
Dr. Vipin Prasad
Professor & HOD
Department of Sciences
Dr. Vipin Prasad possesses a Master’s Degree in Physics from Cochin University of Science and Technology with a specialization in Solid State Physics, with optional subjects Solid State Electronics, Thin Film Physics and Laser Physics.
As a UGC scholar, Dr. Vipin Prasad joined the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and obtained his doctoral degree in Spectroscopy (Laser Thermal Lensing).
He joined the Indian Ordnance Factories Services in the year 1991 and worked in various manufacturing units as a senior level technocrat. He was associated with the design, manufacture and production planning of various Armored Fighting Vehicles and its variants. He was also associated with the development and manufacture of various opto-electronic and night vision devices.
Dr. Vipin Prasad, after serving the Ministry of Defence, Government of India for 26 years reverted to academia and joined Alliance University as a Professor in the Basic Sciences Department. He believes that today’s Science is tomorrow’s Technology.
Research Paper Publications:
- Overtone Spectroscopy of Benzene and Derivatives using Thermal Lensing, J. Vipin Prasad, S. B. Rai and S. N. Thakur, Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory, Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India; Chemical Physical Letters Volume 164, Number 6, 29 December 1989 (pages 629-634)
- Overtone Spectroscopy of methyl, ethyl alcohols and cyanides; Vipin Prasad J and S. B. Rai; Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory, Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India; Indian Journal of Physics 69B (5), 471-476(1995)
- Fluorescence Spectra of some triply ionized Rare Earths in Calibo and Silicate Glasses Brajesh Sharma, J.Vipin Prasad, S. B. Rai and D. K. Rai, Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory, Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India; Solid State Communications Vol 93, No. 7 pp 623 628 1995
- Overtone spectroscopy of aniline and haloanilines, Vipin Prasad J., I.B.Singh, S.B.Rai and S.N.Thakur Ind. J. Phys. 69B, 315 (1995)