
Dr. D Ganesan
Associate Professor
Alliance School of Business
Dr.D.Ganesan is a highly organized, ambitious, seasoned Professor in Management with 18+ years of experience in industry and academia. Teaches Marketing Management, consumer behavior, CRM, strategic management, Digital Marketing, Brand Management and Business communication who is a staunch believer of learner centric pedagogy. His major research interests include consumer Psychology, advertising management and mindful marketing. He holds a Doctorate of Philosophy from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in the area of advertising with reference to message persuasion towards buying intention (2017) and M.Phil. from Periyar Univesrity in (2008).
After his MBA from Anna University, Chennai in 2004, he has worked in the BFSI vertical for about half a decade in Bajaj Allianz and Max New York life in sales, training, and customer service. As an enthusiastic researcher, has published 25 + research articles (Scopus Indexed journals: 6 Web of Science: 6 UGC care: 5 Peer- Reviewed: 9) in National and International journals of repute and Article reviewer for Asian Business & Management journal (Indexed in Scopus), Information Resources Management Journal (Indexed in Scopus, WOS, ABDC C category) and SDM IMD Journal of Management (Indexed in EBSCO, J-Gate).
- Ganesan D, Latha Karthigaa, Haridharani S, & Naga Kowsika M. (2022). Impact analysis of AI in recruitment process and talent identification in Nouvelle organizations. NeuroQuantology Journal (A Scopus Indexed journal), 20(13), 1303- 5150.
- Ganesan D, Riyaz Ahmed K (2022). An innovative motivational system to enhance the socioeconomic development of an employee in an organization. ICTACT Journal on management studies (UGC care journal), 8(2), PP.1566-1571, 2395-1664.
- Ganesan D, Shadangar Gouse Peer, Prithiviraj M, & Praveen Kumar P. (2022). Perception of customers towards service quality effectiveness of a co-operative bank – an empirical study. International Journal of early childhood special education (A Web of Science Indexed journal), 14(3), 1308- 5581.
- Ganesan D, Balapoojitha S, & Sathish Gokul G. (2020). A study on customer proclivity towards store brands during COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Critical Reviews (A Scopus indexed journal), 7(14). PP.3107- 3116, 2394 -5125.
- Ganesan D, Rameshkumaar V P, & Shobika C. (2020). The role of CSR accomplishments in India towards rural empowerment. Sambodhi journal (UGC care journal), 43(3). PP. 480-486, 2249- 6661.
- Ganesan D, Umaya Salma, & Kiruthika R. (2019). Effectiveness of Surrogate Advertisements among Viewers. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (A Scopus indexed journal
- Vidya V, & Ganesan D. (2019). Customer perception about private label brands in Salem. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (A Scopus indexed journal), 8(4) S2, PP.963-967, 2277–3878.), 9(2). PP.4739- 4746, 2278–3075.
- Ganesan D, Rameshkumaar V P, & Jothi Francina V. (2019). Effectiveness of corporate responsibility advertising messages of automobile companies among audience perception. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (A Scopus indexed journal), 10(2). PP.934-941, 0976-6359.
Case study Publication
- Ganesan D, & Hariram V R S. (2021). The case of WeWork – Rise & Fall. International journal of multi-disciplinary educational research, (UGC care journal) 10, 5(3). PP.127 -132, 2277-7881.
Patent Publication
- Published a process patent titled Analysis of human resource outsourcing and performance for selected food and beverage industries in July 2023
Book Chapters
- Ganesan D. & Jaiganesh G, S. (2023). YouTube's Impact on Gadget Buying Behaviors of Generation Z. in An overview on Business, Management and Economics Research , BP International (pp. 65-81). ISBN – 978-81-967488-5-2
- Ganesan D, Saravanaraj M G.(2012). Viewer’s Opinion on Celebrity endorsed Television commercials. ‘Business Horizon’. (ISBN no: 978-81-910426-3-4).
Awards won and Accomplishments
- Best paper award for paper titled “Start-up ecosystem in India” in National level conference organized by SNMV Institute of Management Coimbatore, 2018
- Best reader award by Sona central library in 2023
- Certified Lean Six Sigma White belt acquired in Sep 2021 from Zenvarex Business Consulting Philippines
- Member - Harvard Business Review - Advisory Council Since April 2021
- Life Member – ISTE (Indian Society of Technical Education)
- Recognized as top performing mentor by NPTEL for online course product and brand management in 2023
Industry Interface
- Mentored a team of MBA students to create their startup company – Sasha Infinity in 2023
- Marketing and Sales promotion, customer handling consultancy services to Valli & co since October 2020(revenue generated Rs.2 lakh)
- Co-Invesitgator for funded project (Rs.1.8 lakh) - Agency: SAIL. Project entitled Retail Sales Associate / Marketing / Training rural women during July –Dec 2023
- Resource person for Entrepreneurship Awareness programmes organized by Salem Productivity Council ( SPC) Salem since 2015 and imparted training programs for a diverse audience like UG, PG students, Entrepreneurs, and employees in themes like Personal grooming, Team Building, Brand Management, identification of business opportunities, and sales promotion strategies
- Organizing Business Quiz sessions for students and mentoring them to enhance their competencies to participate and win in intercollegiate management events.
Conferences organized and coordinated
- Co- coordinator for Sona Business case conferences in 2017,2019
- Committee member for ROTEC - ISTE programme in 2015
- Co-ordinated Dhriti -22 - An –Intercollegiate Management event
- Organized AFZET 21 - An –Intercollegiate Management event
- Organized Sona Bazaar 22 – A retail exhibit of stalls by MBA students
Conference Papers
- Ganesan D, & Vidhya G. (2020). The Inevitable of role of IoT in business transactions during pandemic. Conference proceedings on International Conference on Advances in IoT, high performance and edge computing. PP.46 - 48 (ISBN: 978-81-937760-7-0).
Conference presentations
- Presented papers in 22+ International, 24+ National conferences which had a significant impact on the spheres of business.