examination process. Mr. Parihar also deliberated on the Geographical Indication (GI) Law and Copyright law and their intricacies.
The second part of the session was taken up by Ms. Anumita Verma, who discussed the laws relating to Patents, Industrial Designs, and Semiconductor Integrated Layout Designs. She explained the significance of these laws and how they protect the unique creations of an individual or an organization. Ms. Verma also spoke about the various career opportunities in the field of IP, which includes patent attorney, IP consultant, and in-house IP counsel. The last segment of the session witnessed many interesting questions from the students, which were very patiently answered by the speakers. Students were curious to know about the practical aspects of IPR and the challenges faced by the IP professionals. The speakers gave insightful answers to these questions and also shared their experiences.
The workshop on IP Awareness was a great learning opportunity for the attendees, who gained a better understanding of the different aspects of IPR. The speakers' informative talks were very engaging, and the audience was very receptive to the information shared. The workshop on IP Awareness organized by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks in Collaboration with Alliance Center for Intellectual Property Rights (ACIPR), Alliance University, Bengaluru, was a successful event.
The attendees gained valuable insights on the different aspects of IPR, and the event was a step towards creating awareness about the significance of IP rights in the current scenario. The vote of thanks by Dr. Upankar Chutia, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of ACIPR, brought the event to a close. The participants expressed their gratitude to the organizers and the speakers for conducting such an informative and engaging workshop.